Latest News from Randland

Month 11
The government succeeded in passing all of its major initiatives this month, despite the active resitance of the opposition Green Party.

The Liberal Party has won the by-election to fill the Chamber seat vacated two months ago. Analysts note that the Liberal victory was almost entirely due to the government non-compete agreement. The percentage of the vote for the SDP/Green block rose and the percentage for the government block fell but that swing was not enough to keep the government from picking up this seat.

Current standings in the Chamber
Kom 024
Gre 047
SDP 087
Lib 062
Con 171
Fre 072
Nat 037

Month 10
The government succeeded in passing all of its major initiatives this month, despite the active resitance of the opposition Nationalist Party.

On a sad note, A Conservative Senator passed away this month. The King and the leaders of all the parties mourned the Senator's passing. The King ordered an official day of mourning. The King later ordered a by-election to take place in two months time in the appropriate state to fill the vacant seat.

Month 9
The government succeeded in passing all of its major initiatives this month, despite the active resitance of the opposition SDP.

The Liberal Party has won the by-election to fill the Chamber seat vacated two months ago. Analysts note that the Liberal victory had less to do with the voter's approval of the "Non-compete question" than the fact that voters seem to be annoyed by the tactic of resigning one's seat to force an issue before the voters in a by-election.

Current standings in the Chamber
Kom 024
Gre 048
SDP 087
Lib 061
Con 171
Fre 072
Nat 037

On a sad note, A Green Deputy passed away this month. The King and the leaders of all the parties mourned the Deputy's passing. The King ordered an official day of mourning. The King later ordered a by-election to take place in two months time in the appropriate state to fill the vacant seat.

The second round of elections under the new state and local elections plan were held this month. Five states elected their Local Councils. The results are as follows.

Local Councils

Party -Kom ------ Gre ------ SDP ------ Lib ------ Con ------ Fre ------ Nat ------ Ind ------ Tot
Votes- 615,755 -- 4,748,779- 3,078,770- 3,671,757- 2,071,569- 3,0550,533- 1,320,096 3,026,708- 21,588,967
Seats- 149 ------ 1806 ----- 1201 ----- 1434 ----- 689 ------ 1194 ----- 516 ------ 1311 ----- 8300

Though control of individual Counciuls is not tracked at the national level, the results show that the Greens and the SDP each placed first in seats in 2 states, and Independents placed first in 1 state. State and local election results can vary greatly from national results since not all the states vote at once in these elections and the issues in the campaigns tend to be more provincial. However, they can still give an indication of the political mood of the nation. Thus it is a disappointment for the government coalition parties to take only 30% of the vote in these elections.

Month 8
The government succeeded in passing all of its major initiatives this month, despite the active resitance of the opposition SDP.

The Green Party has won the by-election to fill the Senate seat vacated two months ago. Analysts note that the Green victory can be largely attributed to the non-compete agreement with the SDP.

Current standings in the Senate
Kom 06
Gre 17
SDP 37
Lib 25
Con 78
Fre 29
Nat 08

Month 7
The government succeeded in passing all of its major initiatives this month, despite the active resitance of the opposition Kommunist Party.

A Kommunist Deputy has resigned in a protest against the "Non-compete Question". The leader of the Kommunist Party has hailed the Deputy as a hero for his attempts to fight the oppresive bourgeois system. The leaders of the other parties were less enthusiatic. The King ordered a by-election to take place in two months time in the appropriate state to fill the vacancy.

Month 6
The government succeeded in passing all of its major initiatives this month, despite the active resitance of the opposition Green Party.

The Nationalist Party has won the by-election to fill the Chamber seat vacated two months ago. Anaylsts note that the result might be a voter backlash against the "Non-compete Question". Analysts note that the share of the vote for the two unpartnered parties more than doubled from their levels at the General Election. Analysts say that they would like to see the results from more by-elections before they can determine the full implications of the "Non-compete Question".

Current standings in the Chamber
Kom 025
Gre 048
SDP 087
Lib 060
Con 171
Fre 072
Nat 037

A Green Senator has resigned in order to pursue other interests. The King and the leaders of all the parties wished him well in the future. The King then ordered a by-election to take place in two months time in the appropriate state to fill the vacancy.

Month 5
The government succeeded in passing all of its major initiatives this month, despite the active resitance of the opposition SDP.

The Freedom Party has won the by-election to fill the Chamber seat vacated two months ago. Anaylsts note that though support for the Freedom candidate was strong, the victory can be credited largely to the non-compete agreement the government parties have arranged.

Current standings in the Chamber
Kom 025
Gre 048
SDP 087
Lib 060
Con 171
Fre 072
Nat 036

The leaders of the opposition parties filed a complaint with the Royal Constitutional Court against the government parties alleging that the non-compete agreement is an unfair and illegal manipulation of the electoral system. The opposition parties sought to have the last two by-election results discarded and have new elections held. The Court ruled that the complaint was invalid and the election results would stand. The Court pointed out that the Constitution does not require a political party to put up a candidate or candidates in every election, that the option to agree to a non-compete arrangement is available to all parties, and that there is nothing forcing voters to vote for any specific candidate.

After the ruling, the leader of the SDP asked the other opposition parties to join with the SDP in a non-compete agreement. Only the Green Party agreed to join the SDP. Both the Kommunists and the Nationalists announced that they objected in principle to the idea of a non-compete agreement and that they would both prefer to compete in every election. The SDP and the Greens proceeded with their non-compete agreement. Analysts note that we are likely to see more poltical struggles in the future over what has now been dubbed the "Non-compete Question."

Month 4
The government succeeded in passing all of its major initiatives this month, despite the active resitance of the opposition Nationalist Party.

The Conservative Party has won the by-election to fill the Senate seat vacated two months ago. Anaylsts note that though support for the Conservative candidate was strong, a large portion of the victory can be credited to the non-compete agreement the government parties have arranged.

Current standings in the Senate
Kom 06
Gre 17
SDP 37
Lib 25
Con 78
Fre 29
Nat 8

On a sad note, A Conservative Deputy passed away this month. The King and the leaders of all the parties mourned the Deputy's passing. The King ordered an official day of mourning. The King later ordered a by-election to take place in two months time in the appropriate state to fill the vacant seat.

Month 3
The government succeeded in passing all of its major initiative this month, despite the active resitance of the opposition SDP.

A Freedom Deputy has resigned in order to pursue other interests. The King and the leaders of all the parties wished the Deputy well in the future. The King then ordered a by-election to take place in two months time in the appropriate state to fill the vacancy.

In a new initiative between all the states that was sponsored by the President of the Council of States, the states have agreed to coordinate their state and local election schedules. Every six months, one-third of the states will hold elections for either the state House of Representatives or all the Local Councils in the state.

The first elections under the new plan were held this month. Five states elected their Houses of Representatives. The results are as follows.

Houses of Representatives

Party -Kom ------ Gre ------ SDP ------ Lib ------ Con ------ Fre ------ Nat ------ Ind ------ Tot
Votes- 447,131 -- 3,724,212- 3,233,431- 5,793,635- 3,013,913- 4,370,908- 308,184 -- 1,178,045- 22,069,459
Seats- 9 -------- 192 ------ 170 ------ 282 ------ 166 ------ 226 ------ 0 -------- 65 ------- 1110

The Liberals took first place in seats in 2 state Houses, and the Freedom Party, the Conservatives and the SDP took first in 1 state House each. State and local election results can vary greatly from national results since not all the states vote at once in these elections and the issues in the campaigns tend to be more provincial. However, they can still give a good indication of the political mood of the nation. Thus it is not surprising to see the government coalition parties taking more then 50% of the vote in this month's elections.

Month 2
The Conservatives were successful in continuing the coalition with the Liberal and Freedom parties. One of the provisions of the coalition agreement is that the government parties will not compete against each other in by-elections. The three parties will take turns putting up candidates for election based on a complex set of rules. All three parties will support the single government candidate, despite the party the candidate nominally represents.

The government was approved in the Chamber 304-196 and in the Senate 132-68. According to the coalition agreement, the government will be composed as follows.

Prime Minister - Leader of the Conservative Party in the Chamber

Leader of the Chamber of Deputies - A high ranking Conservative Deputy

Leader of the Senate - Leader of the Conservative Party in the Senate

President of the Council of States - Leader of the Freedom Party in the Chamber
(Jr. Ministers - 2 Conservative Deputies, 2 Freedom Deputies)

Chief Treasurer - Leader of the Liberal Party in the Chamber
(Jr. Ministers - 1 Freedom Deputy, 2 Conservative Deputies, 1 Liberal Deputy)

Supreme Ambassador - A high ranking Conservative Deputy
(Jr. Ministers - 2 Conservative Deputies, 2 Conservative Senators)

Chief Detective and Prosecutor - A High ranking Conservative Deputy
(Jr. Ministers - 1 Conservative Senator, 2 Liberal Deputies, 1 Freedom Senator)

Generalissimo and Admiral of the Fleets - A high ranking Conservative Senator
(Jr. Ministers - 2 Conservative Deputies, 1 Liberal Senator, 1 Conservative Senator)

Protector of the Land - A High ranking Freedom Deputy
(Jr. Ministers - 3 Conservative Deputies, 1 Freedom Senator)

Chancellor of the Royal University - A high ranking Conservative Deputy
(Jr. Ministers - 4 Freedom Deputies)

Chairman of the Medical Council - A high ranking Liberal Deputy
(Jr. Ministers - 1 Liberal Deputy, 1 Conservative Senator, 2 Conservative Deputies)

Director of Economic Policy - Leader of the Freedom Party in the Senate
(Jr. Ministers - 3 Conservative Deputies, 1 Conservative Senator)

Administrator of Government and Social Services - A high ranking Conservative Deputy
(Jr. Ministers - 2 Conservative Senators, 1 Liberal Deputy, 1 Conservative Deputy)

President of the Cultural Council - A high ranking Conservative Senator
(Jr. Ministers - 2 Liberal Deputies, 1 Conservative Deputy, 1 Liberal Senator)

Chairman of the Board of Science and Technology - Leader of the Liberal Party in the Senate
(Jr. Ministers - 1 Freedom Senator, 2 Conservative Deputies, 1 Freedom Deputy)

The coalition appears to be stable and able to last most of the life of the Assembly.

On a sad note, A Conservative Senator passed away this month. The King and the leaders of all the parties mourned the Senator's passing. The King ordered an official day of mourning. The King later ordered a by-election to take place in two months time in the appropriate state to fill the vacant seat.

Month 1
The results of the Second General Election are in and by a wide margin the Conservative Party is once again the largest party in the Assembly. Analysts attribute the results to a recent surge in the popularity of the previous government (especially the junior partners, the Liberals and the Freedom Party) and a scandal involving the SDP leadership.

The King has asked the leader of the Conservatives to form a coalition government. He has given the leader one month to form a government that has the support of a majority of both houses. The Conservatives have entered into discussion with both the Liberals and the Freedom Party. The detailed election results appear below.

Election Results

Chamber of Deputies

Party -Kom ------ Gre ------ SDP ------ Lib ------ Con ------ Fre ------ Nat ------ Tot
Votes- 3,944,939- 6,526,499- 10,752,478 7,677,917- 20,468,510 9,235,338- 4,875,523- 63,481,204
Seats- 25 ------- 48 -------- 87 ------ 60 ------- 172 ------ 72 ------- 36 ------- 500
Change*+6 ------- +21 ------- -75 ----- +13 ------ +6 ------- +16 ------- +13 ------ +/-0

Election Results


Party -Kom ------ Gre ------ SDP ------ Lib ------ Con ------ Fre ------ Nat ------ Tot
Votes- 4,021,601- 6,677,454- 10,787,142 7,492,492- 20,689,996 9,493,276- 4,387,325- 63,549,286
Seats- 6 -------- 17 ------- 37 ------- 25 ------- 78 ------- 29 ------- 8 -------- 200
Change*+1 ------- +3 ------- -32 ------ +7 ------- +7 ------- +10 ------ +4 ------- +/-0

*Change indicates the change in seats from the last general election.

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