
Why do we need any reforms ? Our country has done well under the capable leadership and wisdom of Dr Mahathir. Are we giving in to the pressures of the United States Government who wants him out of office ? If we are, then we might as well let the United States rule us. We should think why the United States are so against Dr Mahathir and want him out and encouraging the reform movement. They have their own agenda.

Dr Mahathir is the only leader who dares to speak out against their injustice and the currency speculation. It is very risky to do that especially so to such a powerful country but he has no fear or favour but speaks the truth about it and I guess he is being punished for that now. I do say that everything Dr Mahathir does or say is right. He has his flaws and mistakes too but he is only human like us. But on the whole, he has done a good job and has won my admiration for his braveness to stand up against the super powers even though it might not be the wisest thing to do sometimes as they can use their powers to crush our tiny and powerless country. However, I think this is much better than those leaders who are afraid and dare not speak up. Instead they just follow what others tell them...just "tunduk" to the super powers. Being a small country does not give us less right not to speak up. Look back over the years and you can see how our country has progressed under his leadership. He has the wisdom and vision to see us through towards a developed country. He has brought the Malay's standard of living and income from low-income to middle and high income. There are so many things that he has done for the Malays especially. You might not see it but the other races do see it. However, they accept it as long as there is harmony and peace and also that they are not being deprived of everything. The Malays especially should consider themselves lucky to have such a leader and not forget what he has done for your race and community.

Look at the sufferings of the Indonesian people now. See what has become of their country with the demonstrations and riots. Has anything improved in the country? In fact, it has become worst. Do you want to see our country collapse like Indonesia ? Do you want to see bloodshed ? Isn't peace and harmony more valuable than freedom of speech ? To those reformists, consider this...should one of your loved ones be killed in a riot, do you think it is worth it ?

Use our heads/brains and not our emotions and brawns !!

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