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State Reform Party SarawakYB Dr. Patau Rubis

STAR logo Our Platform


STAR's Mission
Our Founding Principles
Our Beliefs

Who we are and what we believe in is perhaps best encapsulated in our manifesto, The Way to a Better Future for All. First written in 1996, and periodically updated to reflect the current situation of the nation, "The Way..." stands for our philosophy and our vision. A summary of our mission, why we were founded and what we believe in are found below.

The Way to a Better Future for All

or download

The Way to a Better Future for All in Microsoft Word 6.0 format

STAR's Mission

To provide an opportunity for all Malaysians to work together without fear or favour for a better state by having an honest, transparent and forward-looking Government dedicated to the people and building, in partnership, the Malaysia envisioned in
Vision 2020.

Founding Principles

STAR was founded to:

1. provide a multiracial party where dialogue and participation is encouraged and not limited to the personal motivations of the officers at the top. To this effect, party officials cannot sack or suspend party members.

2. provide a unified platform that takes into consideration the needs of all its members. STAR is based on policies to which there is common consensus; not on politicians. With this in mind, and to lessen cronyism and corruption, STAR automatically limits the
term of the Party President to two terms. In addition, all party officials are directly elected by the party members.

3. provide an avenue for effective governance for all.

4. eliminate poverty through better educational opportunities for all and equitable and sustainable land development.

STAR Beliefs

Recognizing the need to build up Malaysia in accordance to the tenets of Rukunnegara,our political struggle must be based on four principles:

I. To ensure that the good things we have today are maintained and sustained;

2. To ensure that the good things we don’t have today are developed and achieved;

3. To ensure that the self-esteem of all individuals is fully developed so that they can function to the best of their abilities for the State and Nation; and

4. To ensure that the good name of the community, the State and Nation is fully cultivated and maintained.

STARnet is the official website of the State Reform Party Sarawak (STAR)
For more information, email: starsarawak@iname.com
© 1998 State Reform Party Sarawak. All rights reserved.