Assessments in the field of administrative law

Merits review tribunals

In September 1994 the Administrative Review Council (GPO Box 3222, Canberra ACT 2601) issued a discussion paper entitled "Review of Commonwealth Merits Review Tribunals". A copy of the Society's submission dated November 1994 is available on request from the Society secretariat (

Freedom of information

On 8 July 1994 the Attorney-General asked the Australian Law Reform Commission (GPO Box 3708, Sydney 2001) to review freedon of information legislation. In September 1994 ALRC published its Issues Paper no. 12 entitled "Freedom of Information". A copy of the Society's submission dated October 1994 is available from the Society secretariat ( In May 1995 the ALRC published its Discussion Paper no. 59 entitled "Freedom of Information", which presented specific proposals for reform. The Society submitted a response to the discussion paper dated July 1995.

In November 2000 the Freedom of Information Act (UK) received Royal Assent. The British Government has announced an implementation timetable which provides for access to commence in January 2005. In 2002 the Society submitted an article entitled "Freedom of Information - Lessons from Australia" to the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, and the article was published in the November 2002 issue of the Institute's Review.

The federal civil justice system

In August 1999 the Australian Law Reform Commission (GPO Box 3708, Sydney 2001) published its Discussion Paper No. 62 entitled "Review of the Federal Civil Justice System". A copy of the Society's submission dated October 1999 is available from the Society secretariat (

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