
ISI is quite capable of fooling the Americans again like they have done so all along.  America Watch Out!

Indicators compiled on this page suggests that Pakistani Military Government may be the prime conspirator behind the New York and Washington Attacks.

Message Loud and Clear: New York and Washington targeted for Revenge (Sept. 1998)  Video

In this televised message, Faza-ul Rehman Khalili who works for Hamid Gul the ex-ISI chief warn United States that they will take revenge for the 1998 cruse missile attacks on Osama bin Ladin's training camps in Afghanistan.  On Sept 11 after the attacks on NY and Washington were carried out, Khalili went in to hiding, of course on ISI's request. Watch, at the end it shall be proven that Khalili organized the attacks, Osama and ISI give him their blessings each before those attacks were carried out.  Assassination of the Commander Massoud of the Northern Alliance of Afghanistan was also planned and carried out at ISI's request, by the same group, Harakat-ul-Mujahideen, a state sponsored terrorist group.

Suspected terrorist leader was wired funds through Pakistan (CNN)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As much as $100,000 was wired in the past year from Pakistan to Mohamed Atta, the suspected leader of the terrorist hijackings, CNN has been told by law enforcement sources. Oct. 1, 2001
These funds could have been provided to Atta by Al Qaida but through Harakat-ul-Mujahideen.


Taliban fighter captured in Shamali plains
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Click Here Click here for video with English sub-titlesI was forced to join the Taliban.  They pay me Afg. 550,000/month.  I am from Helmand, and this is my first time I came to Shamali to fight alongside the Taliban.
Why is Gen. Musharaf of Pakistan committed to help the US in its war against terrorism?

He is not.  He is playing a game and he is trying to protect Taliban, Harakat-ul-Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Tuaiba and other such groups which ISI created.  Musharaf may agree to give up on Al Qaida in order to protect the rest, but in essence, they are all the same.

US must demand the hand over of ex-ISI chief (Ret) Gen. Hamid Gul the godfather of all these terrorist groups who used the US money to create these groups.  US must also demand hand over of Faza-ul Rehman Khalili and Farooq Kashmiri as well.
Pakistani military directly involved in mass killings and ethnic cleansing of Afghan people
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Click Here Click here for video with English sub-titles"A Pakistani military official entered my house, he was a dark skinned, bearded man in uniform, and killed my husband in front of my eyes.  I wish he killed all my family.  What am I going to do without smy husband?"

The ISI Role in Pakistan's Politics
The ISI - Pakistan's invisible government
ISI, Army and Narcotics
Living in the ISI's shadow - Kashmir Sentinel

Hamid Gul and Osama bin Ladin share the same mind set: 
GUL: Pakistan's official reaction...that is..of the Government...is not going to be very sharp, because the government is under tremendous economic pressure from America as well as from the Western bloc, but as far as the public reaction is concerned, I'm afraid it is going to be considerable, because after all everywhere the muslim countries are being targeted, and it is the world of Islam which is on the receiving end, be it Kashmir, be it Palestine, be it Bosnia, be it any other country...I mean Afghanistan - It is always the muslim countries who are targeted, and I think the muslim masses are now getting rather irritated about the whole thing...the way the Americans are reacting and behaving particularly in this region. www.abc.au First broadcast 17/12/98 

Hamid Gul and the first attack on WTC:
The attack on the World Trade Centre was not an isolated incident. In 1993 a Pakistani, Mir Aimal Kansi, opened fire on staff entering the CIA's headquarters in Langley. Both Yousef and Kansi were picked up by the FBI in Pakistan, Yousef in 1995 and Kansi in 1997. Ex-ISI Chief Hamid Gul was furious at the extraditions and called for the Pakistani officials responsible to be court-martialled. On 11 November 1997 four American employees of an oil company were assassinated in Karachi in reprisal for the sentence passed on Kansi in the United States. The assassination was claimed by Harakat al Ansar, a group which had its origins in the "Afghan" camps. Mehat Muhammad Abdel Rahman, suspected to be the leader of the group responsible for the massacre of European tourists in Luxor in September 1997, was also an "Afghan". And so is Said Sayyed Salama, whose extradition from Egypt in June of this year provoked a communiqué from Osama bin Laden threatening revenge.

Hamid Gul fights tooth and nails to protect the Taliban
THIS has reference to a report filed by Mr Ahmad Hassan from Peshawar (Dawn, Jan 11) and headlined "Religious parties reject UN sanctions." It seems that the cream of religious stalwarts numbering over 15 including Gen (retd) Hamid Gul held a meeting under the name and style of 'United Islamic Conference' (UIC) and strongly condemned the UN action ordering sanctions against the government of Afghanistan, which no other country has recognized so far except Pakistan.

Hamid Gul may have planned Nuke attack on US back in 1998
"It's not that difficult to obtain a suitcase-size nuclear weapon," the urbane former military officer reminded a fellow traveller. "Just the thing for retaliation against London or New York."
Such is the Muslim world's anger over the United States's cruise-missile attacks on August 20 against terrorist camps in Afghanistan and an alleged chemical weapons factory in Sudan that such a scenario is now receiving serious thought in governments and think-tanks around the world.

General Musharraf, Maj General (retd) Mahmud Durrani, Lt General (retd) Hamid Gul and Lt General (retd) Javed Nasir were amongst those who godfathered this Army of Islam, initially for use against the erstwhile USSR at US instance and now against India. In their perception, this Army of Islam seems to be producing results against India as it did against the USSR and the Najibullah Government of Afghanistan. Why should they rein it in when Pakistan has not been made to pay dearly for its actions? Moreover, he has given clear evidence of being amenable to pressure from the Islamic extremist organisations and their supporters in the Army.

Hamid Gul prepares terrorist for reaction well ahead of time
ISLAMABAD (NNI) Former Director General Inter Services Intelligence, (ISI) Lt General (retd) Hamid Gul has said that the United States wants to carry out immediate attack on Afghanistan, reports Radio Tehran.
Gul has said that US has alerted its troops in Turkey, Bahrain and Qatar which shows that US President wants to attack Afghanistan before elections. He said that US will target Osama bin Laden’s camps in Afghanistan within three or four days.
Gul said that if US could not attack Afghanistan within next few days then it will take some action against Afghanistan after new elections in America. He said that Clinton’s threat is aimed at getting more favour of the Americans for his presidential candidate in the elections.
Hamid Gul said that Middle East situation is a big hurdle for US and Clinton does not want to open two fronts in Muslim world simultaneously.


Hamid Gul Orders Terrorist to widen their bases
Hamid Gul Injects the idea of US war againsta the Islamic world into the head of terrorist
Hamid Gul Giving US an evil face so that terrorists are further motivated
Hamid Gul lectures in United States

Hamid Gul lobbying for Taliban's recognition by the world.  He explains why Taliban destoryed the historical statues:
Gen Hamid Gul, former head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence:
"This is their [the Taleban's] way of forcing the world to pay attention, to take them seriously".

Pakistan: Iran-India pact dubious says ex-ISI chief Hamid Gul
The former chief of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s external intelligence agency, Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Hamid Gul, said in Islamabad, on April 18, that Iran should explain its bona fides regarding the pact signed with India to jointly counter terrorism. According to him, "Iran should come clear on the nature of agreement with India. Otherwise this will create doubts and apprehensions in Muslim Ummah that Iran helps RAW in putting down Kashmir jehad". He also added that in case doubts about the agreement came true and Iran was seen as working with India against "Kashmir freedom struggle", then it will be concluded that the country also supports the Mossad, Israeli external intelligence agency. Hamid Gul also claimed that the Mossad also assists the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), the external intelligence agency of India, against terrorist outfits active in Jammu and Kashmir.

Maj.Gen. Muhammad Aziz Khan
Maj.Gen. Muhammad Aziz Khan, a Director in the ISI in charge of Afghan operations including overseeing the activities of the Taliban, the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (formerly Harkat-ul-Ansar) and the Arab mercenaries under Osama alias Osma Bin Laden, has been promoted as Lt.Gen. and posted as the Chief of General Staff in which capacity he would, inter alia, supervise the work of the Directorate-General of Military Intelligence. In addition to these changes, there has been a number of reshuffles at the senior and middle levels of the ISI, many of them in the Afghan section. These reshuffles have been carried out by Lt. Gen. Ziauddin.


