Italy, 24/12/2003

According to OCSE unemployment is the worst problem in the European Union, but employers go on calling new immigrants, whereas millions of unemployeed (young and 40 to 60 years old) cannot find a job. A lot of lies about people who refuse unpleasant jobs, but that is not true: firms and employment services never offer a job. Maybe some of the immigrants (not all) accept lower wages, but the purpose could be that is an EU citizen can work atmost 15 year and an immigrant 15 years too, both of them will not reach the minimum of 20 years one need to get a retirement pension, a good spare, you see!
At last Bossi-Fini Law (number 189 20/07/2002) stated (art. 18) that when an Italian employer wants to call a worker from outside European Union, he must first tell Employment Services, who should make everyone know, all over the country, that there is a vacancy according to Bossi-Fini Law, and any unemployed from Italy or even the whole EU can ask for that job within 20 days. It is a good law, were true none wants unpleasant jobs, it would be right to call from outsite EU, but it that is not true, we had better to have our unemployed work while outsiders can ask their Governments (or make one more revolution, with best wishes another one can solve their problems at last). But Employment Services do not apply Bossi-Fini Law, nor they even consider job offers from other Italian Provinces, and, last but not least, when one join a Employment Service jobsearch database, one must list not more than six kinds of jobs he agrees to accept, so it is quite unlikely to get a job, if the search only refers to a very small territory and a 6 out of 10.000 or more kinds of job (I undestand one seldom has more than a university degree, but in the general list of jobs there are thousands of jobs that do not require any particular schooling, one can learn in 30 minutes, like pavement brushing or car park controlling).