Okay, welcome to the page leading to MY opinions. Please remember, these are only mine. Hopefully, you will take them, mix them with your own and leave these pages with opinions that are better, clearer, or even more confirmed (one way or the other). We all value our own views, I know I do mine. We all feel we are right and justified in them. Please take no personal offense at any of these - none is intended. Please e-mail me at imright@yahoo.com and give me the benefit of knowing your opinion, I may mix them with mine and make them even better.
For now, here is a good piece of my opinion, links to other ones are below.
June 19, 2000
Driving down the road today, a thought came to me.....a lot of the media and the way things are portrayed are
a matterof convenience.....let's just take a look at a few and I'll leave you to consider them....no further comment....
It's too difficult to decide when a fetus is human,
so it's more convenient to decide it isn't until 12 weeks and trash it
It's too difficult to decide religious talk is free speech,
so it's more convenient there's a 'separation of church and state' and ban it
It's too difficult to decide what's responsible for shootings,
so it's more convenient to blame the gun's and gun manufacturers
It's too difficult to decide that smokers (I'm one) make their own decisions,
so it's more convenient to blane the big tobacco companies
It's too difficult to decide where we come from,
so it's more convenient to put our faith in a theory (evolution) and ignore another (the Bible)
It's too difficult to expect people to make their own way,
so it's more convenient to just give it to them at the expense of those who do
It's too difficult to say 'hey, it's work for a couple of thousand years',
so it's more convenient to be 'politically correct'
It's too difficult to face history (sorry about the un-pc word) as the truth,
so it's more convenient to just re-write it
It's too difficult to take responsibility for our own actions.
so it's more convenient to sue the nearest major corporation for major bucks
It's too difficult to have a thick skin,
so it's more convenient to label everything as offensive
It's too difficult to say everyone in the US is American,
so it's more convenient to hyphenate our nationality
The list goes on, but you get the point.............................................................sad, ain't it?
It has finally gotten out of hand. This 'It's not my fault", "That hurts my feelings", "Oh, I'm offended" approach to what is right from wrong. We call the year 2000 the new millenium...it ain't. we say we have freedom of speech, we don't (ask John Rocker and thousands of people who have lost their jobs because they voiced their personal opinion)., We let the government take in excess of half of the average person's income and we say we don't want a tax cut, we do. We say discipline is bad for kids, it ain't...hey, kids are shooting people left and right, little late for discipline, wouldn't you say?
Today, Feb 2, 2000, there was a report on the news about a school board in Texas that eliminated the grade of D, retroactive to last year, and made all Ds Cs so that some football star could get his scholarship. What the hell is this???? The kid didn't make the grade, thats it, end of story. Do they really think he won't miserably flunk out of college? What is the message this sends to the rest of the kids in that district? "Don't worry, Johnny, we'll just change the rules so you can get that 200,000 dollar job". BUNK! (See "The Rules of Life" on my page, I've made my 11 year old read them and my 4 year old will when she's older).
This Sixties mentality (I am 43, I remember it well) should be put away and we need to get back to the basics in this country. You want it, work for it. Thats it in a nutshell. Play the game with the rest of us, don't screw up, don't take what isn't yours, earn it DAMN IT!!!!!! I remember when poverty meant that you barely had running water, your clothes came from the Salvation Army (by the way, I still remember my first really new pairs of shorts, ie: not handmedowns, there were 3 pairs, red, green, and blue) no car, no tv, not much of anything. Today, the average family in poverty has at least 1 tv, 1 vcr, cable, 1 car, and in some cases, a computer. This is POVERTY???? Hey, I understand that there are still people living in the mode of poverty that I remember, and I say help them. I don't mean give them the farm, I mean HELP them.
I get a kick out of the talking heads saying we need to "eliminate poverty". I've got news for you IT CANNOT BE DONE. Thats right, it is an impossibility. We keep changing the definition. I still think of poverty as not having ANYTHING. Everytime we have brought what was the impoverished near or to the level of being out of poverty, we up the level of what it takes to get out!! Mr. Clinton has now come up with a plan to 'bridge the digital divide'. This is the first step to decreeing that the lack of a computer puts you in the ranks of the impoverished. Hell, at todays pc prices, if someone can afford a vcr and cable they can sure as hell afford a pc and a free isp. My next door neighbor doesn't have a computer, they can surely afford one, their 11 year old son would love one, they just don't want or see the need for one. Maybe some of these lost souls on the wrong side of the 'digital divide' feel the same way. Maybe after Bill fixes the 'digital divide' the same thing will happen as did with most of the air conditiners Al provided in Texas a year or 2 ago. Remember? After the summer was over there was a glut of A/C s at Texas pawn shops. In today's economy, with todays prices, if people want a pc, they'll get one. A couple of years ago, there was a bum, er, homeless person, who had a webpage he ran from his laptop. If he could do it, why not anyone else? Hey! Maybe we should give these folks HDTV so they can watch their soaps with a crystal clear view!!
This Political Correctness crap has GOT TO STOP!!! Read 1984, the thought police are everywhere. New words for things are created everywhere. If I had a handicap and someone told me it was just a challenge, I would be PISSED!!! I would say, I'm BLIND, Not visually impaired, or I can't walk, I'm no challenged. Don't get me wrong, I know that those people who are afflicted with these problems can do anything they set their minds to, I just find that the new language dilutes the seriousness of the problem. It makes it easier for the rest of us to take, it shouldn't. These people need our support, encouragement, and compassion, not to lessen the impact of their problem by using words that don't impart the impact of their problem on their lives.
We live in a country today, where if you spill your coffee in your lap, you sue the person who sold it to you. If you go to someone's home and have a couple of drinks, get in your car, and get arrested, the person who gave you the drinks can get fined (not if it's a restaraunt though). If you smoke for 30 years and get cancer, you can sue the tobacco companies (by the way, I am a smoker). If you drive through a red light at 70 miles an hour and smash up and your car explodes, your family can sue the car manufacturer. The government keeps running criminals through the revolving door of justice and sues the manufacturers of guns instead of properly locking up those who are using them....and keeping them there. It's always someone else's fault and there is always money to gain.
When is this crap with the lawsuits going to stop? There is a lawsuit against toothbrush manufacturers because the bristles are too sharp. Hell, there is talk of a suit against McDonalds because of the fat in their foods. How about the liquor distillers? The auto manufacturers. The airlines? The dairy companies. Hell just about anyone is vulnerable, the labels on the side of cigarrettes didn't protect them, why should labels protect anyone else?
No one takes responsibility for their actions anymore. Rapists say the woman dressed in a way that she was asking for it. Hell, if I saw a woman walking down the street naked, I'd be taking off my shirt to cover her up, not to get ready. I was told by a policeman (er, person) that I needed to take my keys from my car as if it got stolen it would be my fault. He actually told me that a normally law-abiding, good kid, could be enticed to steal my car because the keys were there. Hell, if he was a law-abiding, good kid, stealing my car would never enter his mind, keys or no keys.
Mike Tyson rapes a woman, and bites part of man's ear off yet can't understand why the people in England don't like him. I wonder why people in the US still do!!! Bill Clinton has a sordid affair with a woman half his age, lies about it, sells secrets, commits perjury, and more that I don't have room for here, and he gets re-elected!! Sports Stars and Entertainment Celebrities get arrested for abuse, drug use, and other terrible crimes, and they get sentences that would make a slap on the wrist seem harsh.
In today's America, we can say anything we want about caucasians in general, men in particular, christians, republicans, conservatives, jews, and corporate executives...but if we say anything just about anyone else that is not glorifying them, we are in trouble. I am not saying that racism, sexism, or any other 'ism', is alright, but that our freedom of speech is GONE. It has evaporated nearly before our eyes. I cannot say that a particular black person is not doing their job, whether they are or not, that would not be good for my career (it has happened to me). I cannot say that I feel that hate crime legislation is wrong, I may offend someone. If I say that homosexuality is a choice, I'm dead meat.
We have near total nudity on free TV, we have the 's' word on free TV, we have people sleeping together on free TV, where does it stop. I am stating free TV as I think that if we pay for something we should know what we are getting. How do we tell our kids that the stuff they see on TV is bad? Hey, if they can do it on 90210, why can't I? Everyone lives together on TV, why should anyone get married before they have kids? Commitment? What's commitment?
We rewrite history to defile our founders and tradition. No, what they did was not right, in our time, but it was the was of the world in theirs, we have learned a lot, we cannot expect them to know what had not been learned yet.
Okay, I know a lot of you dropped you jaws on the millenium thing....here's how it works. There was no year Zero. it started a 1, so this is the 2000th year, the last one of the 2nd millenium. The Romans (upon who the calendar is based) had no zero. So, if this is the new millenium, there are only 49 states, and 25 letters in the alphabet, since we start counting at zero and all.
Hey, it's easier to fall in with the crowd, new millenium, living together, lose free speech, drop grade scales, raise the poverty level, excuse rape, excuse drug use, forget personal responsibility, sue your way to prosperity, change the language to feel better, drop morals so you can have fun guilt free, elect presidents that lie but say they have made you better off (even if you're not), don't earn the rewards that get them, history revisionism....it goes on....welcome to the year 2000....what will the new millenium bring......when it gets here?
My views on: The Klinton Scoundrel...Updated 9/13...Who could resist??? Affirmative Action...Not Ready Political Correctness IRS and taxes Current Events...Not Ready Next Presidential Elections...Not Ready Please email me at imright@GEOCITIES.COM