The interview was split into several parts so that those with a slow dial-up connection can recieve the streams
Streams are now recoded as WMV format since is more reliable some picture degradation occurred, sorry, but the content is more important than the quality.
CLICK HERE | Why didn't you give the Cabinet the Full Legal Advice of the Attorney General on March 7th ? |
CLICK HERE | Why don't you have a full enquiry ( into IRAQ war ) rather than just specific word questions that you decide upon yourself ? |
CLICK HERE | You told us in 1997 when you came along that your Government would be transparent and yet there are numerous scandals, why is that ? |
CLICK HERE | Brian Sedgemore said that you made your mind up about the IRAQ war after you went to America to see George Bush, isn't that so ? |
CLICK HERE | What new stealth taxes will you impose first, should you get back into office ? |
CLICK HERE | The health service is appaling, I have been to filthy hospitals, and waited 8 months even to see a consultant, why is that ? |
CLICK HERE | You've spent billions on the health service and yet we don#t see the improvements we wanted, where has all the money gone ? |
CLICK HERE | General Practicioners are making patients book appointments at short notice, so that they can fit patients into Government Targets How does that help the Public ? |
CLICK HERE | You said at the last General Election that people shouldn't suppose that tax would go up, if you were re-elected, yet you did put taxes up as soon as you were elected. Are you going to do that again ? |
CLICK HERE | What did you mean, when you said that . . . "we will not introduce top-up fees for students, and have legislated to prevent them." Where is that legislation ? |
CLICK HERE | Do you think that 40% of school leavers is too many to go to university, because a lot of them are not capable of the coursework ? |
CLICK HERE | Why did you refuse to debate "face to face" with the other Party Leaders during tonight ? |
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