Information Links:

I've assembled several web sites dedicated to help us in our fight against the discriminatory practices in our nation's courts.  I, personally, do not claim that any of these sites will help or not.  They are simply sites I have found and have posted as links for easy access, for you.  Not all of these sites have I completely read or used and offer no advice as to whether you should use them or not.  Browse and or use these sites at your own risk.

Not Anti-Mom, but Pro-Dad Groups and Articles

Home Page for Kids Rights

Alabama Family Rights Association

Good Dads Against Mothers Abusing the System

Violence by Women:

Dads Against Discrimination:  Fathers Supporting Fathers


United Campaign to Keep Both Parents After Divorce

Women for Fatherhood

Parent Alienation Syndrome

Shared Parenting Forum

Stepmom's Retreat

Father's Rights Action (magazine)

The Mytho of Deadbeat Dads and other Feminist Fables

Newspapers Across the State of Alabama

Ash (issues on smoking)

How I Obtained Physical Custody of my Son

Questions for/to Second Wives

Government & or Law Related Sites

 Find Your Representative

Alabama's Joint Custody

The World Wide Web Law Library

 Look Smart (Law etc.)

Child Custody and Divorce (free legal advice)

Library of Congress

US House of Representatives State of Alabama

Civil Rights Search Site