T.A.S.K. Mission Statement
Our first goal is to volunteer our time through various organizations to inspire children to rise above adversity through a loving and consistent relationship with a responsible mentor.

Our second goal is to educate CMU, Mt. Pleasant, and the world about child abuse.  We hope to educate about the effects of abuse, how and when to intervene in abusive situations, and how to find help to break the cycle of abuse.

T.A.S.K. was created in 1998 by a concerned college couple who saw a need for positive influences to intervene in the life of children.  Since then they have been actively working to help out the children of Isabella County,and also to inform society about the prevelence of child victimization in our country and it's link to other societal ills.

Member Requirements: There is a membership point system to be a member in good standing a person must accumulate 100 points.
10 points----meetings
10 points----event donation
20 points----event participation
10 points----outside volunteering