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Did you ever wonder...

Is it necessary for a man to follow a religion?

What are the advantages of Religion?

Why there is a need for regulations in the society?

What is the difference between Islam with other religions?

What is the difference between Islam with other social systems?

You can learn more about all these subjects in the new section of EMARI ISLAM Page, excerpt from the book by Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai: "Islamic Teachings in Brief"

Muslim Immigration to Non-Muslim Countries 
By: Sadegh E. 

Among the important matters that Muslims face is gration from a Muslim country to a non-Muslim one. Is such migration allowed by Islam? If so, under what set of rules and restrictions can such a migration take place?  

According to the sharia' (the Islamic code of law), migration is not only acceptable, but may even be advisable. Migration may be to either an Islamic or non-Islamic country. 

The Status of Women In Islam 

Chiefly because it permits a plurality of wives, the West has accused Islam of degrading women. If we approach the question historically, comparing the status of Arabian women before and after Prophet Mohammed, The charge is 
patently false.  

Addressing conditions in which the very birth of a daughter was regarded as a calamity, the kuranic reforms improved womans status incalculably. They

forbade infanticide.

Exclusive Interview of Imam Elahi  

Imam Elahi is currently the Director of the Daral Hikma, or, Islamic House of Wisdom. In this interveiw, he discusses specifically the role of women in the Islamic resurgence and the relationship of the youth to their elders and leaders.  

Q: It seems that the Islam's historical focus has been mostly on men, but after the Islamic revolution in Iran, and all over ummah, emphasis has also been placed on woman's role in society, not just in the home. How can the Muslim women play positive role in this insurgence?

Doucumentary on the wooden plate found in NOAH'S ARK.   
By: Dr. Akthar Raz 

During the month of July,1951 a team of Russian experts, were surveying the 
valley of Kaat. Perhaps they were busy in finding out a new mine. They noticed 
a few pieces of rotten wood at a place. The group officer started digging the 
place. To his surprise he found heaps of wood pressed there under the earth. 

Experts, by observing a few layers speculated that these wood are extraordinary and possess an obscure mystery. 

Pork: The Other White Meat?  
By Alyssa Samadi 

In folkloric terms, eating the meat of the pig is said to contribute to lack of morality and 
shame, plus greed for wealth, laziness, indulgence, dirtiness and gluttony. We insult a 
person by calling him or her a "Pig" when they demonstrate these characteristics. 
Muslims are forbidden by God to eat the meat of the pig (pork). 

"You are what you eat" American proverb

Reality of the Unseen  
By Seyyed Mujtaba Musavi Lari  
Translated by Hamid Algar 
    One of the characteristics of the unique God to the knowledge and worship of Whom Prophets and religious leaders summon us is that He is utterly inaccessible to sense perception.  

   Those who want to solve the question of existence of God within the framework of their intellectual limitations and narrowness of vision, ask how it is possible to believe in an unseen being.

The History of Women’s Education in the World of Islam  
By: M.J. Saket 

At the Court of the Veiled  
The education of women in the world of Islam has a fascinating story, among them a look at the Muslim Iranian 
women and their learning efforts is quite interesting and sensational indeed.  

Today with the help of books and scripts that have somehow survived the larceny of oppressors and fighters of culture, we gain access to some precious information regarding the Muslim female scholars in the past centuries.

About the Religion of Islam  
By: Huston Smith 

We can begin with an anomaly. Of all the non-Western religions, Islam stands closest to the West closest geographically, and also closest ideologically; for religiously it stands in the Abrahamic family of religions, while philosophically it builds on the Creeks.   

"No part of the world," an American columnist has written, "is more

hopelessly and systematically and stubbornly misunderstood by us than that complex of religion, culture and geography known as Islam."' 

Where Islam and Christianity Agree and Differ on Jesus  
Imam M. J. Chirri 

Wilson: The whole issue of Islamic monotheism, by your explanation, has become clear. The Islamic teaching concerning Jesus also has been made clear.  

Although Islam accepts the holiness of Jesus, it denies his divinity. According to the teaching of Islam,  Jesus is no deity. He is not God, nor is he united with God. He is worthy of reverence and great respect, but he is not worthy of worship.

Freedom of Discussion in Islam 
Imam M. J. Chirri 

Wilson: Some religions discourage the questioning attitude in regard to the soundness of their teachings. 
They advise their followers to follow their instructions without examination. They demand faith and prohibit 
acquaintance with any other faith because it may lead to doubt.  

Doubters are not excused. When a person is not committed to any religion and doubts the whole religious concept, he should not be satisfied with his doubt.
