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European co-operation; a road to world federalism?
Even though we are living in a world today where internet has a main role and circumnavigations of the globe become more and more usual, the politicians choose old solutions and seem blind. It's scary that Costa Rica is the only country in the world that has understood that the army creates more problems than it solves. When United States [US] deny paying back their loan to the United Nations [UN], we shouldn't just say it's a strange world we're living in, but react. It's not fair that the US is the world's political, economical and military dictator, when both China and India have lots of more inhabitants. What we see is that the human being's equal value just exists inside each country, and not in the world as a whole. If we have a sense of responsibility, we must do something quickly. We need international parliaments elected by the people. This is what I call world federalism. How can we reach it?
A good example of how we can create international democratic parliaments is the European Union [EU]. Although it consists of much more than just the European Parliament [EP], the EP is getting more power with each year that goes by. Today the EP rules over about 1% of the total BNP in the member countries, while some national parliaments rule over more than 40%. The fellowship has some basic rules. One of these is the banning of death penalty.
The major question among EP parliamentaricans now is when the applicant countries of Eastern Europe will become integrated members and how the union will appear at that time. The continuing expansion in the history of the EU shows that there probably doesn't exist any borders. Turkey has applied for membership more then once and the Turks could have been members today if they had accepted to treat the human rights well. You see it other places too. In Southeast Asia for instance, they are planning a union of some of another sort. And it is natural that the Spanish speaking countries in Latin America work more together in the future. If you ask me, I would guess that the EU is just the start of something bigger - a global, democratic parliament elected by the people.
Another majestic project the EU has started id the introduction of the Euro, that will replace the national currencies in at least 12 EU countries from 1. July. Unfortunately not all member countries will take part in this pioneer reform. I believe that the introduction of the Euro is a very efficient way to create a shared European identity. In fact I do not know of any other possible reform that would be as efficient. The reason why the Euro will affect in such a way the European identity, is for me very simple; identity is created when you have something you share with others. You can share a language, but still have your own dialect. You can also share a hair colour, but have your own nuance. Currencies are different. First of all it is created and not a result of development. It is one of the most important areas in the modern life and doesn't accept differences. But compared to other currencies it's very unique.
European politicians have many problems to solve. First of all there is the widespread poverty in the East European countries, the scarcity of a common curriculum in the schools and of a common foreign policy, understanding problems between different nationalities, racism, and the feeling of not sharing the same identity.
So what solutions should we look for? Well...I've mentioned most of them already; more power to the European Parliament from national parliaments and other EU organs, a common policy on official languages, curriculum, foreign policy, student exchange & free immigration.
In my opinion the official languages in the EU should be the three most spoken in the world; Chinese, Spanish and English. These have as many as 2.2 billion first users and many, many more if we include the people that use it as a second or third language. Especially English is a popular academic language. That is the ideal, but anyway; the most important thing is that the EU can make a decision on one or some languages that pupils all around the union shall study. If EU wants to have authority as a serious and responsible union in the world community, it needs to take all decisions in a world perspective. That's why I have the unusual view that Chinese, which isn't the national language of any of the European countries, should be an official language in the the union.
[Teacher; "Interesting idea."]
The EU has achived many important things within the borders of Europe: I can mention such domains as human rights, the banning of landmines and death penalty, reforming of the UN, etc.. But if the EU shall get anything done outside the borders of the union, it would be much more audible if it had a common policy on world-wide problems.
Similar curriculums in the EU-countries are rational and fair. Why should for instance Swedish school children learn so little about other cultures and other languages, and so much about their own cultural heritage? I think that this can create an ignorance of other cultures and languages and that this ignorance in turn can nourish nationalistic movements. I am aware of the fact that this is a very controversial point of view, but I strongly feel that more knowledge of other cultures is one of the basic ingredients in the world federalism, the way I define it, as international parliaments elected by the people.
[Teacher; "I agree!"]
Multicultural experience in the society is essential if we shall reach our ideals of human rights. This is why it's important that the EU is in front not only when it comes to the content of the curriculums, but also when it comes to free student exchange for the masses. One possibility could be to impose on students to spend some time in another country in order to get your diploma, for instance via a student exchange programme.
[Teacher; "Great idea!"]
The word liberty has been used and abused in lots of political ideologies, but also in my ideology this phrase plays a major role. Free immigration is perhaps what I associate with liberty. If you don't believe in borders, the last thing you can believe in should be imprisoning of the human beings.
I think I've shown in this essay that the EU is a fortaste of how to create binding world co-operation, world federalism and democratic world parliaments elected by the people; common currencies, curricula, official languages and a more open world, where student exchange is a natural solution for many and where people from all over the world are more free to decide where to settle, study and work.
Welcome world federalism!
[Teacher; "Excellent ideas you put forth! And in a language that is sophisticated, nuanced and clear. Grammar, vocabulary, spelling are all excellent. And your ideas are systimatically and logically organized. In other words; this essay is a pleasure to read"]
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