Some of you know me by several names. Jammy, Jo , Cally and my real name Jo Ann. No matter what name you choose to call me by the one thing about those who know me is that I stand for the rights of CHILDREN !!
Having had a child who was sexually abused I know first hand the long term devastating impact this can have on a child. For those who have no experience with this type of thing don't even try to tell me "Just get over it". It's not that simple and you NEVER "Just get over it" You may think this could never happen to you or your child . Well I'm here to tell you it can and does within your own family so open your eyes and ears.
My daugher was molested by a family member one who I would of never thought would do such a thing. One I loved like a child of my own. My husbands 16 year old nephew was the offender. He was like a brother to my daughter. It's been 11 years now since that terrible night and it still rears it's ugly head and has caused alot of irreparable damage to our family but the one it hurt most was my child.
As I've traveled the net in the past 3 years one thing that really
gets me stirred up is the
that prey on the innocent!!!
I've seen it on a million sites
All of these issues leave me with unanswered questions and feelings of confusion ,overwhelming sympathy, and fear of the dangers these abused and neglected children must face.
Below I will give you some GREAT links to some of my friends page who along with others try to fight for rights of children all over the world. It is my greatest hope that after reading this page and visiting the links I've provided, that you too will assist us in standing up for what is right and just in this society we live in today.
PLEASE Take a stand along beside us who fight for what we believe in . The right for all children to be safe and Happy and never to have to experience the heartwrenching, long lasting effects of child sexual abuse the mental abuse of being abducted by a Non-Custodial parent.
The internet should be a safe and fun for our children however there are those out that known as Pedo's who prey on our children. Jan works very hard to educate the World Wide Web about what can and DOES happen in this place we call cybersapce. Jan deserves a word of Thanks for her work leave her a note to let her know she is doing a great job!!
Jan brings us another great site. Drop by and read the ABC's of Internet Safety. I personally can't say enough about the dedication and effort Jan has put in for OUR Kids. If all people were as concerned as Jan then this page wouldn't have to be. Join us in this battle. You'll be glad you did.
Pamella has done an amazing job at Internet Safety for Kids This woman works non-stop to protect children. Her dedication and strength and determination is an inspiration to me. Stop by and perhaps send her an email and thank her for her hard work.
Super Sleuth's belongs to 2 of my friends. A Mother and Daughter team who happen to be apart of our Criminal Justice system. Between the two of these amazing women they have 20 years of service to their community through Law Enforcement. Have you ever wondered how much information you give out unknowingly? I bet your saying I haven't gave out ANY information. Guess again !!! No one is anonymous on the internet but, there are ways to protect yourself just stop by and get my Super Sleuths friends to do abit of investigating and find out.
Say NO to Kiddie Contests
The proud mother in us ALL wants to show off our little ones and enter them in contests. Thats human nature however, after working on finding Sam Fastow I discovered to my surprise that the scum of the earth Pedo's had taken little Sam's pic and manupliated it for their own pleasure. I must tell you I was abit naive until I saw this. There was no link to Sam' Page as a missing child just his picture up with other children in a collection. So the next time you think of entering your child in these web contests think again and remember what DOES happen with your childs picture.
Internet Safety Tips From The Cookie Jar
The Cookie Jar has some wonderful resources on why it's not safe to put certain info. on the Internet
Internet Safety For The Children
Granny brings us a wonderful site dedicated to what we can do as parents and grandparents to protect out children on the World Wide Web.
Shari brings us a site with information on Missing Children,Stalking information as well as Pedophilia Information.Stop by and see what you can do to help
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