dan walters has some amusing links.

There are lots of links related to stuff I do / like / am interested in in the 'stuff I like' section. This is therefore for 'miscellaneous' (mainly comedy) sites. Most of them, I have to admit, were introduced to me by Martin 'Prankmonkey' Davies.

Stefan, or the Shaft, is a Scouser philosopher. You may find this concept amusing. Be warned, however, for underneath his encyclopeadic knowledge of dodgy American punk bands and charming northern exterior lies a double 'ard bastard who'd as soon bust a cap in your ass as look at you.
John, or the Ponce, is a Scottish computer scientist. You may find this concept amusing. Be warned, however, for underneath his encyclopeadic knowledge of, er, Apple Macs, lies - no, this just isn't working.
The Prankmonkey's newest discovery - did you know that there are places in the UK called Crotch Crescent, Great Cockup, Minges, Pisser Clough and Spunkie? You do now, and furthermore, you can even see where they are on a little map. Hurrah!
I know it's not particularly original, but this is very, very funny. Updated every Wednesday, but check out its archives for such classics as 'Christ Converts To Islam', 'Christian Right Lobbies To Overturn Second Law Of Thermo- dynamics' and 'Starbucks To Begin Sinister 'Phase Two' Of Operation'.
Also very amusing, does for TV listings what The Onion does for the news. But is British. Updated fortnightly.
Or more specifically, its Department of Perpetual Motion. Ground-breaking new research which destroys Newtonian concepts of physics, based on the scientifically verifiable facts that (a) toast always lands butter side down, and (b) cats always land on their feet.
A whole wealth of stuff, but particularly check out the 'reinterpretations' of Madonna's 'Erotic', Simply Red's 'Money's Too Tight to Mention' and Elvis' 'Blue Suede Shoes'. You'll need a soundcard, natch.
By the people who brought you TV Go Home. Much the same, but this time the subject of its wrath is those irritating catalogues you get pushed through your door.
An underground DJ collective, which my brother-in-law-to-be is involved in. A very professional outfit, but I fear their standards are beginning to slip now that my sister officially counts as aTengo DJ.
Masturbation is a very funny topic (second only to farting) and here is a whole page about songs written by people who evidently think the same.
The perfect snack, whether it's early or late, whether you have them hot or cold, whether you opt for 'Strawberry Sensation' or whether you're more of a 'Chocotastic' man. And this website even has little computer games!