MCA Questions And Answers

Q: Why are MCA and Ling Liong Sik so subservient to UMNO?

A: Ling Liong Sik and many other national MCA leaders have won their seats from Malay majority areas. Because they owe their seats to the Malay vote, they must repay the favour by catering to UMNO interests.

Q: But doesn’t MCA claim to represent the Chinese?

A: Not really. They only pretend to represent the Chinese while selling out their own race. UMNO view them as convenient tools to subjugate and pacify the Chinese while Chinese rights are being eroded. It’s like buying over the village headman to keep the rest of the natives in line.

Q: How can Ling and other MCA leaders betray their race with impunity?

A: In return for betraying their race, UMNO allows them the chance to acquire wealth for themselves using improper means and influence. The head honcho Ling Liong Sik is the epitome of this when his son can acquire RM1.2 billion in corporate assets at age 27.

Q: Do Chinese ministers in the government means power sharing with UMNO?

A: All Chinese ministers are for posts where there is no real power like health, transport, manpower, housing, science and technology. There will never be a Chinese minister in education, finance, home affairs, foreign affairs or defense. Even in their inconsequential ministries, Chinese ministers have no power to set policies.

Q: Why do some Chinese join MCA knowing that MCA do not really represent the Chinese?

A: Chinese who join MCA have one burning ambition, that is to serve themselves and follow Ling’s billion ringgit example. They view MCA as a vehicle for personal enrichment.

Q: What is the result of this MCA betrayal on the Chinese in the social and economic context?

A: Today you cannot buy a house without paying at least 5% more than a Bumiputra. You have far less chance than a Bumiputra if you apply for new share issues. Chinese schools are on the decline and they have to depend on charity to survive. There are Bumi quota in tertiary education, jobs, housing, share applications, scholarships, loans, trade and business licenses and thousands of other social and economic opportunities although such favoritism has no more basis. MCA has never fought to remove or reduce the Bumiputra privileges. They have always played along.

Q: Are there any recent examples of MCA having sold out the Chinese?

A: Yes, there are plenty. The Nipah virus crisis which decimated the pig-rearing industry was one. The govt. payout of RM50 for each pig slaughtered guaranteed bankruptcy for the farmers as it cost RM200 to raise a pig to market size. MCA’s response was to keep quiet and start a charity drive as if Chinese have to depend on charity while Bumi companies in trouble get bailout in the billions. Another was the aborted bank mergers which would have reduced Chinese controlled banks from 8 to 2. We don’t expect MCA to be able to ward off rapacious Daim but at least they should have voiced the grievances of the Chinese community. But don’t expect MCA leaders to stick out their necks one inch to defend Chinese interests.

Q: How does MCA go about wooing the Chinese voters?

A: Having done nothing for the Chinese community, they cannot hope to woo the Chinese voters. MCA’s strategy is to use the politics of fear by playing on Chinese fears of another May 13 incident and Malaysia becoming an Islamic State. However it is now considered unfashionable and ineffective to use the racial riots bogeyman as people are matured enough to understand that what happened 30 years ago is unlikely to happen again due to changes in socio-economic factors. But Ling Liong Sik has been going round giving dire warnings of PAS intention to create an Islamic State despite the fact that PAS is only contesting 60 seats out of 192, certainly not even close to a 2/3 majority to change the constitution

Q: With this sort of farce, why wasn’t MCA wiped out long ago in past elections?

A: As stated before, many of them stand in Malay safe areas to get elected. Election gerry mandering has reduced the Chinese majority areas to a bare minimum. Traditionally, most of the Chinese majority urban areas have been won by DAP except for the 1995 elections in which DAP seats were decimated from 20 to 9. That was the time of hectic double digit economic boom which the BN govt. claimed credit for but was largely due to outside regional factors. Good economy is not a good time for opposition. Chinese like anybody else are wary of change and it is comfortable to maintain the status quo when things appear to be going well.

Q: Will the next elections be any different?

A: It can be different if you use your vote wisely. With the split in the Malay vote, Malay areas are no longer safe seats for MCA charlatans. Chinese votes are now consequential in the rural areas where they are a minority as well as the urban areas. If we vote a resounding NO to MCA puppet leaders, there will have to be a change in the power structure of the ruling party to cater more to minority interests. When MCA is decimated in the elections, UMNO will have to sit up and take notice that the Chinese will no longer be content to be subjugated by self-serving, subservient MCA leaders.


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