Virtual Truth Commission
Telling the Truth for a Better America
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Virtual Truth Commission
Reports by Date

"There is a dark -- seldom acknowledged -- thread that runs through U.S. military doctrine. Dating back to the founding of the Republic, this military tradition explicitly defended the selective use of terror, whether in suppressing Indian resistance on the frontiers in the 19th Century or in quelling rebellion against U.S. interests abroad in the 20th Century." Peter Dale Scott, "Two Indonesias, Two Americas", June 9, 1998, The Consortium for Independent Journalism.

  • 1776-1914 Civil War, Indian Wars, "Philippine Insurrection,"

  • 1914-1946 World War I and World War II,"

  • 1947-1975 Korea, Vietnam, South America

  • 1975-1989 Central America

  • 1990-1998 Post Cold War

    Virtual Truth Commission: Telling the Truth for a Better America
    Home Page | Countries | Names | Dates | Topics | Allies
    1776-1914 | 1914-1946 | 1947-1975 | 1975-1989 | 1990-1998
    Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook | Translation Service

    Titles "Virtual Truth Commission" and "Telling the Truth for a Better America" © 1998, Jackson H. Day. All Rights Reserved.
    This site is the endeavor of one person. As he finds them, links to published material on the web are provided by country, date, and name. This will start small but hopefully increase in usefulness over time. Others are encouraged to start similar web sites. Reference anything from these pages that you wish; the more sites that contain this material, the more it will enter into public consciousness and make a positive difference for change.
    Contact Jack Day, Webmaster

    Updated March 26, 1999
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