My Personal Page
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Jobe Irvin Smith. I was born on October 5, 1958 (which makes me 48 years old), in Morenci, Arizona.

I am stubborn, opinionated, and i will tell you what i think. So if you don't want to hear the truth as i see it, don't ask me. If you like what i have to say, great. If not, well, i can't say anything about that.

I have 7 kids, ( only 2 of which are my biological children), all of which i dearly love, as only a father should. I have two brothers, 46, and 39, 1 neice, and 1 nephew.

I am into Exploring, Mythical creatures (as you could probably tell by my picture),railroads, ships, hunting, and making a gigantic pain in the ass of myself, or looking like the biggest paranoid basket case you'll ever meet (ask those that know me).

And there you have it (boring, isn't it).
My links:
Hidden Glasgow
Urban Exploration, Scotland
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