Pavlov media - a web site review

Here's one of the best works from my files - it's from a page on the liberal media. It gets a bit commie at the end, but it starts good, and most people don't read anything to the end anyway.

"If one were to conduct a search on Lexis-Nexis on the terms "rightwing" and "leftwing", one would first find that the former outnumbers the latter by a incredibly large ratio. If one were to conduct the query on both terms in conjunction with the terms "extremist" or "radical", one would find almost no references to negative terms in conjunction with "leftwing" and a plethera of references to negative terms in conjunction with "rightwing." This is solid proof of a leftist bias, but more importantly, this is solid proof of conditioning through repetitive association."

Let me point out what makes this such a fine argument:

1. Big words - look at this argument with little words, and notice the difference:

If I looked on Lexis-Nexis for "rightwing" and "leftwing", I'd find a lot more "rightwing"s. If I looked for "extremist" and radical", they would all be talking about "rightwing"ers. I've just proved that the news is red, and that they brainwash people by saying things over and over.

Pew! Liberals, with all of their "sciencetificness" and "evidence" would beat you up for that. But add words like "plethera" and "conjunction", and it looks scientific and scholarly. Put simply, big words is the difference between a*CLAIM* and *PROOF*.

2. A very innovative method is introduced by the enterprising author - he gets solid proof without actually having to be put to the test. He says "If one were" - this way you can say things that wouldn't work if you actually tried them. I predict this method will be very useful in overcoming the liberal science and academia gap.

3. Good choice of words to research - when "radical" is used on rightwingers, it's always negative, but when it's used on leftists, it's just descriptive. This is far better than say, "revolution" which sounds good when Reagan does it but is violent when leftists do it.

4. A suggestion: in order to keep this argument strong, we should do more things that make the media call us "extreme" and "radical". More abortion doctors should be neutralized, and we should increase militia activity. That way when the media reacts people will see how communist it is.

The next paragraph is more daring:

"For instance, the media constantly refers to the "radical Christian right," often with images of abortion clinic bombings and other negative images. But when is the last time you heard "radical Jewish left?" In fact, there is a "radical Jewish left." All one need do is examine the CEO's, managers, directors, writers, directors, etc_of the leftwing media in this country, as well as the leaders and financiers of the major left wing organizations such as the ACLU, Brookings Institution, People for the America Way, Gun Control Inc. etc_.many of them are "radical Jewish leftists.""

At this point I dissagree. Abortion clinic bombing are not negative, if they were we wouldn't do them. And their isn't such thing as a liberal CEO - they earned their money fair and square, they didn't steal it through taxes like the government. The reason the media is so liberal is because it sells out to the people, who are mainly rabid liberals - luckily most of those liberals don't vote, because there's no party that's communist enough for them. It has nothing to do with the people who own the media, they deserve it, they just sell out a bit.

That said, there's still good work here:

1. The new strategy comes back: "All one need do is examine"...If somebody actually did, we might find something bad- but who bothers to check? This is ingenious! Besides, it's especially good for hard-working conservatives - liberal crybabies are so lazy they want all evidence provided for them, and if it's not their they'll cry and say you're "unscientific", but this way, you have to get your proof for yourself. You know, be self-reliant. Something that leftist-liberal-lesbian-loner-losers can't do.

2. Good reference to the anti-semites etc. - we should never let them feel forgotten. Remember, for every Klan member, there's one thousand sympathizers - we can't abandon them. We need to always remind them that capitalism is on their side, and that marxism is the side that makes all people into mushy equalist nazis.

"Tim McVeigh is called a "right wing extremist" (perhaps rightly so),"

Treason! Just look at what happens when you go all scientific you turn into a liberal sell-out! You turn your back on your allies! This is almost unforgivable, but what follows is worse.

"but did you ever hear Ted Kaczinsky called a "leftwing extremist" (which he is) by the press? (a press which in a twisted sort of way, probably views Kaczinsky in an heroic light!)."

1. Good use of the world "probably". Remember, it's important not to over-state.

2. This is treason, even worse than treason! Here's PROOF that Ted, despite his communist-sounding name, is actually a true all-American. I have a page on him!

See what I mean! We've got to stand by this man, he is a heroic enterprising rugged American. The author is just jealous. He'd probably wet his liberal pants if he had to live in the wilderness alone like Ted.

"To call Kaczinsky a "leftwing extremist" would reinforce negative connotations and images associated with the term "left"and "liberal"...and the leftist media would never allow this. They will however, allow all variations of negative associations with the terms "right", "conservative", and "Christian"."

1. Once again, good use of big words. They serve to impress people, and keep them from noticing problems, like the lack of examples. Liberals fall for this all of the time, they're so gullible and susceptible. Probably that's why they're liberals, because they're susceptible to the leftist media.

"These are but two pitiful examples of the constant leftist drumbeat pounding negative associations into the psyche of the American people via the most powerful medium of communication in the history of Man-television. Day by day, words are twisted into new meanings."

This is SO true. Of course, liberals are so bull-headed and closed-minded that they never realize it. Or maybe they've just been brainwashed. Remember, communists invented brainwashing they did it in Korea, which is why we didn't win.

"People find themselves with antagonistic sentiments that they cannot logically justify. One often hears them say, "I just don't know, he just seems be so mean spirited." They are unaware of the means by which those negative sentiments are seeded in thier minds. They are being conditioned like Pavlovian dogs."

This is true. We must be thankful for the fact that the news is broken up into chunks, making it a bit less effective, by our heroic friends in the advertising industry. They ad variety to programming, making people snap out of the coma that liberal brainwashing puts them into. If it wasn't for all of the ads, they save us, who knows where America would be now? As action, we should *DEMAND* that news have more commercial breaks, and make those commercial breaks longer. This way we can break the

spell of liberal brainwashing through repetitive association.

I have the strongest possible logic and reason to support conservatives - in my heart as my pride to be an American. When I see the flag, a tear nearly comes into my eye (nearly - I'm not a liberal crybaby) that is the emotion of truth - nothing like the "I dunno" indecisiveness of liberals who have been brainwashed by news that didn't run enough ads to break the spell of repetitive association.
