To Serve and Protect? is an anthology of articles, poems and artwork on police and policing. It is available in the original print format (published by the Peak at the University of Guelph) if you send me the postage. Submissions, articles, stories, pictures, whatever are welcome. And yes, I expect the tiresome hate mail too. Just please, please, please read the Intro before you write, okay? Contact me here.
This site will soon have all the articles up, and eventually, all the fabulous graphics too (tons of kop images and cartoons...)
For now there is no pretty layout to speak of...I'm a print journalist, so I'm learning html as I go, so be patient.
The articles so far:
Introduction - what this is, who we are, where we're coming from
This is Community, Cop-Style poem about so-called "Community Policing"
History Owes Us One - the story of my strip search
Blue by Day, White by
Night - racism and Toronto's finest by the ARA
Moral Guardians -
Julian Fantino and the so-called "kiddie porn ring"
Fan Mail - Julian Fantino responds - sort of
Cop Psychology - Police personality and training
To Serve and Protect the Status Quo - what purpose of policing really is
Police Violence and African Canadians
I'm Out! - a police abduction at APEC '97
Divide and Conquer - Police, Protests, Unions and Marshaling
Cop History
the development of a modern police force and its implications today
Appendix - your legal rights, protest dos and don'ts, dealing with cops