Gordon Brown's Chinese Take Away




Can Gordon explain the Double Accounting at the Treasury ?

See this short video clip ( Real Player )
for an explaination of the sort of thing, then You
decide for Yourselves whether this is an honest way
to account for Government expenditure or not. 


Answers on a postcard to :
First Lord of Her Majesty's Treasury,
10 Downing Street, London, England, UK.


How have the Chinese Government become involved ?

The Chinese Government have been involved before 1999

The principals include that well known "Hong Kong"
businessman and benefactor, Sir Li Ka-Shing.
On the face of it this may appear to be an innocent
philanthropic arrangement, but our investigators
beleive that there is something far more sinister
going on here, and that all may not be as it seems.

Li Ka Shing was born in Chaozhou, Guangdong, in 1928, moving to Hong Kong with his family in 1940. After working with a watch-strap company and then starting his own plastics factory, he built a personal fortune through Hong Kong property investments in the 1950s. He is now variously reported to be Hong Kong’s richest man, and the sixth richest in the world, with investments and employees in 42 countries. .......... So the official story goes, but there is more to this man than meets the eye.

According to Peoples Republic of China propaganda website (chinadevelopmentbrief.com) ;

The Li Ka Shing Foundation was established in 1980. Since then, it reports, donations have exceeded HK 5 billion (USD 600 million). In recent years, the foundation has provided assistance following natural disasters in India, supported medical and academic research in the United States and the UK, and contributed to community facilities for ethnic Chinese communities in Singapore and Canada. However, the great bulk of its giving has been to Hong Kong and, increasingly, the Chinese mainland. ............. Seems innocent enough ?

The Hong Kong newspapers call him chiu yan (Superman), but at first glance the only thing Li Ka-shing has in common with Clark Kent is a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. This hardly bothers his legions of admirers. To them, this modest 78-year-old is the most successful Chinese businessman of his generation. Today, Li's fortune totals more than $18 billion. We are led to believe that Li obtained his vast cash reserve by honest business acumen, but according to Stephen Vines, author of ; Hong Kong: China's New Colony. ................

As Li's power and influence grew it became clear that his real talent lay not just in having an uncanny eye for opportunities but also in knowing when to sell. He has long traded his property assets in Hong Kong, predicting the market's peaks and troughs with seeming clairvoyance, and he has applied his skills to other assets, too. In 1999, he sold the British-based Orange telephone network to Germany's Mannesmann for a $14.6 billion profit; within a year, the tech bubble burst and the value of such assets plummeted. Skeptics wondered why Li took control of Canada's Husky Oil in 1991 and suffered years of poor returns, but the company is now one of the jewels in the Li portfolio. ........ We will return to the Husky Oil Company dealin greater detail later.

In recent years, Li's trading finesse has drawn criticism from shareholders annoyed at the spinning off of assets, such as telecom companies, in a way that lines his pockets more than their own. There are also rumblings of discontent over the lack of transparency in Li's dealings. He recently helped finance a deal by a close associate, investment banker Francis Leung, to buy the assets of PCCW, the telecom firm controlled by his son Richard Li. At the time of the proposed sale, the younger Li maintained that his father was not involved in this politically sensitive deal, but later it came to light that he loaned Leung most of the cash for his deposit on the purchase.

In October 1999, the Clinton White House denied that Chinese billionaire Li Ka-Shing is working for the communists in Beijing. The White House press secretary labeled such accusations as "silly" and dismissed them as "the kind of thing you see around here from time to time."

Yet, in August 1994, the Clinton White House did not think Li Ka-Shing's connection to the red Chinese leadership was silly. President Clinton thought so highly of Li Ka-Shing that he equated and included the communist financier with the red leaders of Beijing in a package of intelligence information supplied to a Democratic National Committee million-dollar donor.

The Clinton White House thought so much of Li Ka-Shing that they passed a complete intelligence bio on the Chinese billionaire directly to DNC donor Loral Aerospace CEO Bernard Schwartz just prior to a trade trip to Beijing. Along with Li Ka-Shing's bio, the White House also gave Schwartz the detailed biographies of the entire Chinese communist leadership from President Jiang Zemin to the mayor of Shanghai.

According to Forbes, Li Ka-Shing is the sixth richest man in the world. Li claims to be neither a red Chinese government official nor a member of any military service. Yet, the Clinton White House bio states that Li is a "member of the board of directors of the China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC)."

According to a 1997 Rand Corporation report sponsored by the Clinton administration, CITIC is an "investment concern under China's governmental State Council." CITIC "became identified with the PLA as a result of the scandal surrounding Wang Jun and his visit to the White House on 6 February 1996."

According to Charles Smith, national security and defense reporter for WorldNetDaily, In February 1996, President Clinton met with Chinese arms dealer Wang Jun after taking a donation from Arkansas DNC donor Charlie Trie. The Rand Corp. noted that "Wang Jung is both director of CITIC and Chairman of Poly Group, the arms trading company of the General Staff Department." In short, Wang Jun was an arms dealer from the Chinese army.

According to the Rand Corporation report, "Poly Technologies, Ltd., was founded in 1984, ostensibly as a subsidiary of CITIC, although it was later exposed to be the primary commercial arm of the PLA General Staff Department's Equipment Sub-Department. Throughout the 1980s, Poly sold hundreds of millions of dollars of largely surplus arms around the world, exporting to customers in Thailand, Burma, Iran, Pakistan, and the United States."

The Rand report concluded, "CITIC does enter into business partnerships with and provide logistical assistance to PLA and defense-industrial companies like Poly. Poly's U.S. subsidiaries were abruptly closed in August 1996. Allegedly, Poly's representative, Robert Ma, conspired with China North Industries Corporation's (NORINCO) representative, Richard Chen, and a number of businessmen in California to illegally import 2000 AK-47s into the United States."

"Unfortunately for them," states the Rand report, "their 'customers' turned out to be undercover U.S. Customs and BATF agents, posing as members of a Miami syndicate. Poly's representative, Robert Ma, fled the country one step ahead of Federal law enforcement officials who had a warrant for his arrest, and his current whereabouts are unknown."

The Rand Corporation did not neglect to document Li Ka-Shing's direct connections to the Chinese military. According to the Rand report, "Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong, controlled by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-Shing, is also negotiating for PLA wireless system contracts, which would build upon his equity interest in Poly-owned Yangpu Land Development Company, which is building infrastructure on China's Hainan Island."

Clearly, Li Ka-Shing helps to fund the People's Liberation Army by providing financing for Chinese army weapons sales through Poly Technologies and for purchases of advanced western military technology.

For example, CITIC also owns a controlling interest in the Hong Kong based Asia Satellite Telecom Co. Ltd., or AsiaSat. AsiaSat, a company founded in 1988, operates several communications satellites in the Far East bought from U.S. manufacturers such as Hughes.

AsiaSat is also a front company for the People's Liberation Army. According to "Aviation Week and Space Technology," AsiaSat is also part-owned by the Chinese army unit COSTIND (the Commission on Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense). AsiaSat satellites regularly carry "military communications" traffic for PLA units and Chinese military-owned companies.

It is no surprise that AsiaSat signed an exclusive deal with billionaire Li Ka-Shing to carry his STAR television service, 54 channels of premium cable/satellite television including MTV, re-runs of American sitcoms dubbed in various languages, and pay-per-view X-rated movies. Li Ka-Shing later sold all of his STAR TV holdings in two huge chunks to news magnate Rupert Murdoch for nearly a billion dollars.

Li Ka-Shing's joint ventures with the Chinese military are not limited to high-tech satellites and communications deals. One joint venture led by Li Ka-Shing nearly added four new invasion ships to the Chinese navy.

In January 1997, President Clinton authorized four huge "roll on-off" container ships for export directly to China. The four container ships were to be constructed for the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) and Li Ka-Shing's Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. by the Alabama Shipyards in Mobile, Ala.

The four U.S. ships were to be built using $138 million in private loans backed by the U.S. government. The loans had very favorable terms including low interest rates and a 25-year re-payment plan, longer than the expected life of the ships. The loans were also U.S.-backed, so even if the ship and owner disappeared, the federal government would still repay the lenders.

COSCO is the flag carrier for China, hauling official cargo exported by the Chinese government, including weapons; for example, the fully automatic AK-47 machineguns from Poly Technologies that were confiscated in the 1996 U.S. Customs sting operation were found onboard a COSCO ship.

Recent U.S. Navy photos show COSCO cargo ships carrying missile-armed patrol boats bound for Iran and tons of depleted uranium anti-tank shells for Pakistan. COSCO ships have carried jet fighters, missile parts and tanks for export to Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya.

The COSCO container ship deal fell apart in November 1997 due to "commercial" reasons blamed on the Asian financial crisis, Senator Thompson's hearings into the Clinton White House and the Poly Technologies sting. In 1998, Clinton officials nervously pointed out that "no money" was involved because the deal fell apart.

Nevertheless, the Chinese navy deal to acquire these ships actually started in 1993 when Bill Clinton and the Democrats were starved for donation cash. The Maritime shipyard-funding program, managed by the Department of Transportation, was created to finance American-built ships sold to U.S. flag companies.

In 1993, the Democratic-controlled Congress joined President Clinton and altered the program to allow U.S. financing on ships built for export. Li Ka-Shing, COSCO, Ron Brown and Bill Clinton worked to provide the four container ships, including the low cost, 100 percent U.S. government-backed loans, to Hutchison Whampoa and COSCO.

COSCO -- which is part of the Chinese navy and wholly owned by the Chinese government -- is best known for the recent unsuccessful attempt to purchase the former Long Beach Naval station. COSCO and Li Ka-Shing's Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. now control both ends of the Panama Canal.

Bill Clinton considers Li Ka-Shing to be a power in red China equal to that of Chinese President Jiang Zemin. Bill Clinton's White House opened its doors to Li Ka-Shing and his Beijing buddies in the Chinese army surplus outlet store, Poly Technologies. It is the responsibility of Congress to look into Li Ka-Shing and Bill Clinton despite the lies and spin from the White House.

The only thing silly about Li Ka-Shing's relationship to Bill Clinton is the White House denial that the Chinese billionaire is part of the red leadership in Beijing. Li Ka-Shing's relationship with Bill Clinton is documented by his own administration.


Li Ka-Shing shaking hands with Jiang Zemin
President of the People's Republic of China, 1993-2003 

Massive Land Grab

Victor Li (left) and father Li Ka-shing disclose
in April 2005 that their firm Cheung Kong has amassed
 much more land than many analysts have estimated.
More on that story later.....


Massive World Ports Spyring Set Up

Hutchison Whampoa Teams With U.S. Defense Firm for Port Security

Hutchison Whampoa, the firm that currently runs both ends of the Panama Canal, is teaming up with an American technology company in a bid to win tens of millions of dollars in U.S. port security funding. Three companies – Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., PSA Corp. Ltd. of Singapore, and London-based P&O Ports – will test an advanced electronic system manufactured by California-based Savi Technology to ensure the security of cargo entering U.S. ports. Hutchison Whampoa's effort to obtain a U.S. government contract has been confirmed by Savi Technology, the American partner in the joint venture.

"We are working with Hutchison and the port of Seattle on a pilot project," stated Savi's Senior Vice President for the Public Sector Ken Wykle. "The pilot with Hutchison is intended to track cargo from Hong Kong to Seattle. Once the pilot project is complete, we will seek federal funding. "We also have two other pilot projects – one with PSA, which will track cargo from Singapore to Seattle, and a follow-on with P&O, which will track cargo from Rotterdam to the New York and New Jersey ports," stated Wykle.

The three shipping companies are putting up seed money for the pilot phase of the project. However, there is a great potential for U.S. government contract funding, including $28 million in emergency funds already appropriated by Congress for port security and an additional $83 million in annual port security grants being considered in Congress.

RFID Tracking Technology
Savi already produces an electronic system called RFID, or "radio frequency ID," that transmits the exact location of any tagged cargo. The RFID system has been purchased by the U.S. Defense Department to track critical cargo shipments around the world.

Yet intelligence sources have confirmed that the Chinese army is also very interested in the RFID technology. The sources confirmed that the same technology has been examined by the PLA for use as a "poor man's smart bomb." The tracking devices can be rigged to detonate a hidden explosive device or release chemical weapons only when they have arrived at their intended destination.

Li Ka-Shing & Communist Chinese in Business

The bid by Hutchison Whampoa to acquire U.S. government funding is also expected to run into heavy opposition inside Congress. The owner of Hutchison Whampoa, Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-Shing, is well known to be very close to the Chinese communist government. Li is reportedly in business with Chinese President Jiang Zemin's son, developing properties in Tiananmen Square.
For example, Li Ka-Shing is so close to the Chinese government that the Clinton White House gave his bio, along with the bio of the entire top communist Chinese leadership, to the CEO of Loral Aerospace, Bernard Schwartz, just prior to the 1994 Ron Brown trade trip to Beijing. Li was the only civilian in the bios given to the million-dollar DNC donor.

Li apparently did have a great deal of interest in U.S. space technology. He has served as a middleman for PLA satellite purchases. For example, Li financed several satellite deals between the U.S. Hughes Corporation and China Hong Kong Satellite (CHINASAT), a company owned by the People's Liberation Army unit COSTIND.

Besides buying satellites for the PLA, in 1997 Li Ka-Shing and the Chinese navy nearly obtained four huge roll-on/roll-off container ships from America. These ships were intended to transport PLA military cargo. The ships were part of a multimillion-dollar deal that would have been financed by U.S. taxpayers.

In an exclusive deal with the People's Republic of China's communist government, Li has the right of first refusal over all PRC ports south of the Yangtze River.Li Ka-Shing has invested more than a billion dollars in China and owns most of the dock space in Hong Kong.

Red Chinese Panama Canal Deal
Li Ka-Shing currently owns both the Pacific and Atlantic ports on the Panama Canal. A Senate Committee on Foreign Relations staff report on the privatization of the Panamanian ports dated May 14, 1997, identified Hutchison's subsidiary HIT, or Panama Ports Company, as being 10 percent owned by China Resources Enterprise (CRE), which is the commercial arm of China's "Ministry of Trade and Economic Co-operation." During the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee hearings, the South China Morning Post on July 16, 1997, quoted Sen. Fred Thompson as saying China Resources was "an agent of espionage – economic, military, and political – for China."

COSCO and Li Ka-Shing
Li Ka-Shing's official business partner is the national flag carrier of Beijing, the Chinese Ocean Shipping Company, also known as COSCO. According to a 1998 congressional report on Chinese espionage, there is "information" that then-President Clinton did not allow to be made public on COSCO. "Although presented as a commercial entity, COSCO is actually an arm of the Chinese military establishment. The Clinton administration has determined that additional information concerning COSCO that appears in the Select Committee's classified Final Report cannot be made public," stated the report that was written by the House Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare.

Li Ka-Shing attempted to purchase the military port of Long Beach, Calif., for COSCO but failed after the U.S. Department of Defense raised national security concerns over the proposed sale.
A June 1997 Rand report, "Chinese Military Commerce and U.S. National Security," stated, "Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong, controlled by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka Shing, is also negotiating for PLA wireless system contracts, which would build upon his equity interest in PLA arms company Poly Tech-owned Yangpu Land Development Company, which is building infrastructure on China's Hainan Island."

$35 Million Into U.S. Firm From Offshore

It is not known if the U.S. partner of Li Ka-Shing, Savi Technology, is aware of the billionaire's close working relationship with the Chinese government or the joint ventures that Hutchison Whampoa has with the Chinese army. However, Savi received a $35 million investment in June 2002 from a Singapore-based firm just prior to announcing the joint effort with Hutchison. How the sudden influx of offshore monies will affect Savi's U.S. Defense contract status is also not known.

Li Ka-Shing Must Testify Before Congress
According to the former prosecutor and executive director of the Canadian Police Association, Li Ka-Shing's Hutchison Whampoa seeking U.S. government funding for port security raises serious national security and law enforcement questions.

"I'd like to suggest that the appropriate congressional committee hold hearings into this important issue and that they call Li Ka-Shing as the first witness," stated Scott Newark, who is currently a special security adviser to the government of Ontario.

"I volunteer to be second, but frankly, there are people far more knowledgeable than me in this regard, including, for example, the International Association of Airport and Seaport Police, which just held their conference in NYC. As a speaker at that conference, I urged ridding ports of such crime and rogue government-connected companies not making them the local constabulary.

"There is no question that Hutchison Whampoa is a commercial maritime interest with great experience in port operations matters. Given the seriousness of what's at stake, it is obvious that this request should be considered seriously and result in full scrutiny of the current holdings and business relationships of Hutchison Whampoa and any history of activity that would raise concerns in relation to any or all of the above issues," said Newark.

According to Newark, there are five critical issues at stake: preventing smuggling of drugs, guns and people; preventing export of stolen products; providing site security as a result of 9-11; preventing terrorism-related smuggling; and preventing terrorist attacks on ships leaving ports.

Full Scrutiny of Hutchison Whampoa
"We need full scrutiny of the principals of Hutchison Whampoa and all of their business- or government-related associations and any history of any activity of them or their associates – including links to organized crime and terrorist groups, activities or states supporting the same – that would raise concerns to any of the above," stated Newark.

"We should give full scrutiny to any relationship of Hutchison Whampoa, its partners, directors or officers with any foreign government that would raise concerns to any or all of the above issues," noted Newark.

"Further, our Parliament is currently considering a bill that, among other things, provides a framework for port security requirements. I have already been approached to testify, and in light of this alarming development I will now specifically raise this issue and urge our government to ensure the same careful and public scrutiny of this company, its principals and their murky connections as I have here," concluded Newark.

Report by Charles Smith.


U.S. hiring Chinese firm for cargo security checks


WASHINGTON -- In the aftermath of the Dubai ports dispute, the Bush administration is hiring a Hong Kong conglomerate to help detect nuclear materials inside cargo passing through the Bahamas to the United States and elsewhere.

The administration acknowledges the no-bid contract with Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. represents the first time a foreign company will be involved in running a sophisticated U.S. radiation detector at an overseas port without U.S. Customs agents present.

Freeport in the Bahamas is 65 miles from the U.S. coast, where cargo would likely be inspected again. The contract is currently being finalized. The administration is negotiating a second no-bid contract for a Philippine company to install radiation detectors in its home country, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

While President Bush recently reassured Congress that foreigners would not manage security at U.S. ports, the Hutchison deal in the Bahamas illustrates how the administration is relying on foreign companies at overseas ports to safeguard cargo headed to the United States.

Hutchison Whampoa is the world's largest ports operator and among the industry's most-respected companies. It was an early adopter of U.S. anti-terror measures. But its billionaire chairman, Li Ka-Shing, also has substantial business ties to China that have raised U.S. concerns over the years.

"Li Ka-Shing is pretty close to a lot of senior leaders of the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party," said Larry Wortzel, head of a U.S. government commission that studies China security and economic issues. But Wortzel said Hutchison operates independently from Beijing, and he described Li as "a very legitimate international businessman." "One can conceive legitimate security concerns and would hope either the Homeland Security Department or the intelligence services of the United States work very hard to satisfy those concerns," Wortzel said.

Three years ago, the administration effectively blocked a Hutchison subsidiary from buying part of a bankrupt U.S. telecommunications company, Global Crossing Ltd., on national security grounds.
And a U.S. military intelligence report, once marked "secret," cited Hutchison in 1999 as a potential risk for smuggling arms and other prohibited materials into the United States from the Bahamas.

The CIA currently has no security concerns about Hutchison's port operations, and the administration believes the pending deal with the foreign company would be safe, officials said.
Supervised by Bahamian customs officials, Hutchison employees will drive the trucklike radiation scanner that moves slowly over large cargo containers and scans them for radiation that might be emitted by plutonium or a radiological weapon.

Any positive reading would set off alarms monitored simultaneously by Bahamian customs inspectors at Freeport and by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials working at an anti-terrorism center 800 miles away in Northern Virginia. Any alarm would prompt a closer inspection of the cargo, and there are multiple layers of security to prevent tampering, officials said.

"The equipment operates itself," said Bryan Wilkes, a spokesman for the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration, the agency negotiating the contract. "It's not going to be someone standing at the controls pressing buttons and flipping switches."

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said, "Giving a no-bid contract to a foreign company to carry out the most sensitive security screening for radioactive materials at ports abroad raises many questions."

A spokesman for Hutchison's ports subsidiary, Anthony Tam,said the company "is a strong supporter in port security initiatives." There are no U.S. Customs agents checking any containers at the Hutchison port in Freeport. Under the contract, no U.S. officials would be stationed permanently in the Bahamas with the radiation scanner.

...............More on this subject later




China's Massive Port Grab
Communists Positioning China To Dominate Trade in Americas

Mark Anderson
American Free Press has confirmed that the huge Chinese shipping conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. has a significant presence at the Lazaro Cardenas seaport in Mexico, as well as other Mexican ports. The company has had effective control of both ends of the Panama Canal for the last seven years.
The Mexican ports link to the budding Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) toll road network by way of railroad cargo lines that head from the ports across Mexico to the United States border, providing a conduit to bypass U.S. West Coast seaports and haul ever-more massive quantities of imports into the United States.

The TTC is part of a planned vast network of tollways that, unless derailed by a growing number of concerned citizens, will ripple through many parts of the United States, functioning as a delivery network for goods flooding into the United States from foreign factories, although it appears U.S.-made goods would be exported via the same system.

Hutchison Whampoa's Pacific Port at Lazaro Cardenas, located in the Mexican state of Michoacan, is especially significant. As reported by AFP on Dec. 18, 2006, officials from Lazaro Cardenas met in March 2006 with Kansas City, Mo., officials to sign “an historic cooperative trade agreement to establish a new trans-Pacific trade corridor that will alleviate delays and congestion at [U.S.] West Coast ports.”

This is another way of saying that at least part of the stream of imported merchandise flowing into those West Coast ports such as the one in Long Beach, Calif., could be redirected to the Cardenas port so these goods can be hauled into the United States with even greater efficiency.

Kansas City, located about 1,000 miles from the U.S.- Mexican border, has been slated as a major trade hub and U.S. Customs inspection location. As noted by Kansas City SmartPort Inc. President Chris Gutierrez, who was interviewed in early December by AFP, Kansas City has the infrastructure, location and overall assets to serve this function well.

Critics charge that having a major U.S. inspection point so far inland may create huge gaps in monitoring exactly what kinds of things are being shipped into the United States—which doesn't sit well with American trucker-support groups such as Owner-Operated Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA). OOIDA warns that under-trained Mexican truck drivers, in their poorly inspected trucks, pose a danger on the highways and could help bring terrorist elements into the United States. According to Hutchison Whampoa's own web site, this shipping conglomerate has a single-berth terminal situated in the highly industrial, deep-water Lazaro Cardenas port and plans a second phase there, which “includes the development of an 85-hectare deep-water, green field site with 1,350 meters of berth.”

Hutchison Whampoa, which controls 12% of all container port capacity in the world and employs 200,000 people, has long been alleged to be either an arm of the Chinese military or beholden to the communist regime—which considers the United States an adversary. This situation has troubled prominent Americans, such as the now deceased Adm. Thomas H Moorer, a former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman who pointed out some years ago that Hutchison Whampoa already controls the Atlantic and Pacific seaports of the Panama Canal—that century-old American-made commercial waterway connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific that has a military function and is arguably one of the most strategic chokepoints on the globe.

So, against the backdrop of China's current massive military build-up, the communist nation's presence in various Western Hemisphere ports should be watched very carefully. This buildup, as repeatedly emphasized by Gus Stelzer, a retired General Motors executive, author and trade analyst, is funded to a large extent by the huge profits China makes selling goods tariff-free in the United States. Meanwhile, the United States continues to run gargantuan trade deficits with China. As a proposed remedy, Stelzer advocates levying tariffs against China and other nations whose merchandise floods America while American industries, undercut by the onslaught, are forced to downsize, close or go offshore in order to survive. Rarely, if ever, are American goods allowed to be sold in these nations anywhere near the extent that their goods are sold in the United States, says Stelzer.

Notably, Hutchison Whampoa—a company whose affiliates delve into the cruise ship business, telecommunications, real estate, hotels, PARKnSHOP grocery stores, Fortress electronics and housewares, along with energy, infrastructure, etc.—has a number of other Western Hemisphere port operations.

Hutchison Whampoa has the Ensenada International Terminal (EIT), “strategically situated 110 kilometers south of the U.S.-Mexico border along the Pacific Ocean,” Hutchison Whampoa literature states. It adds that EIT has undergone extensive redevelopment involving construction, dredging and new equipment purchases.

Another port maintained by Hutchison Whampoa is the Terminal Internacional de Manzanillo (TIMSA), which started its operations in 1999 and is “aimed at developing the container market on Mexico's Pacific coast. Located at the Mexican port of Manzanillo, TIMSA is ideally situated for Asian trade with Mexico City and Guadalajara, as well as nearby industrialized states,” according to Hutchison Whampoa's web site.

Hutchison Whampoa's Panama Ports Company (PPC) operates the ports of Cristobal and Balboa located at each end of the Panama Canal (large expansion projects are proceeding at both ports). The shipping company—which has 15 mainland China operations—also runs a Western Hemisphere port in Buenos Aires, consisting of a state-of-the-art terminal with two ship berths, a container freight station and a logistics center; as well as in the Bahamas, where Hutchison Whampoa's Freeport Container Port, a deepwater operation, provides “a transhipment center for the eastern seaboard of the Americas and the principal East/West line haul routes throughout the region,” according to company literature.

Hutchison Whampoa's top executives include Li Tzar Kuoi, aged 41, who has been an executive director since 1995 and deputy chairman since 1999. Kuoi also sits on what is called the “Standing Committee of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the People's Republic of China.” The top Hutchison Whampoa executive, Li Ka Shing, is considered the wealthiest Chinese individual in the world. Kuoi, named above, is Li Ka Shing's eldest son.

According to the Internet encyclopedia, Wikipedia, “Li was invited by Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping to become a member of the board of directors of the China International Trust and Investment Corp. (CITIC) to support the economic reform initiatives that Deng was attempting to develop. CITIC is China's largest conglomerate and is 42% owned by the government of China. It serves as the chief investment arm of China's central government and holds ministry status on the Chinese State Council. Li served only one year on CITIC's board before resigning his directorship. For many years, he served as vice chairman of the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (HSBC).”

Various reports over the last few years, including a NewsMax.com report of June 13, 2001, note that Hutchison Whampoa's subsidiary, HIT, has “business ventures with the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) which is owned by the People's Liberation Army.” HIT stands for Hutchison International Terminals. COSCO, which failed in a notorious Clinton administration- backed attempt to lease the former U.S. naval base in Long Beach, Calif., has been criticized for shipping Chinese missiles, missile components, jet fighters and other weapons technologies to nations such as Libya, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan, NewsMax reported. To-day in 2007 the position with regard to Longbeach is far more hazardous and uncertain.

Alex Jones' first documentary film "America: Destroyed By Design", made in 1997, warned Americans that the sell-out to the Chinese was the first step on the road to the sacking of the American economy and pulling the plug on key US infrastructure.

Click here to view a segment where Alex Jones discusses the Chinese sell-out in USA.

The sell out of ports continues across the other side of the Atlantic, where Hutchison Whampoa has been buying up land and ports in counntries throughout Europe, including the UK. More details to follow about the sale of former MOD dockyards in East London, which now provide a base for the distribution of heavily ddiscounted Chinese imports. Imports which have seriously damaged Britains Manufacturing Industries, aaand robbed workers of thier pensions.


................. More Details Later



Are the Chinese bugging The Government and our Armed Forces ?


Iraq Goes Mobile in 2003

Asia Times Online

Iraqis themselves also dream of going mobile in Iraq. Mobile phone licenses were announced this week. Bremer and his Coalition Provisional Authority wanted to send a strong message to the world: look how everything in Iraq is ruled by transparency. Well, not exactly.

Three mobile phone licenses were awarded for a period of only two years. As the British did, Iraq once again was divided into three regions: Kurdistan; the center and the west, including Baghdad; and the south from Najaf to Basra. According to the rules, each operator first has to fully equip the region it was attributed to, before exploring other markets. In late 2005, in theory, everything starts again, because an elected Iraqi government would then choose its own operators.

Asia Cell won in Kurdistan, Orascom in the center and the west, and al-Atheel in the south. According to the Americans, these are respectively Kurdish, Egyptian and Kuwaiti businesses. Not really. The Kuwaitis from al-Atheel are controlled by MTC, which happens to be a subsidiary of the British telecom giant Vodafone. MTC had already equipped the British army in Basra with a small network of mobile phones.

Orascom - which will equip Baghdad (over 5 million people, 8 million in greater Baghdad according to locals) is indeed an Egyptian company, doing solid business in many Arab and African countries. But its key partner is the American Motorola, followed in a very discreet manner by the French Alcatel. Alcatel will in fact be responsible for the core system of the Orascom network (30 percent of the value of the contract). French sources tell Asia Times Online that Alcatel was practically invisible during the bidding process: the Egyptians knew the Americans don't forgive Alcatel for winning an $80 million contract through which the French company equipped most of the Baghdad telephone exchanges later bombed by the Pentagon.

Alcatel, along with Siemens, Nokia, Ericsson and Lucent, had already applied when Bechtel - in charge of repairing Iraq's land-based telephone network - was shopping for sub-contractors. The American Lucent won this lucrative contract - without any competition. The Europeans learned it by reading the papers. According to a Scandinavian businessman, "they [the Americans] are managing this country like it's the 51st American state".

Orascom Telecom CEO acquires stake in Hutchison Telecom

businessweek.com - December 2005

Orascom Telecom CEO Naguib Sawiris acquires a stake in Hutchison Telecom in a bid to expand his Egyptian company's global reach. What do you do when one of your deals makes investors queasy? If you are an audacious poker player like Egypt's Naguib Sawiris, you do another deal to refocus their minds. That looks to be at least part of Sawiris's strategy in acquiring a 19.3% stake in Hong Kong-based Hutchison Telecommunications International (HTX ) for his Cairo-based Orascom Telecom Holding on Dec. 21 for $1.3 billion.

US Army Equipment Tracked by Chinese Satellites

In the first Gulf War, the Army’s approach to logistics could perhaps best be described as brute-force. “In 1991, there were thousands of cargo containers flooding the ports of Southwest Asia,” said Ann F. Scotti, manager of the Army’s Product Manager-Automatic Identification Technology office.

Because of the difficulty of matching paper manifests with shipping containers, tens of thousands of containers had to be opened to find out what they held, and a lot of time and materiel was wasted. According to the General Accounting Office, $2.7 billion worth of spare parts shipped to the Gulf theater in 1991 went unused.

The Army began moving toward just-in-time logistics in the summer of 2002, when Central Command chief Gen. Tommy Franks ordered RFID tags on all materiel shipments to troops in Afghanistan. The policy grew in January to require tags on shipments for all future military operations, including the war in Iraq.

Prior to the war, ITV was in use primarily by the Army, with some use by the Marine Corps. It now covers all of DOD logistics in Iraq, and “we are anticipating that it will become more of a joint requirement,” Scotti said. In March 2001, the ITV network read 3,148 tags. That climbed to 28,000 one year later and jumped to more than 2 million in March.

“The building block of the technology is the tag,” said Vic Verma, Savi’s chief executive officer. “The whole intent is to make it user-friendly for soldiers in the field. If you get a lot of containers in the middle of the desert with limited computer resources and no infrastructure, the ability to find a specific container can be life or death.”

Far from being a helpful, attractive proposition, this practice must be fraught with security dangers for US and British troops, knowing what we do from the Chinese PLA stated interest in these small tracking RFID chips to be used as targeting devices for the "Poor Mans Smart Bomb".

Recently the MOD and former Chancellor J.G.Brown, ( Now Prime Minister ) signed a deaaal to extend this tracking of materiaals and provisions to Britains Armed Forces.


SUNNYVALE, Calif. and HONG KONG - April 21, 2005 - Savi Technology, Inc., a leading provider of active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) supply chain solutions, and Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH), a leading port developer and operator, today jointly announced the formation of a new company to build and operate an active RFID-based information network to track and manage containerized ocean cargo.

The company, called Savi Networks LLC, will build the network by installing active RFID equipment and software in participating ports around the world to provide users with information on the identity, location and status of their ocean cargo containers as they pass through such ports. Shippers, logistics service providers and transportation companies will be able to connect to the network by installing compatible equipment at their own locations to further improve the efficiency, effectiveness and security of global supply chains.

The new company will be initially capitalized with an investment of US$50 million from the joint-venture partners. Savi Technology will hold a 51 percent interest in Savi Networks, and HPH will hold the remaining 49 percent interest. Savi will take the lead in operating the joint venture and contribute a license to the software to operate the network, and HPH will provide access to its port facilities.

Savi Networks will seek to establish relationships with additional port partners to further extend the network, as well as with providers of complementary technologies and services to the global supply chain.

?We believe the availability of a shared RFID network will enable greater supply chain visibility and efficiency throughout global supply chains,? said Vic Verma, Savi?s President and Chief Executive Officer. ?Savi is excited about entering into this agreement with HPH, which as one of the world?s largest port operators has the knowledge, experience and vision to understand the needs of the global shipping community.?

?Global concerns about supply chain efficiency, effectiveness and security continue to grow, and must be addressed with new and better ways to manage cargo,? said John Meredith, HPH Group Managing Director. ?We have worked closely with Savi Technology in a number of government and industry initiatives, and we?re eager to leverage our collective experience to deploy a shared network. We look forward to working with Savi and other global port operators, carriers and service providers to build this new network.?

It is expected that Savi Networks will function much like a telecommunications network service provider. Savi Networks will own and operate the network?s core infrastructure and will provide information services, to be called SaviTrak?, on a per-container trip basis. The company will also sell active RFID-related hardware and services to customers to extend the network to the customer?s own origin point, such as a manufacturing plant, and/or destination point, such as a distribution center.

The new company expects to offer customers a family of active RFID tags, including data rich, visibility and sensor tags, based on ISO 18000-7 standards. These tags would be affixed to containers, transforming them into ?smart containers? able to communicate with the network, which will enable users to receive information on location, security and environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity and light, as well as the container?s contents.

The network will be built on an interoperable architecture designed to accommodate Automatic Identification Data Collection (AIDC) technologies, such as barcodes, passive RFID technologies such as EPC, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) used to track ships and trucks that transport ocean containers. These complementary technologies will form the basis of a ?nested visibility? solution, which provides users with greater visibility and management of both their container shipments and the contents they transport.

Concurrent with the formation of Savi Networks, HPH also has made a US$50 million investment in privately held Infolink Systems, Inc., the parent of Savi Technology, which will provide HPH with slightly less than 10 percent of Infolink on a fully diluted basis. Other strategic Infolink shareholders include Temasek Holdings, a major shareholder in leading transportation companies such as PSA International, Neptune Orient Lines and Singapore Airlines; SembCorp Logistics; Mitsui and Co., Ltd.; Oracle Corporation; TIBCO Software Inc. and United Parcel Service (UPS). Other investors in Infolink include prominent venture capital firms worldwide, such as Accel Partners, Dorset Capital, K1 Ventures, Mohr Davidow Ventures and Vector Capital.

About Hutchison Port Holdings
Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the multinational conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL), is the world?s leading port investor, developer and operator with interests in 19 countries throughout Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Today, HPH operates a total of 219 berths in 39 ports together with a number of transportation related service companies. With industry recognized core competence in the effective and efficient management and operation of ports, the HPH Group handled 47.8 million TEU in 2004.

Certain information in this press release contains forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, information relating to the future performance and financial condition of Comtech Telecommunications Corp, ("Comtech"), the plans and objectives of Comtech's management and Comtech's assumptions regarding such performance and plans that are forward-looking in nature and involve certain significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from such forward-looking information. Comtech's Securities and Exchange Commission filings identify many such risks and uncertainties.

About Savi Technology
With over 17 years experience, Savi is a proven leader in RFID solutions for the management and security of supply chain assets, shipments and consignments. Savi's integrated RFID hardware and software solutions drive business value, such as reducing supply chain assets, inventory and operational costs. Founded in 1989, Savi Technology is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin, with headquarters in Mountain View, California, and offices in Johannesburg, London, Melbourne, Singapore, and Washington D.C. For more information, visit www.savi.com

™ - Savi, Savi SmartChain, SmartChain, the Savi logo, EchoPoint, the EchoPoint logo, Sentinel and UDAP are trademarks or registered trademarks of Savi Technology, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

About Lockheed Martin
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 140,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2006 sales of $39.6 billion. For additional information, visit www.lockheedmartin.com.

Hutchison Port Holdings also invested $50 million in Infolink Systems Inc., Savi Technology's parent company, giving Hutchison a 10 percent ownership interest in that company.

This entaglement of Li Ka-Shings companies with vital Defence Contractors is very worrying indeed, especially when you realise that Lockheed Martin is the company which is resposible for the production of the Fissile materials, and the construction of the USA Nuclear Deterrent.



Wednesday 13 June 2007
OGCbuying.solutions, the procurement arm of the Office of Government Commerce, has signed a
£105m telecoms contract extension with Global Crossing. The Managed Telecommunication Service (Mts) contract started with Global Crossing in 1996, and the latest extension brings the service provision up to December 2011.

The new contract continues to provide managed telephony and data network services, but also includes a new portfolio of hosted IP telephony and mobile working services for UK government departments. The Mts service currently supports more than 125,000 users across 90 UK public sector organisations, but is available to be used by any public sector organisation across central and local government, as well as education, health and criminal justice.

The contract includes technology provided by Global Crossing's partner Siemens Enterprise Communications. As part of Mts, Global Crossing manages more than 125,000 telephone extensions, 650 PBXs and 200 on-site IP routers, and switches more than 20m voice call minutes a month.


Contract 536

Contract Description:
The service provides managed telephony (including Voice Telephony, Voicemail, Voice over IP (VOIP) and Non-Geographic Numbers services), conferencing, call centre and data networking services plus Datalink Direct, Datalink Remote services, and IPVPN enabling organisations to develop its own IP WAN.

Global Crossing


Contract 831

Contract Description:
A framework for the provision of:
Voice Solutions, including telephony and messaging services, the provision of a PABX, PSTN, VOIP and Centrex services, leased lines, managed voice solutions, audio conferencing and cabling
Data Solutions, wired and wireless data transmission services including IP, networks (LAN and WAN) and data networking services and cabling. Convergent solutions, solutions that require a combination of communication services and technologies including combinations of voice and data. Also broadcasting and multicasting, content distribution and application services. Specialised Communications Solutions, including Radio, Satellite, Microwave, Conferencing and CCTV.

Affiniti, Airwave O2, Alfred McAlpine Business Information Systems, Arqiva, BT, Cable & Wireless, Central Telecom UK Ltd, Computacenter, Damovo UK Ltd, Elwers Ltd, Ericsson, Freedom Communications, Fujitsu Services, Global Crossing, Hewlett Packard, IBM, NextiraOne, Siemens, Sunguard Vivista Ltd, Telent Communications, Telewest Ltd, THUS plc, XMA Ltd.

Contract 282

A framework contract for the supply of telecoms - voice expenditure and line rental. It covers the line rental charge associated with the land lines, as well as the supporting tariffs for local, national, international, mobile and 08XX calls. It also supports different technical solutions – analogue, digital, direct, indirect and GSM. The framework rates are reviewed quarterly to ensure the lowest market rates are available though the agreement.

Cable & Wireless
Global Crossing
MCI Verizon

This is not a complete list of Global Crossing Government contracts. There are serious doubts about other telecom contracts, across the entire Planet Earth. Countries all over the continent of Africa and in the Middle East are the latest targets for a controlled takeover of National telecommunications infrastructure, by Global Crossing and other Hutchison Whampoa subsiduaries. Furthermore there are serious security implications with regard to business ventures entered into in the field of silcon microprocessor manufacture, by Ka-Shing's other son Richard Li, with Singapore partners, and employing USA technology, gleaned from other compaany operations and partnerships in California.

MI5 own security website for advice to British Business contains these chilling warnings......

The threat from espionage (or spying) against the UK did not end with the collapse of Soviet communism in the early 1990s. Several countries are actively seeking British information and material to advance their own military, technological, political and economic programmes.

In the past, espionage activity was typically directed towards obtaining political and military intelligence. In today's high-tech world, the intelligence requirements of a number of countries now include new communications technologies, IT, genetics, aviation, lasers, optics, electronics and many other fields. Intelligence services, therefore, are targeting commercial enterprises far more than in the past.

The UK is a high priority espionage target and a number of countries are actively seeking UK information and material to advance their own military, technological, political and economic programmes.

We estimate that at least 20 foreign intelligence services are operating to some degree against UK interests. Of greatest concern are the Russians and Chinese.

One of the Gravest Dangers is Electronic attack

Electronic attack could:
• Allow the attacker to remove sensitive information

• Allow the attacker to gain access to your computer system and do
whatever the system owner can do. This could include modifying your
data, perhaps subtly so that it is not immediately apparent, or installing
hardware or software devices to relay information back to the attacker.
Such attacks against internet-connected systems are extremely common

• Make your systems impossible to use through ‘denial of service’ attacks.
These are increasingly common, relatively simple to launch and difficult
to protect against.

As soon as you entrust your information or business processes to a
computer system, they are at risk. Electronic attacks are much easier when
computer systems are connected directly or indirectly to public networks
such as the internet.

This is an attempt at unauthorised access, almost always with malicious or
criminal intent. Sophisticated, well-concealed attacks by foreign intelligence
services seeking information have been aimed at government systems but
high-tech industries might also be targets.

Malicious software
The techniques and effects of malicious software (e.g. viruses, worms,
trojans) are as variable as they are widely known. The use of e-mail,
systems that interconnect, external contractors and remote access
(e.g. for home working) allows virus infections to spread ever more widely
and rapidly.

Malicious modification of hardware
Computer hardware can be modified so as to mount or permit an
electronic attack. This is normally done at the point of manufacture
or supply prior to installation, though it could also be done during
maintenance visits. The purpose of such modifications would be to
allow a subsequent attack to be made, possibly by remote activation.



................ More on this later.

Should Gordon be put on Trial for High Treason ?

There can be no doubt that James Gordon Brown, former
Chancellor of the Exchequer, and now Prime Minister
knew of all these issues, since it is he who vetted
those contracts, and oversaw the payments, and was
responsible for the inclusion of those companies on
the Office of Government Commerce Approved List
in the first place. Oh and Just for Good measure
of course Sir Li Ka-Shing, who was given a KBE
in the June 2000 Queens Birthday Honors List,
and reputedly recommended by either Brown
himself, or Current Chancellor Alistair Darling,
when he was Treasury Secretary at the time,
is now on Gordon Browns "Super Committee"
of World Economic Advisers.
Gordon brown-noses global business
by Matthew Lea
June 2006

The ‘globalisation advisory committee’ set up by Gordon Brown consists solely of big business.

If one company can lobby effectively in defence of its commercial interests, collective lobbying carries even greater weight. At least five of the companies represented on Gordon Brown’s committee are members of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The ICC is one of the most powerful – and secretive – of the international corporate lobby groups whose primary goal is continued deregulation in global trade and investment rules.

The globalisation committee also includes several members of Business Action for Africa. This lobbies hard for the enforced ‘liberalisation’ of African economies in return for debt relief, ignoring the critiques of forced-trade liberalisation, deregulation and privatisation in Africa made by development NGOs.

These are nowhere to be seen on Brown’s panel. Neither are environmental NGOs, aid agencies, trade unions or human rights groups. Their lack of representation must call into question the kind of advice that Gordon Brown is seeking, and the commitment of the man-who-would-be-prime-minister to tackle corporate power where it stands in the way of alleviating world poverty or slowing down the rate of environmental destruction.

Lord Browne, group chief executive, BP, member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Business Action for Africa (BAA)

Dr Jean-Pierre Garnier, CEO, GlaxoSmithKline, ICC and BAA

Bill Gates, chariman, Microsoft Corp., ICC and BAA

Sir Ka-Shing Li, chairman, Hutchison Whampoa Ltd

Bernard Arnault, chairman and CEO, LVMH

Sir Terry Leahy, CEO, Tesco

Sir John Rose, CEO, Rolls Royce

Robert Rubin, chairman, Citigroup, ICC and BAA

Lee Scott, CEO, Wal-Mart

Ratan Tata, chairman, Tata Group, ICC

Meg Whitman, CEO, eBay

James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank

Research by Chris Grimshaw







What does Lord Paul Drayson have to do with these contracts ?

How does Lord Sainsbury of Turville fit into this picture ?

Were Top British Universities used as a Money Laundering Conduit ?

Has Li Ka-Shing been Funding The Labour Party ?

Is Britain dependent on 21st Century Chinese Slaves ?H

These subjects will be fully explored in a later edition.


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