Aqui esta la proposta de moderacio, i la nova RFD (Request for Discusion) pel SCC. La idea es tenir la darrera versio completa a la pagina i anar-la canviant poc a poc a mesura que arrivin noves sugerencies. A la versio on-line hi afegirem correccions a mesura que es vagin proposant, i se les incloura dins del texte indicant de qui es la idea i la part del texte que canviaria o el.liminaria. La idea es tenir una cosa semblant a aixo:
The rationale to moderate the group {Fulanito:
soc.culture.catalan} ... etc
Tambe posarem canvis puntual sugerits per varies personas en negretes.
moderated group soc.culture.catalan (moderates
existing group)
Newsgroup line: soc.culture.catalan Topics relevant or related to the Catalan people (Moderated)
This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the moderation of the existing world-wide Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.catalan. This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time. Procedural details are below.
RATIONALE: soc.culture.catalan
In recent times soc.culture.catalan (s.c.c.) has
been victim of a large number of threads that cover many soc.culture.*
and other groups crossposted by people who apparently are not very
interested in reading s.c.c. and that also show no inclination to modify
the groups they post to. Starting flame feasts in s.c.c. and then crossposting
them to other group (and vice versa) so they can last for weeks has been
extensively used in an attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of the group.
Like most groups, s.c.c. also has its share of
hit-and-run spam, make-money-fast, advertising and general junk posts.
While some regular readers of s.c.c. are able to filter out these posts
via killfiles or in their heads, people new to the group are discouraged
from proceeding further by the large number crossposted off-topic threads
and the constant crossposted flame-wars. Therefore, a consensus has been
reached that s.c.c. would benefit considerably from light robo-moderation.
It is proposed to change the existing newsgroup from unmoderated to moderated status, instead of creating a new newsgroup, as it is felt that the suggested software-based moderation will not affect legitimate messages posted to the newsgroup. This proposal summarizes the reaction of the people that sent their comments (over 30 people and close to 100 messages in the last few weeks).
In addition to filtering out excessively cross-posted articles, it is suggested that the robo-moderator be programmed to welcome first-time posters, and draw their attention to the group's FAQ. Full moderation was not desired since it would slow down conversation and many people did not feel comfortable with a bias that might be introduced by a human moderator even if the charter forbade moderation on content. Since the group will not be moderated on content, there was little perceived need for an unmoderated group being required as well as a moderated one.
The two measures that would be introduced to moderate the group would be:
1) Articles that are crossposted will be rejected. This would prevent the threads that are crossposted to multiple groups from disrupting s.c.c.
2) New posters will be encouraged to learn a little about the group before posting. This will be accomplished by sending to all first-time posters to the group a short welcome message summarizing the group's charter. This process isn't intended to discourage anyone from posting, instead it is to ensure that people who post to the group have at least taken sometime to scan the welcome message and hopefully the FAQ.
{ Alternative Rationale
by Artur:
The group provides a forum for discussion of all topics related to the Catalan people, i.e. people from all the territories that have a common Catalan heritage. In particular such things as: news, politics, culture, history, ideology, music, philosophy, sports, events , films, jobs, environmental issues, economics, food, literature, poetry, art, tourism, places to see, trade, education, communities abroad, etc.
The newsgroup is intended to generally provide a medium for those interested to express, share, and exchange their views, ideas, and feelings about the Catalan language and culture. Contributions and queries from people other than Catalans are also most welcome. Most posters currently use Catalan in this newsgroup, but articles in Spanish, Occitan, French, Italian or English would be perfectly acceptable.
The following are unwelcome because they do not positively contribute to discussion:
* Personal advertisements.
* Commercial advertisements and money-making
* Chain letters.
* Tests.
* Binaries.
* Repetitive Posts.
* Posts that have nothing to do with the discussion
topics outlined in this charter.
It should be stressed at the outset that posts to s.c.c. will not be moderated according to their content. No one will be denied the right to post to s.c.c. provided they follow the guidelines of the charter. No censorship, editing, or moderation will be done based on expressed opinions. There is no wish to avoid discussion of inflammatory subjects on s.c.c. There is no wish to have fewer or less political postings, on the contrary politics is very much on-topic in the proposed s.c.c.
The group is moderated by a robomoderation program under the supervision of the group's readership. All posts to s.c.c will be sent to the robomoderator. The moderation program will then automatically approve or reject the post according to predetermined rules and without human intervention. Approved posts will be, obviously, posted.
Submissions that fall into the following categories will be automatically rejected:
* Messages crossposted to other newsgroups. Non-spammed
multiple postings will not be actively discouraged.
* Messages containing an unreasonable amount
of quoted text.
* Tests.
* Binaries.
* Messages formatted for >78 columns.
Rejected posts will be handled as follows:
* The writer of the post will be notified via
e-mail that the post was rejected. The e-mail notification will contain
a brief explanation of the reasons that made the post not acceptable for
*A copy of the charter will be attached to the
rejected post. At most one copy of this information will be sent per week.
The moderation program will:
* Filter out crossposts. Articles approved by
the news.announce.newgroups moderator and crossposted to s.c.c. will be
automatically approved.
* Post moderation guidelines and policies weekly,
and also send them to every new participant in the group.
* Keep a list of posters. The existance of this
list does not preclude the use of non-functional e-mail addresses. Modified
address will be accepted normally for those users that want to keep their
right to privacy. The maintainer may also add or delete addresses from
this list if they request it.
* When a poster submits an article compliant
with to the posting rules, post it immediately
* When a poster not on the list submits an article,
e-mail the poster (if the poster has a valid e-mail return address) a welcome
message that summarizes this charter and gives a pointer to the FAQ and
other information.
* Notify all authors of rejected posts via e-mail.
The list of e-mail addresses is to be used only for feedback to users of s.c.c. and for verifying voters for group votes. It may not be sold, given away, or used as a mailing list. It starts empty, and is added to only as above. Each new poster shall be advised that their address has been listed and given the option of deleting. List entries may be aged out after a term determined by the space available on the moderating host, to be not less than one year.
The moderation program may also post summary information about the number of people in the database and other general information that may be of interest to the readership of the group. However in no case may individual entries be identified.
The robomoderator maintainer should preferably be a person with no personal interest in the newsgroup, and no bias towards any part of the readership. A second maintainer and backup robomoderator should be also readily available. The names of the first and second maintaner are not in the charter in the charter, so they can be readily replaceable.
Public control of the robomoderation process should be made possible by allowing anonymous ftp access to the robomoderator directories and logs of accepted and rejected articles.
The newsgroup may not alter it's moderation in order to accomplish goals not stated in the charter. Any action by the robomoderator maintainer is subject to group consent. Changes to the parameters for the robomoderator derived from the guidelines for post rejection can only be enacted by a local CFV in the newsgroup. Any other changes relevant to the moderation process such as replacement of maintainer(s) will be performed using this same procedure. Any person who is on the list of valid posters to the group may participate in the vote. One vote per person. Only votes received by email will be counted. Follow-ups in the newsgroup are not counted as e-mail votes.
Changes that constitute a restrictive modification of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the ‘Charter’ and paragraph 1 of the ‘Moderation policy’ are estrictly prohibited. When any change is proposed, a vote taker must be found and a voting period of three weeks established from a set date. The CFV must contain a clear, complete description of the issue to be decided and of what constitutes a valid ballot. It must be as easy to vote NO to any change as to vote YES. After a vote is over, a complete list of voter addresses and votes must be posted to the group by the vote taker, and a period of at least two weeks allowed for challenges and confirmations of votes. A change passes if at least 30 YES votes are received and at least 3/4 of the total votes are YES.
The moderator or any other poster can suggest a change in the charter, including the moderation criteria for the newsgroup in an article posted to the newsgroup soc.culture.catalan.
Any changes which have been approved in the group and which requires practical help from the moderator (e.g. to change a mod-bot), shall be coordinated between the person proposing the change and the main moderator as to how and when the changes will be done.
MODERATOR INFO: soc.culture.catalan
Moderator: [N/A]
Moderation Program Maintainer: [TBA]
Several people will be appointed by the group to maintain the moderation program. It is the Maintainer’s duty to ensure that the program is always running correctly, that the database is up-to-date, that votes are run in a fair and straight forward manner and that the program is in line with the group's current moderation policy.
The Maintainer will also ensure that the group is widely propagated, and will appoint the backup maintainer or temporary maintainer(s) if required. The Maintainers can be changed via a group-wide vote (see above).
Moderation program maintainer: TBA
Moderation program maintainer: TBA
Administrative contact address: TBA
This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the discussion warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this happens.
All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.
This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have any questions about the process.
This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups:
Proponents: < >
Mentors: < >