An Ideal America Equality Issues |
Racism Homosexuality Religious Harassment |
Racism = Downright stupidity. That's really all there is to say about this topic. No one can choose what color or nationality they are. Everyone is the same inside. Skin is the thing that holds us together, and protects our organs. It's vulgar to hear about such groups as the KKK and Arian Nation. I know that I preach about free speech, and they have every right to say what they think, even if I disagree. But when they start burning crosses in black people's lawns, that becomes illegal, and is not a matter of free speech anymore. Recently, a black man was dragged a mile, alive, down a road by a couple of racist whites. They should recieve life in prison, for killing an innocent man. |
Homosexuality is no one's business, except for the individual, and his/her partner. There is nothing wrong with loving a person who just happens to be of the same gender, and they love and care for each other just as a heterosexual would. They are the same as heterosexuals, and nothing but their sexual orientation is different. A few days ago, at the annual Gay Pride Parade down High Street in Columbus, a man tore down the Gay Pride flag from the front lawn of the Capitol Building and burned it. He was arrested promply for vandalism. If it was his own flag, he would not have been arrested, but it was the states flag. He doesn't understand why he was arrested, when it is legal to burn the American flag. Apparently his mental capacities do not allow him to understand other people's ways of life. |
There are many different religions all over the world, I being an Atheist Jew, and Lady Benner being a Pagan. Our differences in religion do not affect our friendship, but apparently some people think it's their business to assume the 'responsibility' to convert others into their own religion. I know a person who gets absolutely taunted and harassed at her school for being an unusual religion. People assume her religion is satanism, because she is different from the majority in the school. This is absurd! Another thing that appalls me are the Christians who stand outside other places of worship, and hand out brochures about Jesus, and if they don't believe, they'll burn in Hell for all eternity. They have the right to do this, but it's like a cult! What I'm trying to say is that accept people, and their religion even if it is different from yours. Another things about religion harassment is the United States motto:"In God We Trust" which is printed on our money, and on most legal documents. The United States is supposed to separate Church and state, but in this case they decided to bend the rules a bit! How thoughtful of our legislators! And in our Pledge of Allegiance: "Under God". Once again, our legislators skimped on the rules! It kind of ticks me off. But that's just me, and I don't count. |
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"Look dude, 'In God, I don't trust', okay?" -Lady Rose Benner |