Es molt important saber com es fa una discusio a un grup de noticies, les coses que es poden dir, les que no es poden dir, i en fi, tenir una certa capacidad de 'enginyeria social'. Una font d'informacio molt util a l'hora de moderar un grup es tenir alguna referencia d'altres grups que han seguit el matiex cami que volem seguir, ja sigui exitosament o siguent un fracas total. I finalment, tambe hi ha una bona quantitat de material de referencia sobre com crear un grup, com donar el grup adequat, com plantejar la creacio, etc que han estat escrits per administradors de news. Es molt important prendre bona nota de lo que diu aquesta gent als materials de referencia, perque al cap i a la fi bona part de la gent que interve a la discusions sobre la creacio de grups a news.groups son ells mateixos.
¨ S.T.U.M.P. Robomoderator Program: Aquest es el programa que en principi s'emplearia per moderar SCC. Es l'unic robomoderador del que tinc noticia per UNIX. Hi ha un altre programa que es diu Automoderador i es per Windows 95 o Windows NT. No se com funciona aquest segon programa, pero els entesos m'han dit que lo millor es treballar directament amb l'STUMP
¨ News.groups: A survival Guide: Aquest fitxer es extremadament interesant. Aqui estan totes les normes sobre com s'ha de discutir una proposta de creacio d'un grup a news groups. He seleccionat algunes de les coses que poden ser especialment utils, i tambe ajudar a la redaccio d'una bona RFD per a soc.culture.catala:
6.3 Why do people care about our rationale? They want you to show global interest in the group. A good rationale gives the current Usenet traffic on the topic, traffic on existing mailing lists, and the results of any straw polls taken before the RFD. These numbers matter, because a subject may be wildly popular in the real world and irrelevant on the net, or vice versa. Current traffic establishes that a topic is popular on the net. But the real issue is interest rather than traffic, so the rationale can sometimes justify a newsgroup on other grounds. For example, the need to put important posts in a low-traffic environment justifies .announce groups. The point is that the rationale must somehow justify the group's creation in Usenet -- not real world -- terms, or the proposal is likely to draw objections and NO votes.
6.5 A moderated group's charter is only as good as the moderators who enforce it. Creating a moderated newsgroup takes an awful lot of faith. Moderators have complete power over their newsgroups, and the charter serves as an agreement about how they plan to use that power. Provided that the moderator volunteers are trustworthy -- and the great majority are -- the charter will have enormous influence on the group. Even small details in moderated charters are worth clarifying. In addition to trustworthiness, being a moderator requires a certain amount of technical savvy. news.groups readers are likely to evaluate this while reading the discussion and the RFD. Moderated newsgroup proposals are subject to a never-ending controversy about moderation itself. Charters with unusual restrictions will be subject to still more intense debate.
¨ Proposta
de moderacio a Soc.culture.nordic: Aqui podeu veure una proposta de
moderacio que no va passar. Per que? Moltissimes regles de funcionament
i moltes excepcions als mecanismes de moderacio.
¨ How
to write a good newsgroup proposal: Recomano llegir la part dedicada
a la "Rationale". No te desperdici.
¨ Guidelines for Usenet Group Creation
¨ Newsgroup Creation Companion
¨ Newsgroups list (updated daily)
¨ Usenet
Volunteer Votetakers: Es especialment interesant el questionari
per passar a una CFV.