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Aegee Izmir's European School project is based on the PR Working Group.  All the people that helped each other through the plan are from PR . And they are ...

Pinar Oktay :

The coordinator of PR and the one who gave great importance and time to ES to make it come upon the earth .

Ozgu Tetik :

She has done great to search the sponsors and contact the needed ones :) .

Burcu Guneri :

The sweetest help I have ever seen . She gave great moral and made us concentrate .

Onur Unal :

He was the one that tried to make us focus on ES . Managed theatre and some sponsors .

Arif Tonguc Aktas :

Great in basketball and have lots of contacts even a pizza shop in Germany :)

Selcuk Senturk :

The cooker . He will prepare most food . He is the coach of "Dolphins" our American Football team . He gave great ideas .

Cihan Cangarli :

Simply myself .

Ceyda Berkiler :

Mostly she is ill , but I am sure she has enough ability to do great in coordination team . Good luck Ceyda ...( and please keep away from cold :))

Ozlem Kutlu :

Our member from Adana hope she will bring some kebap :=)

Seda Sahin :

She spoke to some companies to find money we need .

Secil Tanriverdi :

Girl with great ideas and blue eyes . Hope to see her in coordination team.