The internet is fast becomiing an indispensible tool for politicians, from a communication and information standpoint and a campaigning standpoint. Web reviews looks at the personal home pages of Tasmanian politicians and rates them on selected criteria: usefulness; content, interactivity; appearance and so on.
Web reviews distinguishes between personal homepages on government and or political party servers and homepages on commercial servers.
Homepages on Government and political party servers will not be eligible for review because they generally follow a set format and do not include personal creative input from the politician. Only hompages on commercial servers will be reviewed.
Adams, Dick The Federal Member for Lyons. The current pick of personal homepages for Tasmanian politicians (but there is not currently a lot of competition). Some useful content including the good members biography, links to parts of his electorate and government sites. The site has its own sub domain name. The site appears to have been developed 'in house' and also maintained 'in house', perhaps reflecting the value ascribed to the internet by the member. Appearance is good and there is some interactivity. Copies of newletters are available in PDF format. Star rating (out of 5): ***. Visit the site here.
Quick, Harry Federal Member for Franklin A pretty basic site developed by the Dover Telecentre. Follow Harry's 'youthful adventures' and see what his stars say about him. The site's appearance is pretty average and makes no pretence towards interactivity. The content concentrates on the Member and thare are no outside links. All in all this site is pretty much a brochure. Star rating (out of 5): *. Visit the site here.