Newsletter/Donation Form

The U.N.I.O.N.

United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect

The U.N.I.O.N. is managed by volunteers who are prisoner families. Often they are the poorest of the poor who do not own cars, have money for basics such as food, clothing, rent. But, they find time and energy to fight for better conditions and/or  justice in  their loved one's case by reforming the system. We all write letters to editors, show up when called to protest or attend an important hearing (send someone) recruit others to write and show up,  and get out the vote for candidates who will truly represent us.

All the new laws to help prisoners put into effect this year were the result of the efforts of U.N.I.O.N. prisoner families. Often members are single mothers and grandmothers working two jobs to make ends meet.

We operate solely on your donations. To receive the newsletter online,  a $5 per month donation is due by the 5th of each month.

This minimum donation is required in cash or postage stamps if you are a journalist, publisher, or family of an inmate, or a family who plans to write and demonstrate with us.

Are you interested in being a team leader in your area?________________ You must have a fax and a computer to be a team leader so that you can get messages out to people not online. We also need donated printing, copies, use of busses and mini-vans for shuttling demonstrators, money for supplies and gasoline, telephone and office expenses, computers good enough to receive email, people who can give rides to those without cars to visit their inmates.

We need so many things! Will you also make a donation or ask your church or favorite charity to sponsor us?

No one in the UNION gets a salary but we do many campaigns. We DO NOT  just pass email back and forth. And campaigns cost money! You cannot have advocacy without expenses.

We do not mail directly to prisoners, because their families must participate in the calls to action - the inmates cannot do this necessary organizing work forthemselves!  Only the family members can stand up for their loved ones.

Email is free at every public library. So  get plugged in so you know how, when, where to fight back.

We do not allow inactive people on our daily newsletter list.  You must be willing to write, show up, recruit and truly help organize for at least two hours per week.

If you are too busy to help with the work, we have a special subscription rate per year of $375 annually.  Inaction  is the only reason  why we have all these problems.
Yes, please send me the UNION Daily Online Newsletter.  I promise to send $5 per month to cover campaign expenses, and to write, show up when called to hearings or protests (or send someone to stand for me).  I promise to recruit others to write, show up and help get out the vote for the candidates who will best represent prisoners and their families.
Enclosed is ______$5_______$10______$20_______$______________other
Your name_________________________Phone (___)_______________
Mailing address____________________________________________
City________________________ State____________Zip__________
Your E-mail address________________________________________
Your Fax Number____________________________________________

Make check payable to B.Bird.
 Mail to U.N.I.O.N,
P.O. Box 340371
Sacramento, Ca. 95834-0371
Or pay online with your credit card through Pay Pal.

Sign up for PayPal -Click below:

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