Pacific Future
"...the age of the Pacific has arrived ... just as the centre of world power
and dynamism once moved from the Mediterranean to the North Atlantic,
it now has moved to the Pacific Ocean."
(H.Kahn, 1971)

Welcome to "Pacific Future", a website dedicated to political parties of the Centre Right. Pacific Future brings together the latest Right thinking on public policy, political party organisation and election strategies. Please read on, exchange ideas and contribute to our political mission..

This site features the pages of the Asia-Pacific Democrat Youth - an organisation that exchanges information and ideas between youth wings of centre-right political parties. Many of our members will go on to key positions of leadership in their respective countries. As the Pacific Ocean becomes the global centre of political power in the 21st century, it will be our members who shape its future.

Use the colourful Navigation Panel below to tour this website (this appears on every page).
Asia Pacific Democrat Youth
About APDY Email Us
Activist Resources Business Support
Country Profiles Policy Debates News & History
New to this Site:
An Effete Corp of Impudent Snobs
Where Foreign Aid Fails ...
How to Respond to a Politically-Correct Witch-Hunt
How to Plan and Run a Youth Parliament
Management Principles for Overseas Study Visits
The Political Dictionary for Activists ... A Must See!
Comments on this Website:

The Rt. Hon. William Hague MP 
Chairman of The International Democrat Union
Leader of the United Kingdom Conservative Party

"This initiative from the Asia Pacific Democrat Youth is excellent. 
Parties of the International Democrat Union have a lot to learn from each
other and this internet site gives greater access to information for
everyone on the right side of the political debate."

* Papers on topical policy issues and proposals.
* News stories or essays on major political events.
* Party activist handbooks and campaign materials.

Help us continually expand this Virtual Resource Centre for political activists. Our aim is to provide young conservative political leaders and activists with the best available resources on the world wide web!

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