By, Mark Potnick, Director of Safety Affairs

Compressed air is a valuable tool on the construction site, but it must be used intelligently and in a safe manner.  When misused, it can cause injury or death.

Using compressed air blow dust or dirt off clothing or body is a very dangerous practice.  A strong blast of air can dislodge and eye from its socket, rupture lungs, intestines, of an eardrum.  Air force into the bloodstream can cause death.

To work safely with compressed air, adhere to the following guidelines:

    * Never point an air hose at anyone, including yourself, in fun or to remove dirt from clothing or the body.

    * Never use compressed air for cleaning without adequate eye protection.  Use safety glasses with side shields or goggles.

    *  If it is necessary to use compressed air to clean dirt chips from your work area, use a proper nozzle on the end of the hose to maintain air pressure at 30 pounds per square inch or less.  Place a screen around the work area, or check to see that other workers are safely out of range of flying particles.

    * When possible, substitute brushes or vacuum systems for compressed air in cleaning operations.

    * Before using compressed air, check the air hose for damage or signs of failure.  Make sure connections and coupling are tight.  A loose air hose under 80 pounds per square inch makes a dangerous whip!

    *  Before attempting to disconnect a hose from an air line, the air should be cut off, and the remaining air bled from the line.

    * Keep air hoses off the floor where they become tripping hazards and are subject to damage by vehicles, doors, and dropped tools.  If possible, suspend air hoses from overhead.

    * Never use compressed air to transfer flammable liquids.

Compressed air, like any other tool, is a valuable, work-saving device.  Before using compressed air, use your head.  THINK.  Plan your work, and then perform your tasks in a SAFE and EFFICIENT manner.

The safety Compliance Manager will conduct periodic inspections to monitor the effectiveness of the program.  It's up to everyone to make this program work and to maintain the company's overall commitment to safety.  Thank You.

To Show that you have received and understand this safety information, please sign and return one copy to the Foreman at your Monday morning safety meeting.  Keep the other copy for your reference.

