Recommended keywords to use: Kennedy + assassination/ Hospital

Dealey Plaza after the shots/ Scenes outside and inside Parkland Hospital/ Lt. Carl Day with Oswald's rifle/ Search of luggage at Dallas Love Field Airport/ Oswald after being shot/ Ruby being brought to his cell/ Photos of policemen and officials who testified at Ruby's trial and Judge Brown with LHO's mother/ Three photos of Oswald holding his rifle


Recommended keywords to use: Kennedy + assassination

The most interesting photo of this site is the color photo -I discovered in August 1999- taken by Art Rickerby of the Grassy Knoll approximately 15 seconds after the shots. Unfortunately -but not surprisingly- the original negative of the photograph is reported as being lost.

See also the messages I received from Rickerby's widow about this image of which she never knew the existence before I contacted her.


Recommended keywords to use: Kennedy + assassination

Bill Lovelady (sometimes mistakenly referred as LHO) in the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository/ Secret Service Agent with his rifle in the motorcade.


Arrest of LHO/ LHO on civiere/ Marina in a car after her testimony to the Warren Commission/ Dallas Police Homicide Bureau at the moment of the LHO interrogation/ Three Altgens photos taken in Dealey Plaza/ Moorman photo showing the Grassy Knoll/ Day holding LHO's rifle


Recommended keywords to use: Kennedy + assassination/ Garrison/ Dallas/ Assassination + Dallas

Motorcade/ Ruby being transferred to jail/ Unidentified man picking up evidence (?) from the grass on Elm Street/ Deputy Sheriff Eddie Walthers (or Sheriff Bill Decker) pointing at Buddy Walthers in an Allen photo/ Man entering sewer from Grassy Knoll in 1967/ Photo from inside the sewer on Grassy Knoll/ Three men wanted by Garrison/ Garrison's suspect Loran Hall in 1967

Other keywords can be used:

Kennedy/ Kennedy + 1963/ Kennedy + assassination/ Assassination/ Dallas/ Dallas + police/ Assassination + Dallas/ Ruby/ Jack + Ruby/ Oswald/ Garrison/ Marina + Oswald

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