Tony Blair's Proposed Congressional Gold Medal

Tony Blair said some fine words about Human Rights in Foreign Lands, but when he is challenged about Human Rights in the United Kingdom, he fails to pay any heed whatsoever. According to the latest Factual Documentary series on BBC TeeVee...... "Britain's Secret Shame" , "Up to 500,000 Pensioners are abused at any one time", and shortfalls in Central Government funding are to blame for the crisis situation. Age Concern say that quarter of a million are already dead. The University of London say that more than 29,000 died in Greater London area, in the last year alone, due to the mysterious "Unexplained Winter Death Syndrome". Democracy is to be hailed and promoted in Baghdad - Iraq, but not in Belfast - UK,where he has suspended the Democratic process indefinitely.

It would seem that a couple of people in the USA Legislature are labouring under some delusions, of the grim reality of life in to-day's Britain, and of the real opinion that many members of the British Public hold about events. In particular I would to tell you the details about how and why the two prinicipal instigators, behind the proposed award, came to the conclusions they did, and why I think they are mistaken in their beliefs.

1. They came to the conclusions they did, soley as a result of listening to the content of a couple of speeches by T.Blair on TeeVee, and by reading a few sycophantic remarks in USA press.

2. They are wrong because the reasons they give for this award, actually bear no relation to the reality of the situation for many, if not most of the sick, disabled, elderly, and other socially dis-advantaged Citizens, and the Democratically oppressed in to-day's Britain.

Bearing in mind what you read about the work of these two USA Senators on the following web page addresses, and notwithstanding some of their right wing views, it is clear that they are both socially aware individuals, who if they had more detailed knowledge of the serious maladministration, for which Tony Blair is responsible ultimately, then they could not possibly, in my view have even contemplated such a move as to moot that he be awarded the "Gold Medal".

Web Links:

Who is Senator Elizabeth Dole ?

Senator Elizabeth Dole proposes Gold Medal

Representitive Richard Baker second proposal in Congress

Senator Elizabeth Dole Homepage

Representitive Richard Baker Homepage

There are links to send e-mail on the above mentioned "Homepages" but they may not work unless you can input a genuine US Post Office "zipcode" so obviously there are other methods of contact mentioned on those pages should you wish to avail yourself of that.

The mere thought of Tony Blair Esquire standing up there on the dias with his cheesy grin and regal wave, accepting a Humanitarian Award for services rendered to World Human Rights and Freedom, and at the same instant thousands of frail elderly, and chronically ill people here in the UK are neglected, malnourished, dehydrated, or hypothermic and being abused, degraded and humiliated. Many of them dresssed in rags and alone are breathing their last breaths in dank and dark squalid rooms, whilst Tony Blair will be drinking Champagne in Washington.

You may wish to contact the above, or lobby your own MP or Representitive about these issues. The hypocracy and double standards of those who purport to represent our views and wishes must be exposed.

© 2003 - Social Conciousness Group - United Kingdom.