"If you disagree with the federal government you can't very well move to either Canada or Mexico, but if you disagree with a State you can move to another state." - Harry Browne, Libertarian Party presidential candidate.

Need I say more?

But as a libertarian, you're against the "state". So why are you for "state's" rights?

This question is so stupid I don't even need to answer it. But a liberal actually did ask me it once. I said it was so stupid that I didn't need to answer it, though I'm worried that might have counted as an answer.

But isn't state's rights and decentralization of federal power what has been done in Somalia, Lebanon, Rwanda, Bosnia and Eastern Europe?

This is the sort of question asked by liberals who know nothing about economics. All of these countries have strong economies - in fact, the world has a stronger economy since these places were decentralized. Just look at the stock market, it just keeps going up.
