Welcome to the Mighty Lion Lair!!

Welcome to the Mighty Lion web page! Be on the watch for the Celebrity Chapter. Come out and support the chapter at Lincoln University. For contact, please email us!

The Brothers of Groove Phi

Out of the struggle of our people's plight,
arose a nation of black and white.
Who's purpose was forged in truth not a lie,
and thus established the bond of Groove Phi.
Guided by our faith that has taught us so;
believing in our people and our torch's glow.
God Rules Over Our Victorious Existence by day and by night,
holding our nation together with chains of divine might.
Defenders of our heritage, we hold it dear;
armed with the righteousness of the sword and spear.
For the conscientious Black man is to whom we look,
to place his name in our black and white book.
And for the fallen Brother libation we shall pour,
keeping alive his memory which shall live for evermore.
For we are a strong nation that's rooted in the right,
we are the proud men who adorn the black and white.
And when you see us marching stop to take a sigh
for here comes the distinguished gentlemen;
the Brothers of Groove Phi.

By: Fl. Seymour Chambers, gka Good Rev. Dr.