If you are interested in downloading the pictures, click the image above. The file size is right around 4MB, so give it some time. I'd say it's worth the wait, but that's just me. You may be less enthralled by this stuff than I am. When you click on the image, a box will pop up. You've seen these before. Save to disk or run from current location. To view the images once you've downloaded them, it's a simple matter of open the graphs.exe file and installing it just like you've done a million other programs. While you're waiting for it to download, you can get giddy thinking about all the complex mathematical formulas that will make the complex graphs composing the various images you will see. Or not. It's just a picture. But crunching numbers is what made those pictures. Ok. Enough. You could have had it downloaded by now if you hadn't been reading all of this.