VMaxDClock Applet

This digital clock designed for flexible date formatting. One can customize FORMAT parameter string to get output in desired format. One even can change months and days names redefining default DAYS and MONTHS parameters.
Custom colors, fonts and tiled background image

Usage Example

<APPLET CODE=vmaxdclock.class WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=25>
<PARAM NAME="AUTHOR"      VALUE="Virtual_Max (http://come.to/vmax)">
<PARAM NAME="FONT"        VALUE="Dialog,1,16">
<PARAM NAME="DAYS"        VALUE="Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday">
<PARAM NAME="MONTHS"      VALUE="January February March April May June July August September October November December">
<PARAM NAME="KEY"         VALUE="Free Version">

BGCOLOR (required)
background color in hexadecimal format, same as html hexadecimal colors but without # radix
simbol. ( rrggbb ). If you are not sure about colors Hexadecimal values, please use colorpicker script at my 3DCubeExpert page.

colors in the same hexadecimal format for Text and text shadow, if SHADOWCOLOR parameter is omited no shadow will be drawn.

BGIMAGE (optional)
URL of image for applet background, if this image less than applet it will be tiled. Please, use non-interlaced gif images only.

FONT (optional)
includes fontname,fontstyle,fontsize separated by commas. One can use following platform independent fontnames:
Dialog, Helvetica, InputDialog, Courier, TimesRoman
Fontstyle can be 0 for plain font, 1 for bold, 2 for italics and 3 for bold italics.

FORMAT (optional)
String reprezentation of date format. The following fields will be recognized and replaced by actual values.

DAYS and MONTHS (optional)
7 days names and 12 names for months separated with space character.
One can omit this parameter the defaults (same as in the above example) will be used, but if you need to redefine this string representations of months names or week days names you can do it easy!

AUTHOR and KEY both are obligatory parameters. Do not alter it's values.