The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

One sword often keeps another in the scabbard.... -- Benjamin Franklin

"Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."

                     Sara Brady, Chairman, Handgun Control, to Sen. Howard Metzanbaum, The National Educator, January 1994, Page 3.

    The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.  More importantly, this right is not an individual right, nor a group right or a governmental right.  As with any right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, the government has no more legitimate right to constrict or limit the right to keep and bear arms, than it does to limit freedom of speech, freedom of the press, or freedom of religion.

    The Colorado Constitution guarantees to every citizen the inalienable right of  "defending their lives and liberties,...and protecting property." (Article II, section 3).  The right of self-defense and defense of others is a long respected constitutional right.  The right to keep and bear arms is a method of protecting that right.

    A citizen should be permitted to exercise his or her constitutional rights without impediment.  That is, the burden of proof should be upon the government to prove the unfitness of a citizen to exercise a right, rather than upon the citizen.  Likewise, a citizen should not be required to prove need.

    As law abiding citizens, we should not be prohibited from defending ourselves or our families, whether in our homes or in places we own "corporately" as citizens and taxpayers. -- Dave Stiver

Why I believe the way I do...
Gun Registration Restrictions
  • Registration is completely unnecessary as a crime solver.
  • The current system allows for the identification of the manufacturer, the dealer, and the purchaser.
  • Registration amounts to confiscation.
  • Criminals don't register their firearms anyway -- only law abiding citizens.
  • Attempts to further regulate the already law abiding defies common logic.
  • In Germany under Hitler the policy was simply -- Turn in your weapons or be shot on the spot!
"Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal." 
                                                      - Janet Reno
Right to Carry
  • 31 states recognize a citizens Right to Carry.
  • 127 million Americans/60% of handgun owners live in Right to Carry states.
  • 22 states have adopted Right to Carry since mid 1980's (19 of those states did so after 1995).
  • In 1987, Florida enacted a "shall issue" RTC law, now the framework for similar laws and legislative proposals in other states. The law was supported by the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement, Florida Sheriffs Assn., Florida Police Chiefs Assn., and other law enforcement groups.
  • States with Right To Carry laws have lower violent crime rates. On average, they have a 24% lower total violent crime rate, a 19% lower homicide rate, a 39% lower robbery rate, and a 19% lower aggravated assault rate, compared to other states and the District of Columbia. The nine states with the lowest violent crime rates are all Right To Carry states. (Data: FBI)
Gun Safety
  • Law abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals over 2.4 million times every year -- or 6,575 times a day.
  • Each year, firearms are used 60 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.
  • Of the 2.4 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, in 92% of these defensive uses, the mere sight of a gun or a warning shot scares off their attackers. Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound his/her attacker.
  • Of the 2.4 million self defense cases, more than 192,000 are women defending themselves against sexual abuse.
  • New England Journal of Medicine (editorial) - the lower murder rate among male gun owners ``may represent a true protective effect of handgun purchase and needs to be considered seriously and examined further.''
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." 
                                          -Thomas Jefferson, quoting Cesare Beccaria. 
  • Allowing police to take weapons from people who haven't done anything wrong violates their Constitutional right to bear arms. ``You don't forfeit your rights just because you might do something bad,'' said Dennis Fusaro, director of state legislation for Gun Owners of America.
  • The law could lead to illegal searches.
  • Confiscation legislation (such is in place in Connecticut), could lead to a further abuse of the asset forfeiture laws -- wherein law abiding citizens could actually lose their property without "due process."
“One man with a gun can control 100 without one. ... Make mass searches and hold executions for found arms.” 
                                                      - V.I. Lenin

“If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.” 
                                                     - Joseph Stalin

Source: FBI, GOA (Gun Owners of America),

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Taxpayers for Dave Stiver
State Representative - House District 15
Mary Ann Louks - Treasurer
4562 Excalibur Court
Colorado Springs, CO  80917-1351
(719) 380-1484