smith - 07/11/00 00:49:33
Hometown: parkesburg

Feel this is a complete abuse of power!!

Joanne Voelcker - 06/18/99 00:49:10
Hometown: Coatesville, Pa

This note is meant to be a complete account and latest update to this situation. I am the daughter of one of the primary land-owners, Dick & Nancy Saha. - On April 12, 1999, the City of Coatesville notified my parents that they intended to condemn my parents 38.2 acre farm including house, barn and other out-buildings to build a golf course. They never informed my parents that there was a public meeting that very evening to vote on the Ordinance to condemn. - On April 21, 1999, my parents received via registered mail a letter from the City Solicitor telling them officially of the condemnation & providing them with the Ordinance for Condemnation which described the seven properties involved including their own "38.2 acres with house and outbuildings". - In the subsequent weeks, our family joined Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Snyder and launched a political and legal battle. - We were able to secure the only feasibility study that has been completed on the project. The feasibility study's cost & revenue numbers came directly from a brochure published by the American Society of Golf Course Architects. - The scope of the feasibility study was for a municipal golf course on the city landfill (110 acres) and some surrounding properties. My parent's property (Saha property) was not even included in the study. Mr. Snyder's property was identified as a contingency. - The City of Coatesville decided arbitrarily (without feasibility study or real cost/benefit analysis) to condemn the Saha & Snyder properties along with five other properties (totally approximately 100 acres). - The property owners and the properties are in Valley Township. We have no jurisdiction or voting rights in the City of Coatesville. - We have secured 1800 petition signatures of citizens who are against the Condemnation Ordinance. At least 500 signatures were from registered voters in the City of Coatesville. The City Officials have ignored the petition. - We have appealed to State Representatives for support. We have received positive responses from Curt Shroder, Carol Rubley and Art Hershey. Our own State Representative, Tim Hennessy refuses to accept any phone calls regarding the project. - The City of Coatesville has held numerous meetings describing their revitalization program for Coatesville. The Recreation Center which is planned for Valley Township (outside the city limits) has a very dynamic scope. Initially the project was described as an 18-hole golf course, executive par-3 course, miniature golf, driving range, batting cages, fishing, boating, hiking trail, tennis courts and a clubhouse. In the last presentation, the City Manager added a bowling alley and go-carts. - There is absolutely no supporting cash flow, ROI or Cost /Benefit Analysis. As I mentioned earlier, the cost benefit numbers that the city has included in their presentations were lifted directly out of the American Society of Golf Course Architects brochure depicting industry averages. - The landfill that is being considered for this project, has a greater than 30% slope, close proximity to Brandywine Creek, a gas pipeline running through it and a 30 year landfill that would need to be capped. All these characteristics translate into higher than normal costs to meet environmental requirements. - There are 77 golf courses within 25 miles of Coatesville, 31 are public with at least one new golf course, being built 3 miles from the proposed site. - Since the initial ordinance was issued, the City of Coatesville has backed off from condemning the Snyder and Saha 200 year old restored houses. They have indicated that the property owners can keep their houses and a negotiable lot around the proximity of their houses. They are still pursuing condemnation of the rest of the Saha property, approximately 34 acres to build a racquetball facility and pitch-& putt (although, the Coatesville City Manager admits that no plans have been finalized as to what would really be put there). - The Sahas continue to fight the condemnation. They do not want to loose their farmland to a pitch & putt, racquetball court or worse yet clubhouse, parking lot or proposed bowling alley. - The Sahas also continue to fight the condemnation because the City has acted irresponsibly (no thorough feasibility study and absolutely no valid financial analysis). - In addition the City of Coatesville has treated the Saha's unfairly and unethically by not informing them of the public meeting when the initial vote took place. Nor did the City Manager take the time to present the project and the plans to the landowners and give them an opportunity to ask questions before issuing them formal condemnation notification. - In subsequent public meetings, when 300 supporters showed up to voice their displeasure, agendas were changed to table this issue. When the people rebelled, an alternative meeting was scheduled that turned into a raucous confrontation because the city brought out its police force, barricaded all parking in proximity to the location where the meeting was to be held and changed the agenda to be a presentation on the revitalization of Coatesville. Then a third meeting was scheduled, again 300 people showed up, the room where the meeting was held was at least 100 degrees, there were huge noisy fans with an inaudible sound system. Again the City started the meeting with the same hour-long presentation that we have sat through before. Most of the presentation is covering the revitalization plan for Coatesville. This meeting was to discuss the proposed Recreation Center in Valley Township. Many people spoke out about their concerns, but neither the City Council nor the participants could hear what was being said. - Other Public Meeting agendas are structured so that discussions on this project are tabled until after the formal lengthy agenda has been covered. As we are bringing up our issues and concerns in regard to this project three of the seven council members just get up and leave. They quickly become tired or bored with the situation and our rebuttals. Meanwhile, my entire family, especially my parents, Nancy Saha (age 67) and Richard Saha (age 69), live every moment with the stress of this injustice and the associated legal costs. We can't just walk out and leave. - Just last night, June 14, the City voted to augment their own counsel with another legal firm that specializes in eminent domain. In addition, they voted to approve another feasibility and topographical study, this time to include the Saha property. - We asked them if they intended to do a more thorough financial study, the City Manager deferred to the Council, stating that it was up to them and then no one answered. We do not know whether they intend to follow up with a real Cost/Benefit Analysis. - We intend to continue the fight against the misuse and abuse of eminent domain laws in the State of Pennsylvania. We will do what ever it takes to pursue this to the point where these laws are changed to be more specific and exclusionary to avoid the abuse of the law by local municipalities. I appreciate your interest and welcome any help or advice that you can provide.

Dean Snyder - 06/04/99 16:26:46
Hometown: Valley Township

I agree with the benefits of having a first class recreational area for our area, however, I CANNOT condone the involuntary land purchase. It doesn's seem possible for this to be happening in the United States of America. I am writing letters to the var ous people listed on your WEB site in support of your cause. Best of Luck! You have my entire family's support.

beverly r. jackson - 06/02/99 02:42:19
Hometown: narvon, pa 17555

we are shocked and appalled to learn what is happening to you. we feel the city of coatesville is misusing eminent domain,the people of honey brook are concerned and are united against this, letters were prepared and signed and sent to hershey, hennessey pitts, valley, and city of coatesville council.

beverly r. jackson - 06/02/99 02:40:45
Hometown: narvon, pa 17555

we are shocked and appalled to learn what is happening to you. we feel the city of coatesville is misusing eminent domain,the people of honey brook are concerned and are united against this, letters were prepared and signed and sent to hershey, hennessey pitts, valley, and city of coatesville council.

Gwen Gordon - 05/31/99 17:37:34
Hometown: Sierra Madre, CA

This is an OUTRAGE!!! As I live in California I can offer nothing but moral support. This is happening all over the country, is there a national organization to appeal to? G

Rich MacNeill - 05/27/99 20:27:32
Hometown: Boyertown

If you need support in the way of a petition or whatever let me know. I am willing to help as I agree that this is abuse.

Craig Smith - 05/07/99 04:14:46
Hometown: Wagontown (too ashamed to say Coatesville)


Douglas Congdon - 05/06/99 21:08:06
Hometown: Mantua, NJ

2 years ago, my Inlaws fought with about 150 other South Jersey residents who were being impacted by a proposed bypass for Route 322 in Gloucester County. My Inlaws 50 acres were about to be cut in half by a elevated 4 lane highway that would connect Rou e 322 to the Atlantic City Expressway. The law of Eminent Domain was used in much the same manner by the politicians who were feeling pressure to improve access to AC and the the Shore points so PENNSYLVANIA and DELAWARE residents could get there faster. The only traffic now is on Friday nights and Sunday nights as people go to and from the shore. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? No concern for the rights of the 150 NJ residents that would lose their homes or my inlaws who instead of a beautiful view from the fro t of their 170 year old farmhouse, would now look at a 4 lane highway. I am happy to say the proposal was defeated BECAUSE PEOPLE STOOD UP AND SAID LISTEN! MANY PEOPLE! My point is, please tell as many people as you can about this unethical abuse of po er, and shut down the Coatesville, PA council. I am also curious about relationships between council members and proposed developers-have we heard the TRUE story?

James Runco - 05/06/99 21:06:15
Hometown: Wilmington DE

Coatsville council members were elected to "serve" in an administrative, legislative, advisory capacity. They were not elected to arbitrarily evoke a very powerful piece of legislation such as eminent domain! If the proposed plan for a recreational area was/is the best thing for Coatsville and Valley Township residents then why the secrecy, and why weren't the details of the plan made available before threats of condemnation? Mr. Janssen believes that this recreational project is just what is needed and that if it doesn't get approved it would lead to the downfall of Coatsville and the surrounding area. What efforts have been made or proposed to improve the quality of life within Coatsville and Valley Township; A clean safe shopping area, refurbished/re ovated city buildings, youth programs? Mr. Janssen and council members are either ill advised or their foresight to lead a revitalization project is very questionable. What qualifications and/or accomplishments does Mr. Janssen, or any of the council me bers have that would instill confidence in the residents of Coatsville and Valley Township? The bottom line Mr. Janssen (and council) is don't insult the intelligence of your residents! They are concerned, educated caring residents who also have the "be t" interest of the city and surrounding area in their hearts and minds. Listen to the residents. Talk with the residents. Represent and respect their vote. Don't just take it!

Donna Parisi - 05/05/99 15:15:25
Hometown: Coatesville,PA

I cannot even understand this so called law of eminent domain this is America. I am a close neighbor of the Saha family and I can't even imagine what they are going through. I will stick with them through this fight. I have been a resident of Coatesville all my life. I can't believe they can come into valley township and just take people's land. I bet Mr. Janseen wouldn't feel this way if it was his peoperty they were taking that would be another story now wouldn't it? He doesn't even live in Coatesville. I don't know how he sleeps at night. Are the council members blind? Apparently so. A l this money they want to spend needs to be spent on fixing up the City not a surrounding township for a golf course. Wake up!!! We all need to support the Saha and Snyder family as much as we can to prevent this from happening to them. This is ridiculo s!!!!!!!! Mr. Janseen I think its time for you to pack your bags including your golf bags!!!!!!!!!!

Annette Hall - 05/03/99 01:35:16

I am a lifelong residentof Coatesvile,so are my parents and great aunt. I do not aprove of taking someone's home for a golf course.Nor do I aprove of selling that land for developments, we have more than enough of them. Keep the land as it is!I also think it is about time we have an elected MAYOR! Annette Hall

Tony and Diane Saha - 05/03/99 00:26:46
Hometown: Oxford, CT

Land theft! There is no other word to describe this situation. Emminent domain was designed for the use of cities and towns to make necessary land acquisitions to support roadways, sewer, power and the like. This misuse of power is not the kind of stor you expect to hear in America. How can the city justify taking a man's home and land which he has owned and restored for almost 30 years, all for a golf course?!? Give me a break! Dick and Nancy, good luck on the fight. This is not right!

Daniel Wiener - 05/01/99 05:07:00
Hometown: Simi Valley, CA

I came across a reference to your web page and was curious enough to follow up on it. I am shocked (although perhaps I shouldn't be) at such blatant, unvarnished THEFT of private property by a city government. Usually governmental bodies are much more c reful to come up with fuzzy-sounding rationalizations as to why condemnation is being done for the "public good" instead of for the profit of some at the expense of others. My wife spent eight years on the city council here in Simi Valley, California, and one of her proudest accomplishments was to by-and-large eliminate the city's use of involuntary eminent domain. A well-run city government that respects the rights of its itizens should be able to handle those few instances of legitimate land acquisition (such as for street construction) by negotiating for a fair and voluntary sales price. I'm sorry I can't do more than cheer you on in your battle to save your homes and farms. Just as your plight has touched me, I suspect it will touch the hearts of your neighbors. And if enough people rise up against this injustice, I am confident that y u WILL prevail. Good luck.

Greg Lownes - 04/29/99 21:48:22
Hometown: Exton, PA


- 04/29/99 14:44:38
Hometown: Kimberton, PA

We own a renovated old house just outside of Kimberton, PA and after hearing about your plight, we will be there on May 4th to support you. This is a grossly unjustified use of "eminent domain", and needs to be stopped. We'll also be bringing some friends Recreation areas for specific members of the community must not be allowed to take precedence over privately-owned farmland or homesteads.

Arlin W. Yoder - 04/29/99 04:32:00
Hometown: Valley Township Pa.

Dick I just heard you on the Rollye James program WWDB 96.5 FM. You stated your situation very well. I have been trying to get through since 11.30 pm. Keep up the battle. Good luck Arlin

Arlin W. Yoder - 04/28/99 22:59:44
Hometown: Valley Township

This is a well designed website. This battle will be won in the political arena. There are many people out here who are supporting your cause. I will be in contact with you. Keep up the battle. Arlin

Chrissie - 04/28/99 02:09:46
Hometown: King Of Prussia

As a former resident of Chester County, it grieves me to see what is happening in the Coastville area. A few years ago when visiting near Wagontown I was astonished to see many homes and farms taken up by a lake that was for recreation. I thought that was bad enough but to see the plight of 30 homeowners nearby evicted because the city management wished to build a golf course to satisfy their egos is appalling. At least the lake could be used by everybody and didn't take 30 homes but the golf course can only be used for those who like golf and has no social redemption. In Coatsville's wisdom I sincerely hope that they reconsider their position. I also hope they also listen to the cries of the affected residents. Best of luck to everyone!

Omar Farooq - 04/27/99 18:50:28
My URL:/eureka/gold/3652
Hometown: Wayne

I am shocked to hear of the short-sighted greed driven actions being taken by Coatesville gov't. I think it these farms and open spaces and attract the right kind of people to settle down and add to the beauty of the land by restoring historical building . THIS is what attracts people here and maintains the placid country atmosphere that Pennsylvania is so well known for, while being close to the city. By building yet another golf course, the city council is cluttering up the land which is far more val able by remaining a farm. Aren't there enough mindless strip malls and driving ranges? This is an easy way out for a lazy and short-sighted, and greedy city council to find a revenue solution. It is understandable to want to increase revenues, however, more effort must be made to find an alternate solution. I believe the very reason they have thought of a golf course is because of the beauty of the land where these farms are situated. Other solutions are available if the council is willing to look har enough. This law must be abolished or modified to allow sweeping powers only when it is a matter of the utmost urgency. Sincerely, Omar

Khyhisha Shuler - 04/27/99 13:53:27

The response last night was outstanding. We are not giving up. Any more plans of action that you guys have in mind, my family and I are willing to help. We are neighbors of the Snyder's and greatly concerned. How about those petitions, should we still pur ure them for the May4 meeting?

Beth E. Wilson - 04/26/99 12:27:57
Hometown: Unionville, PA

Please don't give up the fight! I grew up in rural Chester County, in Cochranville. Many of my friends parents owned farms in Chester and Lancaster Counties. I saddens me these days to see all the developments, strip malls and corporate parks sprouting up in places that I remember as corn fields and pastures where cows and horses grazed. We live in a land where human rights are supposed to be protected, yet things like this are allowed to happen. We don't need more golf courses, Hartfeld, Wyncote, and others are barely a few years old. What we need is a unified force or citizens to fight. Keep your faith and your strength in this fight. You are not alone!

Daniel B. Webb - 04/26/99 04:20:21
Hometown: Cabot, AR 72023

A Private investor decided he wanted to put a "transmission sewer line" across my property, through my lake, and I could not say squat! The city council declared that the private concern had rights to my property. They TOOK it while I was out of the count y. I got a lawyer, and three years ago attempted to stop the theft of my property. Had this been the only place to put it, I would have eventually agreed, but there is a large easement for a power line just a quarter mile off the desired sewer line. It is in and I had a Ark-a-loid judge actually give a private concern "imunity". I am now headed to the apelate level here in Arkansas and still have not had my case heard by a Judge or Jury. Justice is not just slow, but basically a joke in Arkansas! We have Webb Hubbell's everywhere. I once had a Elected Judge tell me in front of a witness,,,, "why didn't you just go over there and shoot the guy",,, he is still in office and the event was ne rly 12 years ago! Private Property means something and is worth ffighting for,,,,,,,, justice!

Rick Sapovits - 04/25/99 18:24:26
Hometown: Exton, Pa


M.L - 04/25/99 11:44:23
Hometown: Nottingham, Pa

Hi I tried to call you when I first read of this extreme violation of property rights. Taking land to build a playground for yuppies is so far out in left field. The screwed up thinking behind this government land grab is very worrisome indeed. I am behind you 100%. I live in the southern end of Chester County but feel this is a battle for the very soul of a mans property rights. I am a golfer and so is everyone in my family. This is a move by frustrated government officials to give Coatesville an economic boost. I will tell them I will never golf at a place where land was stolen to make a playground. Let me know what I can do?

- 04/25/99 02:57:45


- 04/24/99 21:09:27


Neil & Melinda Campbell - 04/24/99 19:25:52
Hometown: West Brandywine

This is a pure sign of Coatesville giving up on the mess within the business district and placing their interest on land outside of their jurisdiction. They are simply placing a "Band-Aid" on their problem instead of fixing it properly. We must stand to ether as one and stop this misuse of Eminent Domain Laws. Your property could be next.

Larry McGoldrick - 04/24/99 18:42:02
Hometown: Coatesville, Pa.

Coatesville does not need a golf course, it needs to work on the problems that have plagued the city for years.

Sandra Kachel - 04/24/99 16:24:43
Hometown: Wildwood, NJ 08260

I have Known the Saha's since I was 14 years old and I am now 57. I was there when they bought the farm. As a matter of fact, I thought they were crazy. They turned it into a beautiful home and it took many years of hard work, much of which they did them elves, working late into the nights. What right does anyone have to come in and take away someones' property. Are we now back to the days of the early American West? Is this progress? Is this the American Way? If it is how can we be proud to be an American!

Sandra Kachel - 04/24/99 16:22:37
Hometown: Wildwood, NJ 08260

I have Known the Saha's since I was 14 years old and I am now 57. I was there when they bought the farm. As a matter of fact, I thought they were crazy. They turned it into a beautiful home and it took many years of hard work, much of which they did them elves, working late into the nights.

Sandra Kachel - 04/24/99 16:19:15
Hometown: Wildwood, NJ 08260


Nancy & Jay Hayes - 04/24/99 14:55:00
Hometown: W.Brandywine Township

We are also devastated. Sent letter to DLN, but never published. Sent same letter to Congressman and to City Council. Don't want a golf course at the expense of anyone's family home and property. Need to fix up the town. Our home town is a disgrace.< r>
Wendy Yost - 04/24/99 14:08:48
Hometown: Morgantown, PA

I can't believe this could happen. What a horror story. I don't believe ANYONE has the right to bully someone off their land and out of their home. There is no reason for this. The last thing the city of Coatesville needs is another golf course! What oes the city plan to gain with this?? Do they honestly feel that people will stop at Coatesville to shop?? If so, they better wake up and quit dreaming! Where does it end? Suddenly someone with the power of authority decides they want to use property tha doesn't belong to them, not even for sale, and just take it???? Without the owners having a say?? Personally, my family has put a lot of blood, sweat and tears and money into my house, I would not want someone to someday just take it all away! This is t tally unfair and unnecessary! No-one, not a local government or an individual or group of individuals has this right.

Richard and Janis Fitch - 04/23/99 23:41:31
Hometown: Coatesville, PA

I'm appalled. I realize that what they are doing is "legal", but the unethical and immoral way that Coatesville has handled this affair is embarrasing. This is a misuse of power and the INTENT of the Eminent Domain law.

Amy Saha - 04/23/99 14:38:32
Hometown: Coatesville

Great job Jeff! I'll get copies of pictures of inside the house too. Do you still need the 10 year old letter. I'll send that too. Also I have a few more if you want them.

save the farm - 04/22/99 22:19:40


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