The six charities that she chose to continue representing were Centrepoint, which benfits britian's homeless; The english National Ballet; The Leprosy Mission; The National AIDS trust; Great ormond. Street Children's hospital; and the Royal Marsden Cancer Hospital. What Diana gave to people was more than money: She gave herself Diana proved to the world that she was more than a mere figurehead in 1987, when she visited the AIDS ward at middlesex Hospital in in England. Without gloves or protection of any kind she held the
hand is a dying AIDS patient.diana said "Nothing gives me more happiness than to try to aid the most vulnerable of this society," " whoever is in distress,who calls me I will come running." Diana serously studied each cause she represented.She was a tireless worker and activly pusued contributions by her example.Diana was not reqired to meet or hug terminally ill people,but she wanted to.She often became emotionally involved with individual cases,and mourned those she lost as if they were her own family. The way people responed to diana's personal touches often astounded the princess. " I remember when i used to sit on hospital beds and hold people's hands; people used to be sort of shocked because they said they'd never seen this before and to me it was quite a normal thing to do." But diana wanted to help England as well.It was her wish to become a goodwill ambassador for Britian throughtout the world. In 1995, she said," I've been in a privileged position for fifteen years. I've got termendous knowledge about people and how to communicate.I've learnt that,I've got it and i want to use it." To her credit, and to Britian's loss,Diana was to have been named to that very position the same day she died, according to Prime Minister Tony Blair.
" I thought she was someone who was known the world over," Blair said his decison to appoint the popular princess," Hugely more than respected,simply loved by people." How true those words were.People from all over the world loved Diana.
She had become not only a princess,but queen of thier hearts.Diana became far more than a princess -She became a symbol of hope for people everywhere.
Her heart literally overflowed with love for humanity-she was a tireless in her work for charity.Diana,with a touch,an embrace,brought tears of joy to those whose lives were portaits of pain.Her legacy lives on; those whose lives she touched will be forever grateful.....
If you would like to make a donation in Princess diana's name here are the charities addresses: The Diana Princess Of Wales
Memorial Fund
Kensington Palace
London W8 4pu
United Kingdom
The British Red Cross Anti-Personal Land Mines Campaign No.9
Grosvenor Crescent London SW1X 7EJ United Kingdom
Centerepoint Soho Bewlay House 2 Swallo Place London W1R 7AA
United Kingdom
English National Ballet Markova House 39 Jay Mews London SW7 2EF
United Kingdom
The Leprosy Mission Goldhay Way Orton Goldhay Peterborough PE2
5GZ United Kingdom
National AIDS Trust Princess Diana Fund New City Colisters 188-196
Old Street London EC1V 9FR United Kingdom
Royal Marsden NHS Trust Fulham Road London SW3 6JJ United Kingdom
Great Ormond St Hospital For Children NHS Trust Great Ormond St
London WC1N 3JH United Kingdom
American Red Cross 17th and D Streets NW Washington,D.C.
20006 U.S.A.
© 1997
At One Time Diana sponsored 120 charities in all.Her worldwide patronage
extened from Britian,Canada and the United States,to New Zealand ,Australia, Russia and beyond.Her causes included AIDS,Blindness,Cancer,Deafness,
Drug Abuse,Leprosy,Lung disease,Meningitis and Parkinson's Disease. After her divorce however she cut her sponsorship to only six charities saying: "As I seek to reorganize my life,it will not be possible for me to provide you with the level of commitment that I belive you deserve."
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