current status as of 14 June 2001

In December 2000, the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC) began to consider over 20 pages of proposed amendments to the zoning code (Title 42 of Tulsa Revised Ordinances). Nearly every chapter of the code would be modified. The Midtown Coalition has been following this issue, and a summary of the proposed amendments was prepared.

Since the summary was prepared, the TMAPC voted to recommend the changes to the City Council, with the exception of  four controversial changes, which were sent back to the TMAPC Rules and Regulations Committee were withdrawn.  The four withdrawn changes were to section 401 and 404J (dealing with off-street parking in single-family residential areas), 1217 (dealing with automotive businesses near residential areas), and 1504 (granting the Director of Public Works discretion to grant “minor” variances from the zoning standards). These changes are shown in the table in italics.

The remaining amendments are now being considered by the City Council.

prepared by Michael D. Bates
23 January 2001

The set of proposed amendments coming before the TMAPC on February 7 fall into two categories: housekeeping amendments and substantive amendments. The substantive amendments mainly address off-street parking and residential standards, along with a number of miscellaneous changes. Perhaps the most significant proposed change is new section 1504, which would allow the City’s Director of Public Works to make “modifications” to zoning code and PUD standards within certain parameters. I have marked the amendments that seem to me most deserving of careful scrutiny.




Permits off-street parking as a principal use by special exception in RS-3, RS-4, RD, RT, and RM.  Currently only permitted in RM.

404 J


Restricts off-street parking in RS-3 and RS-4 to lots adjacent to O, C, I, or SR; all of the parking use must lie within 120’ of O, C, I, or SR.

1301 A


Allows dual use of space as off-street parking and off-street loading; prohibits off-street parking within existing or planned street ROW; allows off-street parking access from public alleys.

1301 C


Prohibits two or more unconnected front-yard parking areas in RS and RE

1301 D, 1608


Allows required off-street parking for a use to be on a different lot, by special exception.

1303 A 3


Allows wheel-stop overhang to count toward parking stall length standard; reduces aisle width minimum for wider stalls, and for two-way aisles in parallel parking.

1303 C


Requires shielding of off-street parking lighting away from R district.

1303 D


Limits percentage of required front yard that can be paved in RE and RS.



Allows 10% reduction of shared parking for larger commercial developments (> 400,000 sq ft by right, > 100,000 sq ft by special exception)


210 B 3


Removes 4’ restriction on front yard fence height for townhouse and multifamily developments with more than 15 units.

210 B 5


Allows detached accessory buildings to cover a bigger percentage of the required rear yard in RS-2,3,4 and RD. Permits rebuilding and expanding non-conforming detached accessory buildings.

210 B 6,8


Prohibits swimming pools, tennis courts, fallout shelters, clotheslines, barbecue pits, and playground equipment in required front yards.



Removes screening and setback requirements for uses abutting an R district which has a non-residential use as a freeway, or because of a PUD or BoA ruling.

402 B 1 b


Reduces the maximum accessory building size, for principal buildings smaller than 1250 sq. ft., in RS-2, RS-3, RS-4 from 750 to 500 sq. ft.

1207 C 1 c, 1207a C 1 c


Removes 20’x20’ core area requirement for duplex and townhouse dwellings.



Redefines “livability space” to include rear-yard driveways




Allows uses 12, 13, 14, and 18 – eating establishments, convenience, shopping, and drive-ins in I districts by right – currently only permitted by special exception.



Automotive and allied activities: Removes prohibition against open air storage and display of merchandise in CS within 300’ of an adjoining R district



New section granting Director of Public Works discretion to make certain “modifications” to zoning and PUD standards


The housekeeping amendments move rules to more obvious locations in the code, clarify language, eliminate redundant language, and make corrections to language rendered inconsistent by changes to other parts of the code.



Places existing restrictions on home occupations in AG where they may be found more readily.

304 C


Fixes references to other sections

402 B 1


Clarifies meaning of “detached” with respect to accessory buildings, replaces redundant language with a reference to another section.

403 A


Changes bulk and area requirements for single family homes in RM, RD, and RT to match RS-4, rather than RS-3.

601, 604


Moves existing rule allowing barber and beauty shops in O to the use unit table, where it may be found more readily.



Changes references to “City Commission” to “City Council”.

1104 E


Changes PUD open space requirements to landscaped area requirements



Adds reference to existing restrictions on mini-storage uses in RM districts.

1301 B


Removes RM parking restriction superseded by landscape standards.

1301 F, G


Clarification regarding parking dimensions and parking access for single family and duplex homes.



Removes expired off-street parking design standards.



Clarification of language regarding construction on non-conforming lots






Defines “parking area” and clarifies that a parking area is included in the definition of “structure”

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