Mexican High Official Seizes
Merchandise Illegally

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Roberto Campa, another member of the PRI and currently "Procurador del Consumidor" (Defender of the Customer) has started an illegal campaign to comfiscate toys from stores arguing they are "Violent": Every toy that has a resemblance to rifles, machine guns, guns, soldiers, and military vehicles are being removed from the stores and stole by agents of his apparat. Cowards and weak-souled could clap this absurd abuse from authority, but Campa is doing it illegally, whithout any lawful justification whatsoever, without any order from any judge. Worse, he's being given "moral" support by President Zedillo, who cries and groans TV and toys are causing the criminal wave that's lashing the Mexican people, blaming them to avoid accepting his very own responsability in providing a safe environment for them and his failure and lack of will on enforcing the Law. Read.
Worst of all is that the Mexican Constitution, written in 1917 by leftist, improvised Congressmen, gives in its 27th Article the Presidente legal authority to appropiate whatever he likes. This article caused distress to the American and European Oil Companies in 1938 when leftist Presidente Lázaro Cárdenas comfiscated them. In 1956 populist, adulterer and corrupt Presidente López Mateos did the same to the Power Companies. So Mexico is a time bomb for those PRI nor any of its members. Ask the merchants who have been imprudent enough to invest in it, and it will stay the same way while it's governed by presidentes belonging to the most corrupt PRI.
2000 years ago, a Rabbi, Jehoshuah ben Yosef, aka "Christus", said "He who fails in the lesser things, will also fail in the greater ones". Reality is that you cannot trust the PRI or any of its members. Ask the merchants who have been robbed by Campa, if you do.
Illegal Seizing of Merchandise in Mexico