Agent XX23 Meets the CIA


It was not long after this website went up that I was contacted by members of the CIA. Of course, they didn't just walk up and inform me that they were members of the CIA, the CIA doesn't work that way.

But how did they even find out about me? Surely Yahoo couldn't be working for them, I thought at first. Then the possible shocking truth occurred to me, that Yahoo and Geocities offer free webpages as a way to root out people like me for the CIA and their goons. I thought however that I might be safe, for if it ever made it to court I could claim entrapment, but it'll never go that far. The CIA doesn't work on that side of the so called law.

I was in danger!

Worst of all, I'd never be able to prove to anyone what Yahoo is up to. Of course, Yahoo may be innocent to some degree. It's the bad seeds, the masons and CIA agents that have infiltrated Yahoo that are the real problems, but that's the problem with all large organizations, be it the catholic church, Mcdonalds, IBM or the women's liberation movement. They're all really great, at their core, but they are controlled, unknowingly by agents of evil.

But I have digressed too far.

The two CIA agents, who were not even people, yet alone solid, phased into this dimensions from where ever it is they come from and tried to persuade me to take down my website, or at the very least, make it look this this.

I refused, of course. It was absurd that I remove the truth so that they could continue their lies unabated. Someone must speak the truth!

The CIA were not phased, and decided to use stronger means of persuasion. I was beaten to inches within death, but still I refused to do as they wished. There was stronger principals at stake.

It was at that point that they showed me something more horrible than death and threatened to unleash it upon me unless I bend to their desires. I still refused, but my will had almost been broken.

Finally they offered me a way out. Instead of taking down my site, they would allow me to print the truth, only if I also embellish it with absurd non-truths. I could not refuse, especially since they were holding a gun to baby Jesus' head, and threatening to blow it off if I did not accept. My life may mean nothing, but baby Jesus has a more important role to play! He must live, no matter what the cost!

After my having accepted their demands, they then touched the side of their noses, winked and vanished up the chimney.

I thought I was done with them, but I wasn't. They had further plans for me. It was shortly after this that they started poisoning me slowly.

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Since August 2nd, 1999