Assessing the Performance of the Executive Director

By Lancelot

I believe assessing the performance of the Executive Director is one of the most important roles of the Board, one that should be carefully considered. In spite of its best intentions, many Boards struggle with this subject.

I believe that assessment of any Executive Director must take into consideration the following points:

The key to effective evaluation of the Director by the Board is to consider the Director as one of your greatest areas of investment.

Has this investment paid off for the agency?

Have there been significant improvements?

Has the future of the agency been enhanced?

Has the agency become conditioned to deal with emerging challenges?

Is it a better place to work?

Does the Director inspire confidence and hope?

In my humble opinion, the Board should ask these questions. You will note that I have not used the word "morale". That is because it is hard to define and even harder to measure. However, some will feel this intangible is the key.

Therefore, let me offer my definition of the term in a manner in which you may choose to apply it to the evaluation process. I believe "morale" can be defined as "confidence in the direction and leadership of the agency, as well as hope for continued improvement".

I hope these comments will assist your Board in establishing a written and consistent policy toward evaluation of the Executive Director.


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