Religious Freaks

Definition of a Freak

The Freaks in Religion

Religious Freaks are everywhere. The live in your town, on your block, possibly even in your home. Scary, huh? They do everything that normal people do, and you never know they are Religious Freaks until it's too late.

Religious Freaks are not simply people of one religion. They are of all religions, creeds, and beliefs. They may hold one or many gods on high, but they all have one thing in common: they love to tell us about their religion. There are many types of Religious Freak. There are those who simply speak to us of our beliefs versus theirs. This type is not so bad. They are usually meek and quiet, never screaming the virtues of their beliefs nor forcing them upon us. Yet there is another type of Religious Freak: the ones who do. They may start off nice and quiet, merely asking out of curiosity, but once they get worked up, there is no stopping them. They scream, yell, and holler abuse at us Individuals who do not follow their beliefs. They hate to think they could in any way be wrong, or that there are any flaws in their religion. They are unable to see past the writings of their so called "God", and read it's stories into every aspect of normal life.

The worst part about these people is that they will not relent to simple refusal. They attack our way of life. They believe that we cannot be living in harmony simply because we do not live like them. Some religions actually call upon their subjects to go out into the world and preach their beliefs to those of us not willing to listen. This in itself is not so bad. Jehovah's Witnesses do this sort of thing, but most of them are very passive about it. Yet, now and again, there is one who will not let up. Should a Jehovah's Witness knock on your door, ask some questions, and take a simple "no" for an answer, you are not really offended in any way. Yet should this person continue to talk regardless of your answer, or even go so far as to put his foot in your door, they have crossed a very thick line between a Religious Person and a Religious Freak. These are the people to watch out for. Slam the door in their face, scream abuse at them, chant neo-latin spells at them, or merely spray them with the garden hose.

Another group containing many Freaks is the Born Again Christian Movement. They seem to get a kick out of attacking you in parking lots, grocery stores, or even your own driveway. These people cannot be politely refused. They simply ramble on about the virtues of following "The Lord". These types of people come in all religions, not just Born Again Christians. I only use them as an example because they are the group I have been most assaulted by. Perhaps for you it is the Roman Catholics, The Sons of Odin, or even the Christian Coalition. I do not seek to pick on any specific group (that would be racism, no matter how you cut it), I merely wish to pick on those within those groups who would force their beliefs down our throats.

As an Individual, you must always make choices for yourself. Think through any decisions to be made. Handle any situation in the way you deem proper. Never let others think for you, for that will make take away your Individuality, which is the only thing one can really fight for. Ponder for yourself the way things really are. Question everything. And above all else:

Think On!

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