From lozano-antoni@CS.YALE.EDU Fri Jun 19 13:20:50 1992 Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:2425 news.groups:52906 soc.culture.europe:9953 soc.culture.spain:3595 soc.culture.french:12065 soc.culture.italian:3622 soc.culture.portuguese:1440 soc.culture.latin-america:9442 soc.culture.yugoslavia:10129 Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.italian,soc.culture.portuguese,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.yugoslavia Path: uunet!bounce-back From: lozano-antoni@CS.YALE.EDU (Antoni Lozano) Subject: RFD: soc.culture.catalan Message-ID: <> Followup-To: news.groups Sender: (David C Lawrence) Organization: Yale University Computer Science Dept., New Haven, CT 06520-2158 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1992 04:06:42 GMT Approved: Lines: 55 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION soc.culture.catalan We propose the creation of a newsgroup named soc.culture.catalan of status unmoderated to provide a forum for the discussion of issues relative to Catalan culture and language or to any aspect of the life in the Catalan-speaking territories. We think that there is currently no appropriate forum for this discussion, since the Catalan-speaking territories are in different states (Andorra, part of Spain and France, and the italian city of L'Alguer), and then no soc.culture.* newsgroup associated with these states or with their most representative cultures can be inclussive enough. Also, the fact that a great portion of the postings to the group soc.culture.spain in the last weeks speak about Catalonia and related topics indicates that it can be worth to create such a newsgroup. We propose no restrictions as to the languages used for postings in this newsgroup, although Catalan is expected most often. We shall be thankful for forwarding this file to other people who are interested in Catalan culture or language. -------------------- Proposem la creacio d'un "newsgroup" anomenat soc.culture.catalan d'status no moderat per disposar d'un forum de discussio d'assumptes relacionats amb la cultura i la llengua catalanes o amb qualsevol aspecte de la vida als territoris catalano-parlants. Creiem que no hi ha actualment cap forum que s'adigui a aquest tema, doncs els territoris de llengua catalana pertanyen a diferents estats (Andorra, part d'Espanya i Franc,a i la ciutat italiana de l'Alguer), i aleshores cap "newsgroup" soc.culture.* associat a aquests estats o a les seves cultures mes representatives pot esser prou inclussiu. El fet que una gran proporcio dels missatges al grup soc.culture.spain en les darreres setmanes parlin sobre Catalunya i temes relacionats indica que pot valdre la pena crear aquest grup. No proposem cap restriccio quant als idiomes utilitzats per col.laborar amb aquest "newsgroup", tot i que el catala s'espera mes sovint. Estarem agraits a tot qui envii aquest fitxer a altra gent interessada en la cultura o la llengua catalanes. ------------------- (this proposal has been written in representation of a long list of people; it would be hard to enumerate all of them) From Thu Sep 21 14:10:38 1995 Path: uunet!bounce-back From: Jordi Iparraguirre Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,bit.listserv.catala,soc.culture.misc,soc.culture.europe,soc.culture.spain,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.italian Subject: RFD: soc.culture.catalan Followup-To: news.groups Date: 21 Sep 1995 18:10:33 -0000 Organization: . Lines: 94 Sender: Approved: Message-ID: <43s9qp$36h@rodan.UU.NET> NNTP-Posting-Host: Archive-Name: soc.culture.catalan Xref: uunet news.announce.newgroups:7572 news.groups:168012 bit.listserv.catala:6115 soc.culture.misc:5751 soc.culture.europe:54562 soc.culture.spain:75994 soc.culture.french:87847 soc.culture.italian:75662 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) unmoderated group soc.culture.catalan This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) on the subject of creating an unmoderated Usenet Newsgroup, soc.culture.catalan RATIONALE: soc.culture.catalan There is already a well established mailing list for Catalan speakers and friends of the Catalan-spoking countries called . However, there has been an increasing number of people looking for information and discussions on the Catalan language and the countries in which it is spoken (i.e. Paisos Catalans) in the soc. hierarchy of the newsgroups. It would therefore be advantageous to create soc.culture.catalan in order to make discussions on those topics more accessible to the entire network community. In addition, the mailing list is getting around 35 messages/day (average during September 1995), so quite difficult to manage if you are getting it by email. We feel that the number of articles seems to justify the creation of this newsgroup. Some discussions related to Catalan issues are usually carried out in soc.culture.spain. However, there are a number of issues that are relevant to the Catalan-speaking countries that are not relevant to soc.culture.spain. The name, soc.culture.catalan, is proposed because other soc.culture.* newsgroups take the name on the languages and cultures and not on the country where thay are speaked (i.e. soc.culture.french soc.culture.welsh). The proposed newsgroup is intended to generally provide a medium for those interested to express, share, and exchange their views, ideas, and feelings about the Catalan language and culture. Possible discussion issues include aspects of Catalan-speaking countries: - culture, history, philosophy, ideology, geography; - societies, traditions, customs; - politics; - literature, poetry, art, folklore; - language, books; - science, technology; - local events, news, programs, economy; - communities abroad, problems, needs; and - *things* normally discussed in the "soc.culture" newsgroups. CHARTER: soc.culture.catalan An unmoderated newsgroup which would provide a world wide forum for the discussion of the culture and all other issues of interest to catalan-speakers worldwide and all those people with an interest in the Catalan countries (Paisos Catalans). To spread the knowledge, anywhere in internet, on the Catalan language, history and culture. To provide a new forum for the discussion of all issues about the Catalan Countries ("Paisos Catalans") i.e. all the territories that have any dialectal variant of Catalan as a native language. (around 10 milion speakers) END CHARTER. PROCEDURE: This message initiates a discussion period to consider the creation of a soc.culture.catalan newsgroup. Discussion will take place on news.groups. If discussions are made in other newsgroups, they should always be cross-posted to news.groups. * This is not a call for votes. Please do not attempt to vote now. A call for votes (CFV) will be issued approximately 4 weeks after this RFD. When the CFV is posted, there will be instructions on how to mail your votes to the independent vote-taker. DISTRIBUTION: This RFD is in accordance with the Guidelines for Newsgroups Creation, and has been cross-posted to the following relevant newsgroups: news.announce.newsgroups news.groups, bit.listserv.catala, soc.culture.misc, soc.culture.europe, soc.culture.spain, soc.culture.french, soc.culture.italian This RFD has already been presented to bit.listserv.catala and it summarizes the reaction of the people that sent their comments (12 people and 70 messages) since July. -- Sincerely; Jordi Iparraguirre