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Feel Powerless? Overwhelmed?
What are you doing about it?
There is a solution but it's up to you to cooperate/participate.
Join the efforts of Other Prisoner Families and Organizations in the

U. N. I. O. N.

United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect


Demand reform of the Criminal Justice System, organize voters against Medical Neglect, Abuse of the Mentally Ill, Harsh Sentencing Laws, and Prop 83.  Support 27 Wrongful death lawsuits already filed against the State and Ca Dept of Corrections.  Stand up against First Amendment abuses and arbitrary Visiting Policies, Plan an initiative to hold Judges and Prosecutors accountable for corrupt behavior.
  • Power of Numbers is the only solution 
  • Vote out bad laws and bad politicians  
  • Write letters to media and legislators  
  • Demonstrate to with other families  
  • Bring large crowds to key Senate hearings to show our numbers and strength 
  • Union logo

    P.O. Box 340371
    Sacramento, Ca. 95834


      U.N.I.O.N. Campaign to Reform Sentencing Lawsunion image
    (underway since 1998)

    Sentencing Reform - Supreme Court Opinion - California has unconstitutionally sentenced 54,000 prisoners during the last 30 years.

    Senate Bill 40 - Hearing March 13, 2007 - The legislature has voted to continue these unconstitutional sentencing practices for at least two more years.

    SB 40 Sentencing 1, 2,   3 These are three web pages of our campaign to stop this blatant violation of the 6th Amendment

    Public Defender Jeff Adachi's reaction to the signing of SB 40 into law San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi stood up to the legislature who passed the bill in a record eight days before opposition could mount.

    U.N.I.O.N. Campaigns to Amend Three Strikes

    First 3 Strikes Reversal
    Jerry Wayne Morgan Third Appellate Press Release

     Supreme Court Upholds Three Strikes
    Judicial Terror in Shasta County
    Three Strikes News Articles
    Unpublished Opinions
    A Second Strike
    Three Strikes:  Real Justice?
    Three Strikes Articles
    Three Strikes Letters
    Third-Strike Inmate Wins Freedom

    Justice for Whom?
    Three-strikes case shouts out for end to "unpublished" rulings
    By Cayenne Bird



    Click on the links below to learn more about becoming a U.N.I.O.N. member.

    Membership Information
    Go to these four pages and hit print
    to receive the daily newsletter. Also
    Spanish Translation.

    Join the U.N.I.O.N.

    Listen to this audio presentation that will explain how you can fight back for yourself,
    and others in the UNION!

    Download it to your computer and email it to your friends 

    Audio "Why we have all these problems"

    ALERTS!  - Fight back today

    U.N.I.O.N. Home Page

    Cayenne Comments

     UNION Campaign for re-sentencing and release of sick and dying prisoners, compassionate release campaigns (ongoing since 1998)

    Please support AB 1539 in the 2007 session by writing to editors and showing up to the hearings.

    Detailed Webpages on AB 1539 - Resentencing and Release of Terminally Ill and Disabled Prisoners - Compassionate Release Campaign

    Web Commentary - 
    Compassionate Release for Sick and Dying Prisoners Deserves Your Support 

    Compassionate Release

    Why UNION families object to CDC receiving $600 million to build bogus mental hospitals on prison grounds!!!

    Beverly Diaz Compassionate Releases

    U.N.I.O.N Campaign to oppose harsh sex offender laws by organizing a voting group large enough to do a referendum or initiative campaign to stop the Prop 83 disaster before it destroys more lives.

     U.N.I.O.N. Call To Action For Sex Offenders and their family members

    Jessica's Law - No Way! (many pages of facts about sex offenders)

    Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) is retroactive and applies to all sex offenders - it is a new bill passed by a disgraced Attorney General Gonzales but valid nevertheless

    Vote "No" on Jessica's Law, Prop 83, a political war on the people that does not protect children. Click on this link for the facts

    Hearing on February 23, 2007, Doe vs. Schwarzenegger residency restrictions under Prop 83 in San Francisco has been canceled.

    Order of Dismissal - PDF File



    UNION Campaign to end abuse of the Mentally Ill in California Prisons (ongoing since 1998)  

    Prison Commission Report,Summary - A Tremendous Victory UNION Members, Thanks for all Your Hard Work on This - If only the legislators would listen

    Our Battle Against Lockdowns - Index

    Mark Grangetto - Being Starved to Death
    Two lawsuits have been filed in this case which will affect every California prisoner. Please attend the first trial in Hanford the week of August 22, 2007 to show solidarity in this battle.

    Suicide Watch

    Mental Health in Prisons & Jails
    Campaign against Abuse of the Mentally ill, Diesso case
    Diesso Call to Action to end abuse of the Mentally Ill

    Guard Assault Task Force - Destroying Mentally Ill Inmates for Life

    Department Operations Manuel - DOM 

    California Code of Regulations

    A mother's fight for justice
    U.N.I.O.N. Awards - 2004

    UNION Campaign against Excessive Use of Force and Psychological Intimidation of California Prisoners (ongoing since 1998)

    Human Rights Record of the United States - 2003

    Eddie Dillard Rape Case -

     Prison Riots - Articles
    Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison, Corcoran (SATF)

    Tammi Menendez - Interview on Larry King Live
    China's Report on Human Rights Violations in the US

    Salinas Valley State Prison - Lockdowns

    MAC Chairman - Retaliation


    On April 2, 2005 more than 100 UNION families turned out to protest murder and torture at CSP-LAC Lancaster 
    Lancaster Protest 
    Lancaster Protest - Pictures
    Lancaster Protest - News Articles

    Press Conferences - 2004
    - Filing of Wrongful death lawsuits by UNION families

     Press Conference - Anthony "Kirk: Brown - November 12, 2004 - Los Angeles
    Press Release  - Ersel Ware - October 23, 2004
    Press Release - Anthony Shumake & Ersel Ware - October 4, 2004
    Donald Swisher Press Conference - September 13, 2004

    Sacramento Rally 2004

    August 12, 2004 - Press Release
    August 12, 2004 Rally - Speakers
    August 12, 2004 - Rally News Article

    Lawsuits Filed for Medical Neglect
    Shumake & Ware Press Conference - Sacramento
    Swisher Press Conference
    Heartbreaking Story - Edward Rister

    How and Where to File Complaints
    Can CDC Police Itself?
    Inmate Civil Rights

    Public Information Rights
    MCI Information
    Crime Stats
    Vote No!

    Sound Tracks of our TV Shows

    Interview with Attorney Robert Bastian during Eddie Dillard’s trial Against the Corcoran Guards - 
    Audio - MP3 

    U.N.I.O.N. Campaign against Medical Neglect
    (ongoing since 1998)  

    California Prison Health Care Receivership (CPR)

     Prevention and Control of Infections with 
    Hepatitis Viruses in Correctional Settings
    Tuberculosis Transmission in Correctional Facilities
    Heartbreaking Story - Edward Rister
    California Rehabilitation Center - Norco
    CMC - San Luis Obispo
    Medical Neglect - Articles

    Compassionate Release Law
    Hepatitis C
    CDC Copayment Requirement
    Nursing Ethics in Prisons

    Reports from Judge Henderson Hearings on Emergency appointment of a Federal Receiver to take over all state medical care. 

    The UNION demanded Civilian Oversight of CDC when hearings were held for the new prison reform plan.  We were ignored but we were there fighting for everyone.

    UNION wins parole of Danny Provencio, braindead inmate before he dies. Info sought on who shot Danny. 

    Cayenne Bird's Report from Judge Henderson Hearings, and Judge Henderson Orders Federal Receivership

    Judge Henderson Orders Federal Receivership - News Articles

    Henderson List - Newspapers & TV

    National Commission on Correctional Health Care
    Medical Neglect - Prisoners Health Hazard
     U.S. prisons turning into incubators for infectious diseases
    Jail Medical Articles - Staph Infections
     State inmate gets new heart
    Heart Transplant 2 - 60 Minutes
    Letters to report unsanitary Conditions to Center for Disease Control

    Medical Crisis - Articles & Letters
    Deaths of 3 Women Probed - Chowchilla
    C.C.W.F. Chowchilla Prison Deaths

    Inmate Deaths
    Forced Drugging
    DNA Test Problems

    U.N.I.O.N. Grievances/Proposed Solutions

    Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Damage?

    U.N.I.O.N. Campaign to 
    End Lockdowns and other Psychological Torture

    Lockdown Index

    Guard Union (CCPOA) - News Articles
    Prison Guards
    Guard Misconduct
    U.N.I.O.N. Grievances/Proposed Solutions
    Lancaster Index
    High Desert State Prison - E-mails & Letters
    Mule Creek Prison Complaints
    Tortures of Isolation in SHU Control Units
    Corcoran Prison Rape Letters 1998
    Mule Creek Torture of Eric K'Napp
    Folsom Represa Torture of Eric K'Napp
    Lancaster Torture of Eric K’napp

    Prison & Jail Torture

    What Inmates Eat - Food Crisis

    What Inmates Eat
    What Inmates Eat - Mail
    Mule Creek Food Crisis
    Mule Creek Chronological Facts

    We are supporting the lawsuit against 71 guards, administrators, wardens, doctors and all who were callous. The trial date is April 4, 2008

    U.N.I.O.N. Campaign on Reform of Visiting Regulations - We need to get together and file a class action lawsuit over ongoing abuses. Will you help support this project?

      Sunday, August 27, Protest Against Visiting Abuses at Salinas Valley Prison was a big success. The story was picked up by the National Wire Services. Congratulations UNION Members for a Protest Well Done

    Visiting Regulations
    Visiting Articles
    Limiting Prison Visits
    Letters on Visiting
     Visiting E-mail & Letters
    CNN Eric Menendez Interview

    Cages for Visitors on Death Row

    C.D.C. Visiting Regulations

    Inmate Locator

    To locate an inmate within the California Department of Corrections, please call (916) 445-6713, which is available 24 hours a day. You must have either the inmate's CDC number, or the inmate's full name and date of birth to receive information. The Inmate Locator/ID Warrants will provide an inmate's location, mailing addresses and relevant phone numbers. The Inmate Locator/ID Warrants will not provide any future release date information. Please note that for new or transferring inmates it can take up to seven business days to update location information.

    Restitution Hearing

     Restitution Hearing - Sample Letter

     California Department of Corrections
    CDC Inmate Visiting Number: 800-374-8474

    Press Access to Prisons

     Hidden Costs of Incarceration
    C.D.C. Facilities
    C.D.C. Visiting Regulations
    C.D.C.  - Prison Regulations
    C.D.C. - Department Operations Manual

    Prison Mail & Letters
    Prison Religious Issues
    C.D.C. - Over Population
    California Budget Crisis - 2003
     California Budget Crisis - Letter by B. Cayenne Bird
    Prison Articles
    Prison Reform
    Prison Rape

    F.C.C. Telephone Complaint Form

    Juvenile Hall

     Juvenile Hall Index

    Mail Obstruction and Packages

    Legal Challenge to Packages
     Mail Obstruction Index
    Mail Obstruction
    Packages for Prisoners
    New Close Custody Regs

    Legal & Lawsuits

    Lawsuit Research Index
    Lawsuit Total Costs
    Bazzeta v. McGinnis, 6th Circuit Court of Appeals- Visiting
    Links to Legal Resources

    Media Access

    E-MAIL Addresses for Senators and California Media
    Media Page
    Media Access - Proposed CDC Regulation Changes
    Media Access Letter Campaign

    Legislatative Links

     Limiting High-Speed Pursuits
     U.N.I.O.N. Bills - 2005
    Legislative Bills Page - 2003
    Senate Bills Information
    On-line Voter Registration

    Parole Campaign

    Daniel Provencio - Inspector General Report

    Parole Campaign and Letters
    Take Action on Parole Issues
    Letters on Parole - 2002
    Articles on Parole

    U.N.I.O.N. Director B. Cayenne Bird

    Articles published by U.N.I.O.N. Director, B. Cayenne Bird

    U.N.I.O.N. Members

     U.N.I.O.N. Awards
    U.N.I.O.N. Awards - 2004
    Who Are the Members of the U.N.I.O.N.?
    Testimonial Letters
    Buy U.N.I.O.N. Books
    UNION Members' published articles - Index
    Raise a Stink Campaign
    Officer Pursuits - Robert L. Bastian, Jr.
    Robert L. Bastian, Jr. - Writings
    Gates of Injustice - Alan Elsner
    U.N.I.O.N. - Letters to Editor

    Dr. William Chambliss
    Dr. William Chambliss on Crime Stats
    Criminal Statistics "The Big Lie"


    Articles about our work published in the Orange County Register
    The Reporter - Letters to the Editor

     We called out the falsehoods told about the war in Afghanistan and Iraq days after 911. (not years later)

    Historical archive
    It's a Dirty Little War Over Oil
    Federal Register - November 7, 1942 - Prescott Bush

    The Reporter.com Editorials
    World Trade Center Photos

    home button ways to fight back bird button join button subscribe button

    Rev. B. Cayenne Bird
    P.O. Box 340371
    Sacramento, Ca. 95834-0371

    We are a volunteer organization and most of our members are desperately poor. Donations are the way we pay for postage, printing and our protest costs. Sign up form is at newsletter

    This True Justice site owned by Rev. B. Cayenne Bird
    Send e-mail to: rightor1@yahoo.com

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