All In Black

A Trendy of A Different Color

They tried to be different, but they failed.

In my previous essay, I attempted to define a people known as Trendy. While doing this, I got into the idea, and completely forgot about a whole other aspect of Trendiness: The Dark Side.

Fellow Thinkers, there is a disease among us, and that disease is Trendiness. It is always hungry, feeding on Thought, Free Will, and Independence. For a long time I thought that this disease had a weakness in that it only came in one form, but I was wrong. Something happened recently that opened my eyes and showed me that Trendiness comes in many shapes and sizes. Not only those in the Hilfiger pants and the FUBU shirt are trendy. There is another breed, a more vile breed, because deep down, it knows what it is, and even contains, in a few cases, the ability to think. This breed of Trendy contains a hate for it's counter-part, but this hate is hypocritical, because this breed is only different on the outside. Exchange the brand-name pants for black jeans. Exchange the brand-name shirt for one bearing a goth-rock or punk band logo. Exchange the Rolex watch for a band of leather adorned with spikes, and peirce this being in places un-mentionable. Here you have it, Fellow Thinkers, the Dark Side of Trendiness.

Perhaps these people started out thinking that they would be different. They began to search for their own ideas. In their search, however, they were side tracked. Perhaps they saw someone who had punched themselves full of holes, or a spiked wristband in a store window, but whatever the individual case, the results are all the same, and that, friends, is exactly what makes them Trendy.

I'll begin with the peircings. Hey, I saw a guy with an extra hole in his whatever. I think I'll go get the exact same thing done to me. Is there any logic in this line of thought? No, I didn't think so. Glad you're still with me. How many people have to do this thing before someone realizes that there is something wrong? What kind of idiot sees someone with a peircing, and then, instead of grimacing in horror, runs out to get one done? Is this the type of eprson who enjoys self-mutilation? The type that likes to be infected in intimate places on their bodies? The type that has no thought process whatsoever? In a way, yes. This is the Dark Trendy.

Next comes the jewelry. What kind of badass wannabe though it would be kewl to put a bunch of dull spikes through a strap of leather and actually wear it? It's not really a weapon, and it sure as hell isn't scary, so why try? It's the same way with the steel rings. I know they are supposedly so that sadists are ready anytime they want to get strapped down and beaten by their masters, but let's face it, sadists don't get any anyways. Who could be that in love with pain that seeing metal rings around someone's wrist would turn them on? The only use I can see for the rings is to tie the person wearing them to the back of a truck and send said Dark Trendy careening off into the land of road-rash.

Finally, the dark clothes. This is a touchy one, and just to let you know, I'm not attacking goths here. I'm only attacking Trendies in disguise. Those of you who this offends, either stop being trendy or start attacking someone who is, because it's getting tough to tell the difference between the two. The Dark Trendy is just like a normal Trendy, only instead of trying to copy everyone in the mainstream pop culture, they're trying to copy everyone in the mainstream goth culture. One would think that this type of behavior would be shunned, but even the real goths are having a hard time figuring out who is who. It's just hard to tell what is real when it all comes in the same package, and spouts all the same catchy phrases. Ask either a goth or a Dark Trendy why they are who they are, and they will both tell you 'To be different'. Yeah, different. Just like everyone else? How many thousands of people have to be dressed the exact same way before the masses give that type of person a name, such as Goth? Ten-Thousand? A Hundred-Thousand? A Million? Congratulations, you're trying to be different, just like these other million people, most of whom do a much better job than you. Wanna be different? Try sobering up and having an idea that sounds remotely original.

Yet again, I am only pointing out the hypocrisies we are all living with. I do not condone the slaughter of Dark Trendies, I only condone the slaughter of their idiocy (although this phenomenon is really funny to watch, when they do something especially idiotic). They need to be awakened by reality, they need to understand that they will make it nowhere without their own thoughts. They need to be, in short, not Trendy. Do not destroy them, educate them. Help them see that they are wrong, and have been for a long time, and set them on the path to their own selves. So, see them, understand them, know them, and until next time:

Think On!

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