Courier Interview


Dear Sir:

I am looking forward to reading your website. My name is Ian Hill and I have been getting the BSC. I am also a political reporter at the Findlay Courier. If it is possible, I would like to ask you a few questions about the BSC using a chat room or email. Wherever and whenever you are most comfortable. We are currently looking into doing a story on you and your allegations. You anonimity would be maintained. Your response in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


Ian Hill

The Courier



Thanks for your time. Here are my questions:

What prompted you and your group to start the Black Swamp Chronicles?

The Black Swamp Chronicles was started to distribute the information that the Courier has failed to deliver to the people. The truth. The cover-up.

When did you start formulating the idea for the chronicles?

The Black Swamp Chronicles began publication on January 19, 1999. The date of the idea is unimportant.

Why move from the emails to the webpage?

The webpage was set up to allow new individuals to acquire the information without having to subscribe. Additionally, the Sheriff's reports files are too large to successfully distribute via email. The website was more time effective allowing a much larger audience. The email distribution will continue. Requests to be added to the mailing lists are being processed every day.

Where do you get your information?

The information is obtained from numerous individuals in the community who search court records and various public document storage locations.

What do you hope to accomplish with the chronicles?

The goal of the Black Swamp Chronicles remains as it was originally released - to inform the citizens of Findlay, Hancock County of the corruption lurking there. The people have a right to know the truth that is being hidden from them. They have the right to demand justice and they have the right to assemble if they so choose.

Do you believe that corruption is widespread in the county? Why or why not?

The corruption in the county is widespread enough to be of concern. The reach of the individuals involved is far. We have received more information and victims' stories. The exact spance of the corruption is difficult to calculate at this time. The sharing of information is just beginning.

What causes such corruption?

That is the million dollar question. Greed, power? The pyschology reasonings are not important. The fact that it is not being stopped is important.

Why focus your attention in the county and city, when some will say the corruption is much more serious and widespread at other levels of government?

The corruption in Findlay is important. There are victims. Are the victims at a local level of less importance? NO - they deserve justice and protection, not persecution.

Is there any specific place that is more corrupt than any other, in your opinion?

The comparison of corruption locations in unimportant. The only concern is that it is in Findlay Ohio.

What do you think can be done to end the corruption?

Public awareness and public action. The victims in Hancock County need to know that they are not alone. They have others out there who have been victimized. They have allies. They can find strength in each other, in the truth.

How did you choose the addresses for the mailing list?

A Findlay database.

Why remain anonymous- how does it help information gathering?

Walking into the courthouse with a white hat on will not only get you noticed, it will close doors. Do you think the criminals housed inside won't notice?

What about the people that will say your group is cowardly- that you are remaining anonymous so you can say what you say without fear of criticism?

People are welcome to criticize. They have the name and have the location. More details about myself are unimportant.

Are you afraid of charges of libel or slander? Why or why not?

Not at all. Charges of libel or slander can be filed by anyone. However to win the case, the plaintiff must prove that the reports were false, malicious and caused financial damage. Koehler and Crates can do none of the following, that is unless they buy the judge again. In addition, if they attempt such a case the entire story will have to be heard in open court. All the details. Can they afford to have that happen? Can they handle the publicity that their dirty laundry will cause?

Why not use other forms of protest, or inform the public in other ways,instead of using a media (the internet) that some local residents cannot currently access?

The internet is free and widespread. Virtually everyone is on the web or knows someone who is on the web. The information has reached far and beyond our original mailing lists. It is being printed and distributed in many ways. The internet is cost effective and produces results.

Which came first, the organization of the group or the writing of the"chronicles"?

Not important.

Is there any relation between your group and the previous Black Swamp group that was organized in the county to fight corruption?

We share a name. We share concern. Are we one in the same? Not necessicarily

What's the signifigance of "Black Swamp?"

No significance.

What's the next step for your group? Are you going to continue to produce articles on the internet? At what frequency, monthly, weekly?

The Black Swamp Chronicles will continue. The peoples' desires will dictate the frequency

.Do you plan on moving beyond the internet, why or why not?

That will remain to be seen.

Again, thank you for your time. Your response to these questions would be greatly appreciated.

Ian Hill

The Courier

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