T - is for the trench box and the shoring.
H- is for the hardhat on your head
A- is for the asbestos dust abatement.
N- is for the NIOSH book in your hand.
K- is OSHA's subpart on electric.
S- is for the soil you classify.
G- is for those gasses, dusts and vapors.
I- is for inspections on the sly!
V- is ventilation of confined space.
I- incorporates by reference.
N- is noise protection engineering.
G- is for your general safety sense!
Put them all together and they spell "Thanks,
Safety Directors!" As we review our lists of things for which we
are truly thankful this holiday weekend, lets not forget to include safety
directors. These men and women are consummate professionals who strive
each day to keep both our employees and bottom lines healthy. Because
of their efforts, our construction industry in a safer, more productive
and overall, better place to work. (Hard) Hats off in a well-deserved
salute to our industry's safety professionals. May you and your family
enjoy a safe and happy thanksgiving holiday.
To show that you have received and understand this safety information,
please sign and return one copy to the foreman at your
Monday morning safety meeting. Keep the other copy for your reference.