American History X-posed

Press release by Class War Crew

Some people will try to tell you that all skinheads are
nazis... Others will tell you that not ALL skinheads
are racists. Who to believe? The truth is, neither
positions are correct. Saying that not all skinheads
are racist is like saying not all vegetarians eat meat!
In fact, there's no such thing as a "racist skinhead",
and we refer to them as "Boneheads". If your interested
in more information about the origins and multi-racial
history of skinheads, you should check out any of the
number of websites which explain this very well.

Many people, especially liberals, would be content to
label boneheads as irrelevant rednecks, but they musn't
be written off so easily; Hitler and his crew were
merely beer hall brawlers and thugs in their infancy
and the German people and the left wrote them off...

Until they took the streets. Until they took half of
Europe... And until they took millions of innocent lives.
In fact, a well researched study of fascism will reveal an
interesting fact: Anytime fascist have ever come to power
of any sort, they first sprang up and organized within
working and poor street culture and sports (soccer, etc.)

In the late 80's, the media, and people like Geraldo
offered coverage without question to boneheads (whose
numbers were small, at best in america). Their numbers
skyrocketed, and they were poised to become the dominant
white youth subculture in the United States. Don't
remember it that way? Take a look at some older
newspaper articles and television programs, or ask
conservative "anti-nazi" groups like the ADL how the
numbers of neo-nazi boneheads jumped because of the

That didn't happen because of a bloody, not so protracted
streetwar between bobneheads and anti-racist skinheads.
Many of us were locked up, maimed, and some even killed in
the fight to keep fascists from ruling the streets, and
quite a few still sit in prisons across the country.

Now, in 1998 comes a new "critically acclaimed" movie -
American History X. Movies like this, no matter how
good the intentions of their liberal creators, don't
discourage the growth of fascism. In fact, just the
opposite is true.

To marginalized kids who know they live in a sick society
that needs drastic cures, boneheads look militant and
revolutionary, because they address peoples material
situations with easy answers, while mainstream politicians
"address" themselves down interns throats, and the radical
left squeals on campus about things like "Dialectical
Materialism"... Giving exposure without debate to fascists
does nothing but increase their numbers, strength, and make
their claim to skinhead (which they have no right to) more

Nazi boneheads cannot be allowed to grow, because fascism
by defininition is ideas INEXTRICABLY mixed with action...

The United States is going to see an extreme fallout in the
wake of American History X. You will see the numbers of
fascist psuedo "skins" grow to never before seen heights,
with a renewed sense of boldness on the streets. The first
people who will have to deal with this threat will be
anti-racist skinheads. You'll see us locked up and attacked
again for defending ourselves and our communities against
fascism. If our frontline is broken, then you will see
attacks against hippies, punks, and young leftists. You
will see assaults against gays and lesbians in numbers you
cannot even comprehend now. Then, they'll go after people
of color, Jews, and white "Race Traitors" (any white people
who don't think the way that they do).

Anyone who knows the truth about real skinhead culture, and
does nothing to counter the immediate and long term effects of
this movie will be complicit in re-opening the floodgates of
racial violence and hate.

Remember: Fascism doesn't start with concentration camps...
Thats where it ends!