These are pages of all the great people who make this hobby what it is... FUN... All of these people I trust and can guarantee that you will have good dealings with them...

The first links belong to a pair of traders. They are Carolina and Vaughn who PROVE that there can be HUGE benefits in trading patches over the internet. Both are Excellent traders and ALWAYS have interesting stuff for sale. You can view Vaughn's Page who has an extensive US Marshal Collection and Carolina's Page who always has good specialty units from around the country for trade and sale

Also.. if you happen to be registered on Ebay , make sure you check out the patches they have for sale. Do a seller search under the name "wasfate"

Klaus Altemueller is a collector who specializes in Nevada Area Patches as he is a Sheriff Sergeant Investigator in Nevada. He has PLENTY to trade and is a very accomodating trader. Check out his trade lists as they are QUITE extensive and span the entire nation!!!

SmrfCop is a great Trader who collects mainly California patches, but is looking for any patch that is nice looking. Smrfcop has a huge trade stock and is very accomodating to your needs. The webpage has a lot of cool stuff on it, not just patches so make sure you drop by SmrfCop's Precint

Frank Bortolin is a collector who is mainly interested in from patches from Hamilton Ontario.. However he will trade for any Subdued Patch, or a host of others. He is very friendly and has a good looking trade list!!! You should be able to find something you need!! Take a look at

Frank's page

Tom Savage is a VERY accomplished law enforcement officer that also has a VERY accomplished patch collection. Check his page out because he has a lot of interesting and rare Federal Patches for trade...

Tom's Page

Linda Cain has a very diverse trader list. She is a prompt trader who is very liberal in what she will trade for. I have had a very good experience trading with her. You should be able to find some good things on her trade list!!!!

Linda's page

Tom Beauchesne likes Correction Patches but will trade for lots of different items.. He is a very prompt and honest trader who has some good looking patches to trade.. Click on his dept. patch below to take you to his site..

Tom's page

Sherry is a very sweet lady who LOVES to trade. She specialized in Canadian patches but has a very accomplished trade list from the US. She is currently seeking out German patches so check her site out.. She also has access to pins and other law enforcement accessories..

If your looking for Nevada Traders go to Steve Rosenthal's page.. He has a lot of hard to find ones.. He also has a huge trade list from the rest of the US. Steve is really friendly and a good guy to trade with.. Check his page out!!!

Steve's Page

Dave Hoyt has so many traders that if you can'f find something you need or want on his lists, then there is something wrong with you. He has extensive lists from the US, Canada, and Specialty Units

Dave's Page

The Gunslinger has a great looking website that features some very colorful and unique patches.. To trade with him, click below...

The Gunslinger's Page