Welcome to the first publication of Wildcat. Please note that
organisations mentioned within this publication may not necessarily agree
with the manner or content presented (refer to disclaimer). We would also
like to remind our readers that the articles printed in Wildcat
are only the tip of the iceberg and are by no means exhaustive. The wildcat
collective is devoted to collecting and distributing information on alternate
views of world affairs and dsimissing the propaganda that news is often
gift wrapped in. Wildcat would greatly appreciate your contributions
in this area. If you are willing to help or trade your zine, please contact
Why you should not trust your
The real lessons that are learned at school.
What happened to Gary Hayes?
Yet another victim of our law and law enforcement agencies.
The symptoms and cure of this ghastly disease.
Millionaire Hanson's One Nation scam
An analysis of the true agenda of the One Nation party.
Corporate Criminals
The silent crimes of Ford, Elf Aquitane and CRA/RTZ.
Beverley Mine
Danger in our own backyard.
Religion and Government
An essay on how these forces work to oppress the masses
Weevils at Work by Wendy
A book review by dj.
Sanctions on Iraq
A report of the effects of sanctions on the Iraqi people.
This was written before the latest bombings on Iraq by the US.
Interview with a police officer
This time we do the interviewing
One million sins and Fashion Nation contributed
by dj.
A report on the struggle of the left against the military
forces. This was written before the recent elections.
Anarchist and other activist groups contacts (global).
The wildcat collective
do not take authorship responsibility for any
unsigned articles. The
wildcat collective do not necessarily agree with
all the sentiments expressed
in each article. If you as a reader have
any questions or comments
please contact us at the address provided.